Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 908: Take you and sister to see your mother, OK?

"Dad, Dad, Dad."

Chu Muran raised his head, looked at Chu Yichen with bright eyes, called his father many times, and laughed Chu Yichen.

Reaching out to touch her delicate and soft hair, Chu Yichen asked softly: "What does Yanran want to do?"


As he spoke, his little mouth pursed slightly, and a warm kiss fell on Chu Yichen's face.

Holding Chu Yichen's neck and holding on, Chu Muran flattered him, completely sticking to him. After playing for a while, he fell asleep on his shoulders without any signs.

Chu Yichen gently hugged her back to the room, then looked at Chu Muqian who was following her buttocks, knelt down and whispered, "Aren't you sleepy?"

Chu Muqian shook his head, blinking and watching him not speak.

"You have to sleep if you are not sleepy. It's already this time. Look at my sister, I'm asleep."

"But Dad doesn't sleep!" Chu Muqian retorted confidently.

"Then Dad will sleep with you?" Chu Yichen suggested with a smile. Mu Qian tilted his head and looked at him, feeling a little strange.

Today's dad seems to be very talkative...

Without waiting for Chu Muqian's answer, Chu Yichen picked him up, looked around the house, walked to the big Totoro's sofa bed and lay down.

With his arm pillowed, Chu Muqian closed his eyes obediently. But after a while, he opened it again.

To meet Chu Yichen's sight, he opened his mouth cautiously. "Dad, I miss mom."

"Dad missed her too." Chu Yichen replied in a low voice, poking her index finger lightly on her son's cheek: "Daddy is going out tomorrow. After we come back, I will take you and my sister to see her, okay?"

Chu Muqian's eyes widened instantly.

To see mom?

Really can?

The first time he heard such words, even his small mouth opened wide, and he couldn't believe his ears at all. Because every time I said I missed my mother, my father would let them wait, wait until my mother had time, and then come back to see them. But this time...

"Can I see my mother?"

"of course can."


Unable to lie down at all, Chu Muqian got up and looked at Chu Yichen urgently and nervously. After serious thought, he asked again.

"Will my mother like me? I'm obedient, but she didn't see it."

"Of course mother will like it, she likes you and sister the most."

Seeing the child's anxiety, Chu Yichen felt quite uncomfortable.

In recent years, he has been working hard to take care of them. But no matter how hard you try, a big man will never work.

Chu Yichen didn't know if all the children were like this. He kept his mouth shut. As long as there was something, it was his mother.

Smiled and called mother, cried and called mother.

Because Gu Xiaoxiao is not here, the whole family is very fond of these two little guys. It can even be said that it is connivance. Chu Yichen had never thought before that he would spoil children like this one day. But the thought that they don't have a mother makes him feel soft.

After all, it is his own child, after all... it is still reluctant.

The two little things that have grown up under the love of the whole family are very temperamental. Especially Chu Muqian, who simply lost his temper without saying a word, made Chu Yichen very distressed.

I have played and trained, but it's useless. He likes to throw things when he is angry, and he doesn't know who is used to the stinks.

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