Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 636: Believe it or not, I’ll show you on a hunger strike? !

Chu Xiaoxi quickly hung up the phone, turned to look at An Chenglang, and threatened: "Send me back to the company, now, immediately, and now."

"Otherwise?" An Chenglang frowned.

"Hunger strike." Chu Xiaoxi lightly opened her lips, and said coldly: "Should you give it away?"

An Chenglang smiled helplessly and nodded. "It's a bit cold outside. Go upstairs to get a dress and let's go."

Chu Xiaoxi snorted coldly and passed in front of him satisfied. The tactic of hunger strikes and skips meals is now very useful in front of An Chenglang, and she will use it more in the future.

An Chenglang didn't know what happened, but from Chu Xiaoxi's expression, he could guess that it must be a good thing.

The two drove to Fengyang Group, and Chu Xiaoxi trot all the way to Gu Xiaoxiao's office.

"My dear!" Opening the door abruptly, Chu Xiaoxi smiled awkwardly when he saw Gu Xiaoxiao talking to the minister of a certain department and stepped out. "You talk first, I'll come back later."

Waiting patiently at the door, Chu Xiaoxi really admired Gu Xiaoxiao. At this time, he could still work at ease. Amazing, really amazing!

After waiting a few minutes, the people in the house walked out. After saying hello to her, he left quickly.

Pushing the door again and walking in, Chu Xiaoxi cast a wink at Gu Xiaoxiao, and rushed to hug her.

"Tell me, what's the situation!"

"I just went to a hospital and checked by the way..." Gu Xiaoxiao was held by her and dangled, making her head dizzy. "Today I ate with Mo'er and Bai Ziluo at noon and threw up."

"Great baby." Chu Xiaoxi was really happy holding her. "I'm going to be a sister-in-law, I'm so happy."

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at her and couldn't bear to hit her. Looking at her, she seems to have completely forgotten that there is another one in her stomach...

Chu Xiaoxi finally left the house, but Lai stayed in Gu Xiaoxiao's office and refused to leave. When An Chenglang came to look for her, she kept rubbing against Gu Xiaoxiao, not wanting to leave.

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at the people around him, then at An Chenglang at the door, and hooked his finger at him.

"The door is closed, come and talk."

Gu Xiaoxiao looked like An Chenglang wanted to negotiate with An Chenglang, and An Chenglang definitely wanted her to do so.

"When are you going to marry our Xiaoxi?" Gu Xiaoxiao said, making Chu Xiaoxi frown.

"Gu Xiaoxiao, are you helping him or me?" She stared unpleasantly, but the two didn't seem to want to pay attention to her at all.

"Take her back to Guangzhou in a few days." An Chenglang replied happily.

"Xiao Xi hasn't come home for a long time to show her face, don't you plan to let her go back?" Gu Xiaoxiao's arm was a little bit painful by Chu Xiaoxi pinched, she had no choice but to say again: "She is pregnant now, I don't think You a big man, what decent things can you do to help her up. And... I'm also pregnant. Don't you think it is the best choice for us to be together now?"

"You two are together?" An Chenglang smiled meaningfully. "The two face each other, you spit me and I spit you, is it really okay?"

Chu Xiaoxi had a severe morning sickness recently, and An Chenglang also saw how Gu Xiaoxiao was pregnant last time. An Chenglang found it interesting when he thought of the two people vomiting together.

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