Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 474: Careless women, attraction is fatal

After being kissed, Gu Xiaoxiao's body became weaker and weaker.

"No." Gu Xiaoxiao said softly, stopping Chu Yichen's irregular hand. "Go back to the bedroom."

"it is good."

Returning to the long-lost room, the clothes on Gu Xiaoxiao were almost torn off by Chu Yichen.


Gu Xiaoxiao groaned unconsciously when the sensitive area came over by his lips and tongue, but he hadn't forgotten about taking a bath.

"Bath, take a bath." Gasping reminded Chu Yichen, Gu Xiaoxiao pushed him weakly.

"Wait later."

A deep voice rang in Gu Xiaoxiao's ears, and the heat made her itchy. Under the dim light, Gu Xiaoxiao watched Chu Yichen take off her clothes, biting her lower lip, looking at him greedyly.

She was so cooperative today that she was so cooperative that Chu Yichen lost control.

At three o'clock in the morning, Gu Xiaoxiao was lying limply in Chu Yichen's arms, and didn't even have the strength to get up.

After being hugged by Chu Yichen and going to the bathroom, the two of them lie down on the bed honestly and hug each other to sleep.

The next day was Monday, and the two of them dropped out without exception. At ten o'clock in the morning, Chu Yichen and Gu Xiaoxiao appeared at the company calmly and went back to their respective offices.

"I said Chu Yichen, since you got married, the working hours are getting more and more inaccurate." Xu Ming came to give him something and teased him by the way.

"A person without a girlfriend will not understand the life of a wife." Without looking up, Chu Yichen read the documents in his hand while not forgetting to sarcastic Xu Ming.

Xu Ming took a deep breath and opened his mouth, but couldn't think of any words to strike back.

"Good good, I don't understand."

Turning around with a wry smile, Xu Ming continued to work and live his own single dog life.

Chu Yichen is a double harvest of love and work, and it's unreasonable to nourish every day. Gu Xiaoxiao has recovered well recently, so she can see a little smile on Chu Yichen's face.

Gu Xiaoxiao sat in the office, first dealt with the work on her hands, then went to the small conference room for a meeting, and then went to Haoyuan Technology.

Wang Kai personally received her, and took Gu Xiaoxiao to the R&D room to check the progress of the work there. The two studied the plans for the next few months.

"By the way, Mr. Wang, do you know what happened to the German GA company recently? Jin Feng has an order in hand, and the time should be almost up."

"This... I really haven't heard of it. I'll check back and give you news."

"Okay, then I will wait for President Wang to call."

Jin Feng made Chu Yichen a lot of money in the stock market, and he had to get it back from other places.

Jin Jing ran abroad to relax. She didn't tell anyone where she was going. Whether Lin Churui or Jin Feng, no one knew her move.

Lin Churui didn't care about it with the Jin family because he received a call from Ling Qianyu. In other words, he felt at ease when he couldn't see Jin Jing.

In fact, Jin Jing is not ugly, it can be said that she is a recognized beauty-level figure in everyone's eyes. But Lin Churui had no interest in her. If it hadn't been for Ling Qianyu's words, he would definitely not agree to marry a woman like Jin Jing.

Thinking of Ling Qianyu, Lin Churui's vision was a little obsessed and a little painful.

Ling Qianyu is a careless woman. But such a woman's attraction to people is also fatal.

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