"It's alright." Shi Jin smiled.

Fu Xiuyuan looked her up and down to make sure she was really okay, and then said:

"Well, let's go home."

The word "home" is always so warm, even if Fu Xiuyuan said it in a tone like this, it was still warm.

Yao Jiahong sent a message, sorry for not covering the orchid in the vlog he edited.

"It's not your fault. It's like this in the entertainment industry. Every move will be magnified. You are an agent, you should understand better than me."

Her atmosphere and frankness made Yao Jiahong feel ashamed.

It's not that Yao Jiahong doesn't understand that the more popular people are, the more bloody and bloody it will be. Shi Jin is like this because she has already reached a higher level and is still going up.

The way up will be hard and difficult, but it is also full of vigor.

When Shi Jin returned to the inflorescence of the Orchid Pavilion, there were thunderstorms in the sky, and for a moment, pouring rain poured down from the sky.

She stood under the eaves of the back yard, looking peaceful and calm.

Fu Xiuyuan came over and draped a coat over her shoulders.

She tilted her head to look at him: "It's raining. Fortunately, before this, the orchids have been properly placed. According to this amount of rain, they will be washed away with no flowers and leaves."

The smile on her face was content and peaceful, which made Fu Xiuyuan smile.


Wu Pengfei didn't calculate Shi Jin, and felt unwilling in his heart.

Is planning to use some other way.

His agent rushed out and said, "No, Pengfei, your one-year-old child has been photographed!"

Wu Pengfei has a lot of romantic debts. He had children before, but he only needs to spend money to support him, and it doesn't matter if he has one more child.

This one-year-old child was born to him and a wireless female star.

This female star is somewhat famous, but not very famous. She has had well-known roles, and she is obedient to him. After having a child, he will spend money to support the mother and son.

Being photographed now is no less than a huge blow to Wu Pengfei, who has always been single.

"How could it be photographed? Didn't I tell that Li Mengmeng to stop working and focus on raising the child? Now that the reporter has any evidence, it will be public relations right away!"

"The reporter got the child's birth certificate and birth certificate." The agent said tremblingly.

It has the co-signatures of Wu Pengfei and Li Mengmeng.

Wu Pengfei uttered a foul language.

The broker hurriedly rushed to public relations.

But the effect was already very bad, and the reporter didn't know what was going on, so he and Li Mengmeng released the only two videos of him and Li Mengmeng taking their children out of the street.

Wu Pengfei was hammered to death and had to publicly admit the child's incident on Weibo.

"Sorry, I have a child. I didn't explain it to you before because I didn't want to occupy social public resources. Now I tell you that the child is very good. Although he came suddenly at that time, I still felt the joy of being a father, so I left a child. But because I haven't married the child's mother, I haven't announced this for the time being..."

He eloquently found a ghostwriter to write thousands of words, and his attitude was very sincere, which made people feel very sincere.

In addition, he is indeed thirty years old, and it is normal to have children at this age.

Therefore, although there are still some criticisms, scolding him for setting up a single person, taking the single bonus, and cheating fans, many people still think that it is understandable that it is pitiful enough for an artist to sacrifice his private life, and there is nothing wrong with protecting children.

After some operations, Wu Pengfei not only was not hammered to death, but instead established the image of a good father.

This character design, which is still very popular in the entertainment circle, made him quickly re-attract a wave of fans and further consolidated the previous fans.

However, the good times didn't last long. In just two days, he was revealed to have another child, a different woman.

This time, Thor's Hammer came very quickly, without any warning, without any process, just a video and a birth certificate, which exposed the matter of his two-year-old daughter.

Wu Pengfei was shocked!

Broker shocked!

Because after the first incident, they were very careful and tried their best to hide everything.

In the past few years, he has also been well hidden, and no news has ever come out. He thought that he would never be exposed.

How could it be expected that it would explode again and again!

Wu Pengfei has a total of three children, born to three different women, and they all live in peace.

If the public can accept that he has a child with a woman, admit one frankly, and show his good father image, then no one can accept that he has another child with another woman in a short period of time.

His image collapsed so quickly that nothing was left.

He kept defending his fans, and began to doubt himself and his life.

Before he could react, the third child and the third woman also stood up. This one was not a reporter's explosion, but a self-destruction.

She originally thought that apart from herself, there were only Li Mengmeng and her first child. She was willing to accept that what she fell in love with was not a complete man, and what she received was not a complete man's love.

But she never imagined that what she got was only one-third!

In the case of extreme anger, she chose to blow herself up!

The public was in an uproar.

What a good father image, what is responsible, what is magnanimous, all are a joke.

Wu Pengfei's character set collapsed completely, and even the most loyal fans who were still on the sidelines quickly left.

The support club will directly send a message to remove the fans and close the support club.

In the office, he hugged his head and huddled in the corner.

There are reporters everywhere.

On the Internet, there is a lot of scolding.

The drama he filmed to be broadcast cannot be broadcast at present, and the producer has sent him a lawyer's letter, asking him to compensate for huge losses.

Several advertisers terminated their contracts one after another.

It is conceivable that his next career will be extremely bleak.

Several women are still calling him constantly, asking for child support and a name.

The agent pushed in the door and said, "Pengfei, your phone number."

"I don't answer, I don't answer, how many times I said I didn't answer the phone!" He was about to die of a headache from those women!

There are other women who, although they have no children, are also looking for him to explain!

"It was your father who called."


"I heard that something happened to your family and is being investigated by the tax department..."

"What?" Wu Pengfei finally stood up and strode out.

The Wu family collapsed as fast as Wu Pengfei, and once it collapsed, the decline was unstoppable.

At first, there were still people eating him and his family's melons on Weibo. Soon, the fast-changing entertainment industry was replaced by other things.

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