Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1017: end

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

When tears were about to fall, An An quickly raised her head and looked through a window in front of her to the far sky.

Tears flowed back.

She doesn't cry.

She won't cry until A Yan doesn't return.

She will be strong.

An An has a good appetite. After eating a full bowl of rice and another bowl of pork rib soup, she has eaten a bowl of rice every meal since she was pregnant. She wants to raise herself and her baby in vain.

At night, she slept in bed.

Sleeping stupid, a familiar, low and gentle voice came from his ear, he was calling, "An'an."

An An slowly opened her eyes. She stood on a green lawn, ten miles in the spring breeze, and the flowers were fragrant.


That man is still calling.

An An raised her eyes, and in front of her stood a tall, strong body, which was Lu Yan.

Ah Yan.

She's Ayan.

Lu Yan hooked his lips and smiled at her. He slowly opened his arms, his voice soft and tender, "Come here, I hug."

He said, come here, I hug.

An An lifted her feet and walked towards him step by step. She stared blankly at his handsome, cold face. "Ayan, are you ...?"

Lu Yan nodded, "It's me."

"Ayan, are you ... home?"

"Well, I'm home."

An An's eyes were red, her feet widened, and she rushed straight into his broad arms.

But the next second, Lu Yan turned into a plume of smoke and disappeared.

He is gone.

he's gone.

An An froze in place, she looked for him everywhere, the flowers quickly withered, the morning light was replaced by dark clouds, and her world was darkened.

Can't find Ayan.

Can't find it.

An An suddenly woke up.


An An woke up, but she didn't open her eyes.

The voice of morning training had been heard outside, and now it was five in the morning, and she woke up from her dream.

In this half-month, 16 days and nights, she was waiting every day, waiting for the first glance when she opened her eyes in the morning, he stood in front of her.

However, she was disappointed in her expectations every day.

Disappointed and disappointed, this morning, she was afraid to open her eyes, she was afraid of hopelessness.

The choking suffocation pain spread throughout her body, leaving her breathless.

She held out her little hand in trembling, and touched, touching the position beside her bed.

Empty, frozen.

No, he still didn't return.

The slender feather-like wing of the butterfly cicada began to tremble, and the fine white teeth bit the lower lip tightly, until the red lips bit out a bloodstain, the sadness flowed into a river, and large teardrops fell from the corner of the eye .

16 days.

She persisted for 16 days.

In the early morning of 16 days, she fell.

16 days has been like a long life.

I'm sorry, Yan.

She said she would be strong, she said that she would not cry, but no one saw it here, the hot tears were completely out of control, and she cried for a moment.

Ayan, where have you been?

Ah Yan, will you come back soon?

Ah Yan, I miss your hug.

The heartache may die in the next second.

An An stretched out two slim arms and hugged her weak incense shoulder. She leaned to her side and cried out in whisper and despair.


In the bathroom, An An stood by the washstand and looked at herself in the mirror. She had already cried red eyes.

At this moment, the knock of the door rang, and Li Si's voice came out of the door, "An'an."

Brother Li arrived so early?

An An had a bad hunch in her heart, and she quickly went to open the door. "Brother Li, what happened?"

"An'an, a male corpse immersed in seawater was found in a small county."

An An was completely deadlocked.


after an hour.

The jeep stopped outside the police station in the small county seat, and An An walked into the autopsy room.

"This is the body we recovered from the river this morning. It should have been dead for half a month. Now you come to recognize it." Comrade Police said.

Half a month.

Time is right.

Li Si and scissors looked at the corpse covered with white cloth, looking tall and strong, very similar.

It really looks alike.

An An came to the body, and the staff reached out to lift the white cloth. An An suddenly said, "Don't watch, he's not."

"An'an," Li Si said in a low voice. "We can understand your mood, but at least we have to look down, just in case ..."

"What if?" An An turned to look at Li Si, and those pale eyes twinkled with an aggressive cold light.

Li Siyi lags.

Seeing this, the staff member quickly said, "We have collected the DNA of the deceased, and you can take it back for comparison."

Li Si reached out to pick it up.

The next second, a "snap", An An reached out and dropped the portfolio to the ground.

"Bitch!" The tears in the scissors' eyes burst out.

Li Si's eyes were also flushed.

"I'm sorry." An An immediately raised her hand and apologized, she felt dizzy.

"An'an, are you okay?"

"It's okay. I'm not emotional. This is not him. If you don't believe me, take the DNA and compare it."

After speaking, An An lifted her foot and left, "I'll go out and breathe, don't follow me."


An An left the police station. She walked aimlessly on the street. It wasn't Lu Yan. She didn't have to look to know.

Li Si, they don't believe it's okay.

At this time she felt the lower abdomen swelled and felt a little pain, her baby.

An An's slap-like face was as white as a piece of paper. Today she wore a floral long dress with a light yellow cardigan outside. The whole person was gentle and watery, but her condition was very bad and the baby started Oh no.

Her eyes were black and she was going to faint.

"Ah, little girl, are you okay?" The two aunts supported An An in time.

An An calmed down, and the dizziness soon disappeared, but she was afraid to leave. "I'm fine, thank you."

An An sat on a bench at a bus stop, waiting for Li Si to wait for them.

The two aunts were sure that An'an was okay, so they turned away, and the two talked while walking ---

"I heard that your old man saved a person half a month ago."

"Yes, half an month ago, my old man was nervous. The tornado had just passed, and he went up the hill to pick matsutake, and it was flooded everywhere, but you know what my old man saw. Below is a few feet of ocean. There was a man stuck in the stone gap above, and the turbulent tide hit him, and the man didn't fall down and got stuck! "

"I'm obedient. This man's life is really hard. If he rushes into the sea, he will die."

"That is, that man was really lucky. He was rescued and covered with injuries. We all thought that he probably wouldn't be able to survive, but he got out of bed in half a month. It was a miracle."

"Where is that person now?"

"There!" Aunt reached for a finger, and across the road, a bus whistled past, revealing a cold, hard-faced face.

Lu Yan!

The sea boat, he returned from afar!

(Iwanan, finish!)

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