Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1037: My children are twins

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

"Mrs. Chief, we're going into the delivery room. There can be a family member in the delivery room. Do you want the head or mother?" The director of the obstetrics and gynecology department asked with a smile.

Lu Yan lowered his waist and hugged An An directly. A little nurse said, "Head, put your wife on this single bed, let's push the delivery room."

"No, I just need to hug it in." Lu Yan stretched his long legs and hugged An'an directly to the delivery room.

The twins of An'an had a very big belly. During pregnancy, they were well nourished and well taken care of, so she was 30 pounds.

Before 90 pounds had not arrived, now it is 120 pounds.

But Lu Yan hugged her without any effort. The man's sturdy arms held her firmly, her husband burst into strength.

The head of the adult hugs his wife directly into the delivery room, but the little nurse who is not yet married is blushing.

How happy.

"An'an," Huo Yanmei stepped forward at this time, "Mom will accompany you into the delivery room."

An An looked at Lu Yan's handsome, stubborn face. He asked for leave, and was here to accompany his wife and children.

But the army was busy. He was in the office before her contraction, so she was in uniform.

The sleeves of the military uniform were now pulled a few times, and the gold badge on Ying's shoulders shone brightly.

An An blushed and whispered, "Mom, I want A Yan to go in and accompany me."

Huo Yanmei knew that the young couple had good feelings and could not be separated, but after all Huo Yanmei was a person who came here and knew much more, she whispered, "An'an, this is a good birth. If Lu Yan goes in to accompany you and watch your production, I am afraid it will affect it in the future. The quality of your married life. "

Many natural birth mothers will face such a problem. After all, men can see the scene of giving birth naked. Although this scene is extremely great, it is the birth and birth of a new life, but it is still bloody.

An An trembled, a slender feather like a cicada's wing, what else?

However, she wanted A Yan to accompany him.

"Mom, let me in. You wait here."

Lu Yan lifted his thin lips, lost a word, and then went to the delivery room holding An An.

The Chief Minister has spoken, and everyone can only take orders and wait outside.


An'an's contractions were getting more and more serious. The director of obstetrics and gynecology checked it. "Ma'am, the mouth of the palace has been opened with nine fingers. Hold on, and you will soon be born."

An An was so painful that she couldn't even speak.

"It hurts?"

Lu Yan lowered her waist, her broad palm covering her bangs with her forehead wet, combed her back, and wiped her with a small face.

He was calm, strong, and strong, with him, full of security.

"Ayan ..." She called him.

"what happened?"

An An reached out his small hand and hugged his neck.

Lu Yan bowed her head, and sent her ear to her lips.

An An whispered, sorry to let any third person hear, "After a while, you are not allowed to look under me."

After all, she was worried that it would affect the future life of husband and wife.

Lu Yanying's sword eyebrows picked, "It's not like I haven't seen it."

An Anqi is going to hit him.

Lu Yan looked at her exquisite cheeks and looked angry and shy, so she drew thin lips. "Don't listen to your mother saying, I think you look more and more beautiful, and wait for the confinement to pack you up Keep you safe. "


This man!

The doctor and nurse looked at the picture of the two people hugging each other. An An's two white tender hands were hung around the neck of a tall and healthy man. It was really envious.

"Ma'am, the amniotic fluid has broken, all fingers open, fast, take a deep breath, listen to my instructions, one, two, three, we exert ourselves," the doctor cried loudly.

Lu Yan quickly held An'an's soft, boneless hand, "Don't be afraid, you and my child are with me."

"Well!" An An began to force.

An An was young and well-bred. Ten minutes later, a loud cry cried through the delivery room.

The director of obstetrics and gynecology carried a baby out. "Head, come out, come out, one, yo, this is a big, fat son."

Is a son.

Lu Yan stretched out his palm to pick up his son, who was six pounds and ninety-two. After crying, he opened his eyes with big eyes.

Lu Yan's handsome and stern features are soft, and it is incredible that this is his blood.

He stretched out his rough fingers and teased his son's face, "What are you looking at, call it dad!"

The director of obstetrics and gynecology and the little nurses laughed. "Head, the baby will not be called father now."

Lu Yan turned around and sent his son to An'an. "Sister-in-law, look, you gave me a son."

An An was soaking wet, she lay in bed and looked at her son. It was great, there was a little little rock.

Xiao Xiaoyan's father is the head. Oh, this head's father can take Xiao Xiaoyan to shoot an arrow from a young age.

At this time, An An began contractions again. "Mrs. Chief, another one is coming out and continue to work hard."

The other one was born very quickly. After five minutes, a soft cry like a sheep sounded, and the director of obstetrics and gynecology was pleasantly surprised. The fetus was a good word, it was too strong. "

Finally completed the task, An An fell back to bed with no energy, great, and a little Xiao An.

Xiao Xiaoyan and Xiao Xiaoan were actually dragon and phoenix.

Well, the sir is really not so good at seeding.

Lu Yan placed his son next to An An and hugged Xiao Xiao An. At this moment, the gorgeous morning light had plated his golden color through the window. At this moment, he had children and children.

Life is so complete.

Lu Yan hugged her daughter beside An An, and then leaned down and kissed An An's forehead. He was scarlet and red, and his voice was dumb. "Wife, you are really good, give me a long face!"

An An raised her red lips and showed a tired and happy smile.

God is not thin to them, and now their children are twinned.


The dragon and phoenix were carried out and placed on two baby carriages. Tang Moer and Lin Shizhen stared at the two babies. I was really envious. One child and one child, how did An An give birth and was so good?

Huo Yanmei also looked at the two little babies. Her eyes were getting wet and she became a grandmother.

At this moment, two footsteps sounded in the corridor. Tang Mo'er looked up and quickly said, "Dad, mom, why are you here?"

Here comes Lu Jinwen and Lin Xuanyu.

Lu Yan was accompanying An An and saw Lu Jinwen, he quickly got up and shouted respectfully, "Uncle Jin."

Lu Jinwen came over. He wore a black shirt and black trousers. He was deeply restrained. He hadn't seen it for half a year. He still hadn't left any marks on his handsome handsome face. I patted Lu Yan's shoulder. "A Yan, congratulations, now your children are twins and you are a father."

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