Putting down the phone, Ling Qianyu stood at the window, frowning.

She was really annoying these few days, although Gu Xiaoxiao's child was gone, which made her happy for a while. However, there are frequent anti-drug operations across the country, and she has already lost a large part of the goods, resulting in no goods to ship. A few clients' money had already been paid, but she was delayed in delivering the goods and was urged several times.

One drug manufacturing den in Chengdu was destroyed, and several other places did not dare to act rashly. This time the intensity of the police action was very strong, it was the highest in the past few years, so Ling Qianyu had to avoid the limelight first and dared not do anything.

The goods were tight, and the calls to urge them were one after another. Finally, Ling Qianyu turned off the phone, annoyingly, and threw the phone aside.

The door was knocked, Ling Qianyu let in people outside with a cold voice.

Shen Zhiyang walked behind Ling Qianyu, glanced at the empty wine bottle on the table, and opened his mouth.

"Do you want me to go out for a walk?" he softly suggested.

"No." Ling Qianyu refused without thinking.

She understood what he meant, but she couldn't. Right now, there are not many reliable people around her. At this dangerous time, if Shen Zhiyang had any problems, it would really be completely messed up.

"How much do we have now?"

"It will be all out within a week. I just received a call from Guangzhou. They have shipped a batch of goods overnight, but they don't know how to ship it."


Ling Qianyu tried hard to think about the people who could be used there, and then eliminated them one by one.

"Let me go." Shen Zhiyang suggested again, "The situation is urgent now, and other people can't believe it. I will leave tonight and promise to get the goods this week."

Ling Qianyu slowly turned around to look at him, hesitant to speak.

"Zhi Yang..."

"I'll be careful, don't worry."

Ling Qianyu looked down and thought for a while, and then told: "Take the country road, if something happens, remember to protect yourself first."


Shen Zhiyang nodded, then turned and walked out of Ling Qianyu's room to prepare.

After he left, Ling Qianyu sighed.

The logistics channel has been completely scrapped. Is there any other way to hide and get the goods back?

She thought hard for a long time, and finally thought of a way.

Go out quickly to find Shen Zhiyang and tell him that he doesn't need to go there himself. Then, Ling Qianyu told him what he thought of, and asked him to arrange someone there and bring things over.

"Okay, I'll do it now." Shen Zhiyang smiled and went out. Ling Qianyu breathed a sigh of relief, but didn't know if this method would work. If possible, then in the past few months, there is no need to worry about shipping issues...

Bai Ziluo has been monitoring Shen Zhiyang recently, so he is also more certain that this Shen Zhiyang is really not an ordinary difficult one to deal with.

No matter what Shen Zhiyang does, he is very cautious. Even when he was in contact with drug dealers, he would not use cell phone mail and so on.

Public telephones, although they are rare now, still exist.

Every time, Shen Zhiyang would drive far away, even for a few hours, to go out of the city to a small county nearby, and use the public phone to contact the other party, so as to prevent his phone from being located and tapped.

He has strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities. If Bai Ziluo hadn't been tracking him, he would have been spotted by an ordinary policeman.

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