Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1077: Meet unexpectedly

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Imperial University.

In the class, Lin Xuanzhang sat in her seat, holding a pencil in her tiny white hand, and was drawing jewelry designs.

A group of boys gathered outside. The boys crowded at the window, peeping at Lin Xuanyu.

With this enrollment, Lin Xuanzhang became the school flower of X University.

--- Wow, Lin Xuanyuan is really beautiful.

--- Do you want to pursue Lin Xuanyu, stop dreaming, every day many boys send her love letters and flowers and chocolates, and she refuses all.

--- Let's look at her twice more. Such a beauty will live a long life every day.

Lin Xuanyu was sitting next to the window. In the setting sun, the gorgeous golden was plated through the window. She wore a simple lazy red sweater, black pencil pants underneath, and a pair of small white shoes , A long black hair was extremely pure and loose, and now she is clean, bright and dazzling.

She didn't bother the boys outside, and those boys went from batch to batch. Most of them were her admirers, but she didn't look straight.

The small hand holding the pencil stopped slowly, and a sudden and handsome face suddenly appeared in her mind.

Mr. Lu.

In the past half month, she would often think of him, and she always felt very painful in her heart.

She has lost her innocence.

She lost the girl's most precious thing.

Five white fingers pulled the pencil tight until it hurt.

Suddenly a mass of white fluff came in, and it landed gently on her design draft.

It's ... colored dandelions.

Lin Xuanyu's twinkling eyes flashed for a moment, her favorite dandelion.

She picked up the dandelion, slowly red lips, and exquisite joy filled with delicate brows.

Every time she saw a dandelion, she had nothing to worry about.

There was a commotion at the ear, "Wow, look at you, colored dandelions."

Lin Xuan stood up and went out. She slowly raised her head. The sky was clear, the sunset was infinite, and countless colored dandelions floated over, like an elf, so beautiful.

--- How come there are so many dandelions, should there be no more dandelions this season?

--- You do n’t understand. This kind of colored dandelion is a nobleman of dandelion miles. It should be transplanted from abroad. I do n’t know which rich people have planted so many dandelions.

--- I think the dandelion floats from the direction of Busan Road. Busan Road is the most expensive part of the Imperial City. The inch of soil is gold. The rich and expensive live there.

--- You said that, I remembered that a manor was built on Busan Road, and urgent construction is under way. I looked outside that day, obediently, the manor had at least a few thousand square meters, and it was endless.

---trench! What a pity!

--- The wealthy big men in the Imperial City are ranked, who actually shot so generously?

Everyone was talking about it. Lin Xuanzhen was not interested. She reached out her hand and picked up a few colorful dandelions, and then caught them in her own book.

"Xuan Yan." Huo Yanmei ran over at this moment, "I have found a house for you, a single apartment, the environmental security is very good."

Huo Yanmei is the eldest daughter of Huo's family. Huo's family has real estate in Imperial City, so she lives in her own home.

The Lin family fell, and Lin Xuanyu needed to find a house to live by herself.

Huo Yanmei has always been with her to help her.

"Yanmei, thank you."

"Xuan Yuan, what else do you want to say thank you, you are not familiar with the Imperial City, OK, I have paid for the rent for half a year, you can live in today."

"Yanmei ..."

"Remember to even give me back this interest!"

Lin Xuanchi's eyes were red, she was really touched, she held Huo Yanmei's hand tightly.

Huo Yanmei handed her the key, "Xuan Yuan, call me if you have any questions, I'll go first."


After school, Huo Yanmei was gone, Lin Xuanyu held a few books in her arms, and also left the school.

At this time, a string of melodious mobile phone rings, and the phone in her pocket rang, and the call came.

Taking out her mobile phone and taking a look, she lags, it is Lu Jinwen.

It's been almost half a month, and he hasn't contacted her actively.

She thought ... he forgot her.

In fact, it's good to forget, a silent ending.

The thin white teeth bit her moist lower lip gently. Instead of picking it up, she put the phone back in her pocket.

Two slim arms embraced the book and design in her arms, and she headed for the apartment.

The apartment is very close to the school and can be reached in five minutes on foot.

At this time, a Rolls-Royce was parked across the road, and the luxurious luxury car attracted the attention of all the way, especially those young and pretty girls who just came out of the university.

The girls stopped and looked at each other. Those who drove this limited-class luxury car did not know what kind of man was sitting inside.

Unfortunately, the windows did not slide down, and the cold black car film made it impossible for people outside to see the inside.

But the girls held their chests up, twisted their soft waists on stiletto heels, and looked forward to being seen by a wealthy and handsome guy.

In the quiet compartment, the disturbance outside had nothing to do with it. Lu Jinwen was sitting in the driver's seat, holding a mobile phone in his palm.

--- I'm sorry, the number you dialed is not connected.

She did not answer his call.

Lu Jinwen raised his handsome eyelids and looked through the windshield in front. When she came out just now, he saw her at a glance. The university campus was fighting for beauty, and she was the clean and bright red rose. .

His eyes followed her, she was walking along the street with a few books, her hair fluttering and her fragrance full.

Is she angry?

Angry he didn't contact her for half a month?

He is a bit busy.

About Ye Cheng, he sent the Ye steward to take care of it in secret, it was his hands. After all, Lin Zhong was her father. He had to keep himself clean and dripping blood.

Throwing the mobile phone in the palm of his hand in the front passenger seat, he stepped on the throttle and stepped forward.

"Ding" a car whistle, Lin Xuanyu stopped.

She glanced at a Rolls-Royce slowly approaching, and the windows slowly slid down, revealing a handsome face.

Lu Jinwen.

Lin Xuan lingered for a while and did not expect to see him here.

Has he also come to the Imperial City?

The encounter came unexpectedly.

Let her panic.

Lu Jinwen pressed his two big palms on the steering wheel and wore a hand-made black shirt. Everyone said that the second emperor of the city of Quan Qingye was crowned like a jade. In fact, the man of Lu Jinwen was willing to retreat deeply. The handsome facial features carved by heaven are dazzled like jade jade lined by black shirts.

Looking at the girl, he slowly raised his lips, "Get in the car."

He let her go up.

Lin Xuan's heart tightened, and her pale white teeth bit her lip again.

She seemed to love biting her lip, Lu Jinwen looked at her, and gentle Sven rolled a raised throat.

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