Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1060: you are mine

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Lin Xuan's slender Yu Jie kept blinking, he ... what did he say?

He doesn't like elder sister, does he like her?

Lu Jinwen looked at her at the moment. Her delicate skin was full of collagen, just like a newly blooming rose. He tickled her thin lips. "Why, is there any award?"

What did you gain?

Acceptance speech?

This long worker really dare to say anything.

Lin Xuan grunted her red lips, "Brother-in-law, you are deliberately touching me."


Lin Xuanyin looked aside, she felt that she had become an outsider. She liked her a second ago, but now she is no longer in love with her younger sister.

"Ahu, you think about it, do you really dislike me?" Lin Xuanyin asked aggrieved.

Lu Jinwen glanced at Lin Xuanyin, "Are you deaf?"

After all, he dragged Lin Xuanzhang and left.

Lin Xuanyin froze in place, and the whole person was shivering with his simple three-word "You are deaf" anger.


Outside the temple, the Lin's car was parked outside.

Lu Jinwen opened the co-pilot's door, stuffed Lin Xuanyu, fastened her seat belt with a low waist, he returned to the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator, and the luxury car galloped away.

In the car, Lin Xuan looked at Lu Jinwen with suspicion all around him. Today he is so strange.

After being picked up by his sister, the long-term worker was silent and didn't hear him say a word.

But now he seems to have changed, becoming cold, cold, and mad.

Lu Jinwen glanced sideways, and saw that the girl's pure and bright eyes fell on him. He hooked his lips, "I'm hooked on me? It's okay, you can watch slowly later, I'm yours anyway."


After a brief silence, Lin Xuanyu said, "Brother, don't make trouble, I don't like yours."

She doesn't like him?

The smile on Lu Jinwen's mouth remained the same, but those deep phoenix eyes were already half-squinted, cold and dangerous, "Who do you like? Jun Mosheng who was standing behind the roller blind?"

The second son of the monarch family, Mo Sheng, is full of Yecheng. Lin Xuanxi also knows how many girls' dreams of spring are in her house.

But in the temple she met Jun Mosheng for the first time.

"Jun Mosheng is indeed rumored, his face is crowned with jade. The point is, seeing him, I seem to be unable to control my own pace, and I always want to walk towards him. This feeling is unclear, but it is very subtle ..." Lin Xuan Ling bit her watery red lips like a girl.

Can't control his own pace, want to go to Jun Mosheng?

Like this?

Lu Jinwen overflowed with a low laugh from his throat, his handsome eyebrows were filled with a dark, sharp edge, and the big palm on the steering wheel suddenly turned, and the luxury car changed lanes urgently.


Lin Xuanyu exclaimed, the delicate body fell down to him because of inertia, and fell on his strong thigh.


Her little face was buried in a place that made her breathless.

She twisted twice, trying to get up, but her hair hung on his pants chain.

Why is it so bad?

"His, it hurts, brother-in-law, how did you drive? Help me get my hair out quickly." Lin Xuanxi frowned.

Lu Jinwen looked at her with handsome eyelids, her eyebrows raised slightly, and her low voice was dumb. "I'm driving, I have no hands to do it, your hair is stuck on my pants chain. You can pull my pants chain apart first. "

Lin Xuanyu's mother died when she was born, and there is almost no education about men and women.

Suspicious of fraud, she raised her tiny white hand and pulled his pants chain.

Lu Jinwen felt that the foal in his throat seemed to be rolling over. This little thing was too easy to cheat.

Lin Xuanzhang opened his pants chain, and then fiddled with her long hair, but soon she realized that something was wrong, "brother, do you secretly hide any weapon?"

Lu Jinwen's deep eyes were stained with a hint of red, and his voice was dumb. He lowly coaxed, "This is a particularly powerful weapon that can make you cry for mercy, do you want to see?"

"Cheat, how can there be such a powerful weapon? I'll take a look." She slowly reached out her small hand.

The bottom of Lu Jinwen's eyes quickly jumped out two faint red flames, and the temperature of the entire compartment increased by dozens of degrees.

He waits.

But Lin Xuanyu pulled it hard and tore her hair off. She left his strong thigh and sat back.

Ying Liang's eyes stared at the man waterily, Lin Xuan smiled, "Stupid, you who believe you? I don't know what weapons you have."

Looking at her playful and bright eyes, and her red lips like peaches, Lu Jinwen's ears, the blood was boiling, clamoring, kissing, and kissing her fiercely.

Don't let her breathe, don't let her talk, let her belong to you!

But Lu Jinwen's handsome complexion was calm. It could be said that the waves were not frightened. He looked at her with a very gentle smile. "I only say something once, you are mine, so stay away from Jun Mosheng and dare to provoke me I wo n’t spare you two. "

After speaking, he turned his face away and drove without squinting.

The two big palms pressed on the steering wheel, speeding up, slowing down, turning, this series of movements flowed.

He had a sense of vision that drove hundreds of thousands of cars out of thousands of Marriott cars.

Lin Xuanchi was a little surprised, he didn't know if he was deterred by his phrase "you are mine" or the aura of his body.

Now the brilliant sunlight is plated golden on his body through the bright windows. The 25-year-old man is in full bloom, and the perfect lines are almost exciting.

Everyone likes beautiful things, and Lin Xuanyu is no exception. She quickly moved her eyes, her face flushed slightly, and **** it, how could she think that this man was just like a wicked man.

She had to admit that he was the most beautiful person she had ever seen.

Today, he is very different. In fact, his aura is still very restrained, but deep and powerful, like a powerful killer, the emperor aura that has been precipitated by the years.

This aura is not something an 18-year-old girl can parry.

She muttered in her heart that she was not his!


The car stopped outside the Lin's villa, and Lin Xuanyu ran upstairs.

She took out her cell phone and made a call to her best girlfriend.

"Hey, Yanmei, I want to ask you one thing. What powerful weapons can be hidden in men's pants?"

Lin Xuan still thinks something wrong after thinking about it. This brother-in-law has become so terrible. Is it because he has a weapon on him?

Soon, Huo Yanmei's voice passed from that end, "Oh my God, Xuan Xun, what are you talking about, isn't it ... in the man's pants?"


Lin Xuan's face with a big slap burst into red, she knew!



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