Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1044: Good daughter

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Okay, let her go.

See you in half a year.


Gu Gulin went to the kindergarten. Lin Xuanyu picked it up after school in the afternoon.

"Grandma, I want to eat candy gourd, I see all the other children eat it." Xiao Gu Yelin looked at Lin Xuanxi pitifully.

Lin Xuanyu touched the small head of the small milk bag and said with affection, "Okay, grandma will take you to buy."

Two people came to the city center in a luxury car, and Lin Xuanyu bought a bunch of sugar gourds for Gu Gulin.

"Grandma, sweetness is so sweet, you can taste it too."

Lin Xuanyu squatted down and tasted, "Well, really sweet."

At this moment, when Xiao Gulin looked up, she saw a familiar figure across the road. He cried, "Grandma, look at it, it's grandpa."

Lin Xuan looked up, she saw Lu Jinwen.

Lu Jinwen just came out of a business office building opposite. Today he was wearing a gray shirt and black trousers, tall and straight. He was going down the stairs. The two strong long legs were strong and strong, walking with wind, the charm of mature men. Charm, deep and cold, a touch of radon field.

The housekeeper Ye followed respectfully behind Lu Jinwen.

"Grandma, look at it. Grandpa has a beautiful aunt beside her. Who is that aunt?" Xiao Gu Yelin asked puzzledly.

Lin Xuanyu also saw Lu Jinwen's side followed by a young and beautiful woman.

It's Wang Yanran.

Wang Yanran wore a long pink dress and was tall and beautiful. She walked beside Lu Jinwen and didn't know what she said to Lu Jinwen.

Lu Jinwen had no expression on his handsomely carved face, and was very indifferent.

Ye Butler opened the rear door, Lu Jinwen and Wang Yanran got in the car one after the other, and the luxury car galloped away.

Lu Jinwen drove away with a woman.

"Grandma, grandpa didn't go home last night. Was he with this beautiful aunt?" Xiao Gu Yelin unhappyly pursed her mouth.

Lin Xuanchi looked back, her face was faint, "Niu Niu, you don't understand the things of adults."

"Grandma, I know, that pretty aunt likes grandpa, she's hooking up-citing grandpa!" Xiao Gu Yelin exclaimed.


"Grandma, I have it! Last time, there was a beautiful aunt who wanted to hook up-lead my daddy, I heard it outside the door, my mum just fell over my daddy, and also said that my daddy would be next Can't get the bed, grandma, let's go home quickly, I'll help you with your grandpa, and you can't let the grandpa get out of bed the next day! "


Gosh, how did Mo Er and Mo Han become parents? This kind of boudoir secrets are not taboo at all. This is to teach bad cows.

Lin Xuanyan frowned. No, she asked Moer to talk about it.

She lifted her eyes and looked in the direction where the luxury car disappeared. Did he ... find a woman outside?

A few days ago, she refused him in bed. He would still take care of her body, but he would not come for a kiss or ask for any physical contact. Last night, he did not return.

After marrying for so long, he didn't go home for the first time.


In a luxury car.

Wang Yanran glanced at Lu Jinwen secretly, the man leaned lazily in the back of the chair, two proud long legs were elegantly and expensively superimposed together, and a document was placed on his knee, and he looked down.

The golden sunset in the afternoon was seen through the bright car window. His handsome features were carved like a knife, just like a collector's edition of Lafite red wine. The older the age, the more mellow.

Wang Yanran quickly moved over, put her plump chest on the man's arm, and deliberately froze, she said softly, "Mr. Lu, don't look at the file, let's talk about it."

Lu Jinwen looked up from the file, looked at Wang Yanran, looked down, and looked at her deliberately chest.

"What do you take? Sit away and don't let me lose my appetite."


Wang Yanran's face turned white, and he was humiliated.

She sat angrily, "Mr. Lu, do you love your wife so much?"

Wang Yanran is unbelievable. Fifty-year-old men are actually the easiest to get off track. The career family has reached a harmonious state. Some hidden dark factors such as physiological desires cannot be satisfied, and they start to stir.

Lu Jinwen moved his gaze to the file again, and a cold curve was drawn on his cold lips. "I don't love her, can you get in my car?"


It's really impossible to talk on this day.

Wang Yanran lifted her long legs. Her pink long skirt was split. With such a tilt, her two white long legs were exposed to the thigh roots, and the spring was infinite.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at Lu Jinwen with a charming charm. "Mr. Lu, no matter how good your wife is, you are no longer young. A plump peach is placed in front of you. Don't you mind?"

Lu Jinwen glanced at her white flower thighs, without any thought, she felt ... quite irritating.

He closed the document in his hand and threw it to Wang Yanran, "Look, if there is nothing wrong, sign it. I need to perform a heart swap operation as soon as possible."

Wang Yanran stunned her completely, the man ignored her at all.

However, in exchange for such compensation for her mother's heart, it is an individual's heart.

Anyway, my mother's breast cancer is going to die.

Wang Yanran's eyes flashed with ambition and greed, but she looked at the man and was really moved.

"Mr. Lu, if I say I don't need anything, I want you. You gave me me, and I promised to have my heart changed."

Lu Jinwen's deep phoenix eyes fell on Wang Yanran's face and slowly smiled, "Don't make a joke, this joke is not funny at all."

"I'm not kidding ..."

"Don't make up my mind, I can be your father at my age." Lu Jinwen raised an eyebrow, a little bit wicked.

Wang Yanran's charming hair burst out, "Daddy."

She has just returned from studying abroad, and attracting men is very good at it. Men like to play this way, especially men of this age.

Lu Jinwen didn't show any emotion, he just whispered, "Stop."

"Yes, sir."

The luxury car stopped slowly.

Lu Jinwen then looked at Wang Yanran. His cold lips were stained with radians. "Good daughter, remember to sign the signature. I have little patience to play with you. In fact, you don't have to sign it. My heart, Digging will also dug out. "

Wang Yanran was stiff and pale, his words numb her scalp.

She looked at him. Although he was smiling, he couldn't reach the bottom of his eyes, and he looked at her with a calm and serene gaze, inexplicable horror and horror.

A more civilized approach is to let her sign. Of course, if someone forces him to be rude, he can only go straight.

He wants that heart, and no one can stop it.

Meet God to kill God, meet demon to kill demon.

Wang Yanran didn't dare to say anything, went straight down the luxury car, and fled.

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