Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1010: Be good, look forward, keep walking, do n’t look back

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!


An An immediately sat up from the bed, and her mother went to Qiu Shan to find Lu Yan?

Where is Lu Yan doing business? Qiushan is quite dangerous.

Really nonsense.

"Mom, listen to me, Lu Yan and I are very good, you now, immediately, come back to me immediately ..."

Before An An's words were finished, Huo Yanmei on the other side screamed, and then a "beep" busy tone came.

Huo Yanmei lost her voice there.

An An called again, and there was a cold and mechanical female voice at the end --- Sorry, the call you made is not in the service area.

What happened to mom?

An An's face was so pale that she got out of bed quickly and left the hotel.


An An stopped a taxi on the road. "Master, go to Qiushan, quickly."

The driver in front of the driver clicked on the radio and said, "Little girl, what are you going to do in Qiushan? I heard that the tornado will land in Qiushan at 2: 1 this afternoon. The weather station has issued a yellow warning. "

An An's mind was tight, and a tornado is coming?

It was a tornado.

An An looked at the time, now it was twelve, and there were two hours left.

She took out her cell phone and made a call.

Soon, a hasty voice came from that end, "Hey, An'an."

"Brother, it's not good, Mom is in trouble!" An An grabbed her phone.

The end was silent for two seconds. "I am on a business trip abroad and I have no time to rush back. I will call Fu Qinglun for him to deal with it. Evacuate immediately. "

Gu Mohan's deep voice revealed a calm power.

An An nodded. "Well, I see."

With her eyes red, "Brother, I will bring Mom out. Mom is really hateful in her life. She has hurt many people, including those we love. Maybe many people are complaining about her and cursing her, but she Give us life, a mother's identity can never offset her former sin, but for you and me, she is always a mother, selfish, narrow, tired, ridiculous ... all of her love to us . "

"She has nothing now. I think the only comfort in her life is only our children. How can we leave her? She didn't leave us when life was the hardest. Now, my mother is old. Now. "

Yeah, mom is old.

Mother is really dim and old day after day.

She used to make a mistake, just like the ruthless knife of years, wantonly destroying her face, how many days and nights, the pain of the heart like a knife swelled in her soul.

Mom is such a hateful and poor person.

Gu Mohan on the other side remained silent for a few seconds, and then he hooked his lips, his voice soft and tender, "An'an, you are really grown up."

An'an has learned to love others. Those who love oneself love themselves and love one another. This is the most indestructible force in the world. One day, An'an ushered in his own growth.


An An rushed to Qiu Shan, and at this moment a tall and straight figure ushered in front, Fu Qinglun had already arrived.

"Fu Shao." An An stepped forward.

"An'an, I've sent someone to search the mountain and found your mother's cell phone. She drove it, but the car turned upside down, and your mother rolled it with someone else."

Fu Qinglun took An An to the past, and there were obvious signs of wheel slip and roll over on a hillside.

An'an stood looking down, the forest below was boundless, like an abyss mouth swallowed up by darkness.

An An turned pale, and she looked down at Yu Jie for a moment.

Time is running out, two tornadoes are coming.

"I have sent someone to search below for an hour, but there is no news, An An, look at the weather." Fu Qinglun looked up at the sky.

An An also slowly raised her head. The scorching sun has been covered by dark clouds. The cold winds of late autumn struck her, making her hands and feet cold.

Her legs trembled, and her entire body seemed to be drowning in the cold water, which was breathless.

At this moment a low magnetic voice came from his ear, "An'an."

An An froze and turned quickly.

Several jeep cars drove over with a swish of dust, raising dust all the way up the winding and steep mountain road, arrogant and domineering.

The front bullet-proof Jeep stopped, the rear door opened, a tall, strong body jumped out of it, black military boots fell to the ground, and then Lu Yan's handsome, stern face was exposed.

"An'an, why are you here?" Lu Yan pulled out his long legs and stepped forward, reaching out and holding her little hand.

The next second, his heroic sword eyebrows frowned, and his voice was unpleasant, "Why is my hand so cold?"

He rubbed her two small hands firmly in the palm of his palm-rubbing it twice, but rubbing her little hands with this rubbing, mother, this skin is tender and the same as tofu, you can't touch it hard Already.

Lu Yan felt troublesome and directly put her two small hands into his arms. Li Si brought a military coat, and his general coat was put on her delicate body.

"Let's go, what's wrong, and disobedience?"

An An suddenly felt that he was surrounded by a warm ocean, and his hands and body were all warm.

His thick chest, calm aura, even the slight frown expression made her feel secure.

An An's white eyes became red and her eyes were wet and looked at him, "Ayan, my mother fell down."

Lu Yanying's eyebrows moved, then came forward, and the black army boots stepped on the loose soil near the cliff, and the loose soil fell, and he glanced down with his hands on his hips.

Fu Qinglun stepped forward and handed the tablet to Lu Yan, "Head of Lu, this is the range we have searched, but no one was found."

Lu Yan looked down, and his slender fingers clicked a range. "Find it here?"

Fu Qinglun's eyes brightened.

"Fu Shao, let your people come up. The tornado has begun to land. You all retreat. I'll go down."

Lu Yan said he went looking for it.

An An Yu Jie trembled, and the whole person became rigid.

"Director Lu, the tornado is about to land. If you go down alone, it is very dangerous." Fu Qinglun said.

Lu Yan glanced at Fu Qinglun and slowly lipped his lips. "You have no experience in searching people in the mountains. The tornado is here. I can't take care of you. Don't stay in my way. I will go down."

"Ayan." An An called.

Lu Yan glanced and looked at her, "You retreat with them."

"I do not."

Lu Yan pulled his legs and walked over. Two big palms gripped her fragrant shoulders, and turned her slowly and forcefully. He leaned down slightly, and her thin, thin lips were pressed against her white earlobe, low. Laughter, "Good, look forward, keep walking, don't look back."

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