"What's wrong?" Chu Yichen opened the shoe cabinet and found slippers for her. Seeing her look confused, asked worriedly.

"It feels a bit weird." Gu Xiaoxiao looked at him, bit the corner of her lip, and changed her shoes into the house.

I don't know why, compared to the villa I went to yesterday, Gu Xiaoxiao always feels more comfortable here.

"I can live here during this period, right?" Looking around the house, Gu Xiaoxiao glanced at Chu Yichen and reminded: "I live by myself, not with you."

"You can live as long as you want." Chu Yichen took off his clothes and threw them on the sofa, walked straight to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and took a look.

The refrigerator is full of ingredients and some snacks that Gu Xiaoxiao likes to eat. Satisfied and closed the refrigerator door, Chu Yichen turned around to see her.

"You have a good rest here today. I will come back early in the afternoon to take you around the neighborhood and go to your school for a walk tomorrow."

"Did I graduate? What major did I study?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked a little concerned.

"The scumbag is still thinking about graduation? You think too much." Chu Yichen snorted, walked toward the sofa, sat on it, and joked.

"How could I be a scumbag? Don't lie to me." Gu Xiaoxiao quickly followed and sat down beside him, tilting his head to look at him and said seriously. "I studied very well when I was young!"

"Many people who studied well when they were young have gone, and there are not a few people who have not been admitted to college when they are grown up." Chu Yichen teased her deliberately, and finally Gu Xiaoxiao was a little panicked, and then slowly stood up.

He was half talking, making Gu Xiaoxiao very itchy. Seeing him getting up, Gu Xiaoxiao thought he was going to go back to the company to go to work. Unexpectedly, he suddenly pulled himself up, causing her to lose her footing and plunge into his arms.

"I like you to hug you best."

Leaning in Gu Xiaoxiao's ear, Chu Yichen whispered. When Gu Xiaoxiao raised her hand to push him away, she bit her earlobe, sucking/sucking and biting.

"Chu Yichen...!"

Gu Xiaoxiao struggled hurriedly, but in the end, instead of succeeding, he was picked up instead.

Striding towards the inside of the room, without going upstairs, he entered the guest bedroom directly. Chu Yichen put Gu Xiaoxiao on the bed impatiently and pressed it up. With a hint of urgency, kissed her delicate red lips.

She has come back.

Although it has been a while since I saw her, but today, this feeling once again strongly impacted Chu Yichen's heart, making him ecstatic.

Many people came to ask who was the woman the reporter photographed.

Many people wonder if he has found a woman who looks similar to her because he missed her so much in the past few years.


Gu Xiaoxiao didn't know why he suddenly seemed to lose control, her lips and teeth entangled, and she was not breathing well. He had already unfastened the buttons on his body, and even the underwear was torn apart.

Gu Xiaoxiao's body trembled with fright as her tender skin was exposed in the air.

He buried her in front of her chest, stirring her sensitive nerves. Gu Xiaoxiao was limp and weak, and even the blame was more like a moan.

"Chu Yichen! You promised me that you wouldn't do anything to me!"

Gu Xiaoxiao's accusing voice was filled with a hint of crying, and Chu Yichen heard it in her ears and felt pain in her heart.

"When did I say such a thing?" When she raised her head to meet her gaze, Chu Yichen shook his head gently, denying it.

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