Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 986: I want my mother to be my wife!


Chu Muqian nodded vigorously, not robbing his sister. He has always been like this, no matter how much he likes, as long as his sister likes it, he will let her. No matter how unhappy I am, even if I cry, I still give it. But for others, it's completely different.

He and An Jingyan get together, no matter where they go, they are both small overlords. Every time they went back to Nanjing, they both inevitably had to fight with others. Sometimes the two of them would even fight, but within two days, it would be like nothing happened, and they would have fun together.

"Mom, why don't you live with us and dad?"

Sitting in the bathtub, Chu Muran frowned and looked at Gu Xiaoxiao very puzzled and asked.

"Little aunt, little uncle, and a brother, they all live together, and I want to be with my mother, too."

When asked by the child, she was speechless, and Gu Xiaoxiao didn't know how to answer her question.

"Mom still has some work not done in Japan. After finishing the work, she will often accompany you and brother."

"Really? Then can I sleep with my mother every day?" Chu Muran looked at her happily and asked, seeing Gu Xiaoxiao nodding his head, he was very happy.

After bathing the two children, Gu Xiaoxiao really wanted to ask Chu Yichen how he, a big man, would buy these cute things.

The two little guys were naked in bathrobes, the bathrobes were yellow, and they were wearing hats. After putting on their hats, they became two Bikachus alive, and the cute Gu Xiaoxiao was completely speechless.

Chu Muqian climbed to Gu Xiaoxiao's side, threw into her arms and started acting like a baby. Pouting his little mouth and kissing Gu Xiaoxiao, he pleased and asked, "Is Mom hungry?"

"Mum is not hungry, how about you? Are you hungry?"

Shaking his head, Chu Muqian went to see Chu Muran. After Chu Muran also shook her head, she hugged Gu Xiaoxiao's neck again, and her little mouth followed her face in a random kiss.

"It's okay, what time is this, you should go back to your room to sleep."

Chu Yichen stood beside him, being left out by the three. After finally getting through the time when the two children usually sleep, he hurriedly ordered.

"I want to sleep with my mother! Mom promised us and will accompany us! Dad is not allowed to grab it!"

Chu Muqian unceremoniously dominated Gu Xiaoxiao, and shouted at Chu Yichen unhappy.

"Your mother is my wife, so it's not me who is robbing you, but you are robbing me, understand?"

"I don't understand! Then I want my mother to be my wife!" Chu Muqian refused to leave her side while holding Gu Xiaoxiao.

This bastard, even if he had a bad temper, he still dared to grab someone with him now, this Chu Yichen couldn't bear it.

"What are you doing?" Gu Xiaoxiao watched him move forward to hug Mu Qian, and quickly stopped him. "I will coax them to sleep first. If you have anything to do, I will talk later."

In Gu Xiaoxiao's heart, Chu Yichen is far behind the two children. Whether he wants it or not, he can't change this.

Patience continued to wait, almost an hour passed before the two little ancestors finally fell asleep.

Chu Yichen went over and carefully took them away. When returning to the room, Gu Xiaoxiao was watching TV.

Walking to the bed, Chu Yichen reached out and touched her hair. She was still a little wet, so she took a hairdryer and wanted to blow her hair.

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