Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1111: End (3): recognize her at a glance

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Lin Shiying's blurred vision of tears suddenly collided with Fu Qinglun.

Pu Jie Yu Jie was dripping with a few drops of clear tears, she trembled Yu Jie like butterfly wings, her heartbeat stopped quickly, and she stared at him shiveringly.

She thought he was gone.

Unexpectedly, he turned around.

He saw her at a glance in the crowd.


Fu Qinglun stopped. He looked at the pretty figure in the sea. She wore a black veil on her face, only her eyes were exposed. She had a pair of clear and stunning apricot eyes.

Now she looked at him in tears, making his heart hurt instantly.

Who is she?

Why did he stop?

He couldn't say clearly, just for a moment, he seemed to hear someone calling him --- Hey, Fu Qinglun!

He slowly pulled away his long legs and walked towards the witty shadow.

A small hand quickly grabbed his sleeve. "Mr. Smithson, where are you going?"

As soon as Fu Qinglun stopped, reason returned instantly. Yeah, what was he doing?

Gently raising Junmei's eyebrow, he felt like he was stunned. Qian Moying seemed to have a magic power on his body, which made him unclear and unclear. He just wanted to ... just walk towards her.

Fu Qinglun turned his eyes and looked at "Lin Shizhen" beside him.

His cold black eyes fell on the small slap face of "Lin Shizhen", and he looked around first, then fell on her eyes.

Her eyes ...

Even if they are twins, they look the same as Lin Xuan and Lin Xuan Yin, their eyes will not be the same.

A cosmetic knife will copy the same face and the same body, but will never copy the same pair of eyes.

Fu Qinglun pursed her thin lips, and there were two small swirls in those black eyes.

"Lin Shizhen" was looked at by him like this, the two small hands hanging on his side quickly pinched, but she picked a rainy eyebrow and joked, "Mr. Smithson, you won't be empathy, Do you like other women? "

Fu Qinglun's handsome face didn't show any emotions, and her voice was low-alcoholic and magnetic. "Poems, don't talk nonsense."

"Lin Shizhen" was at ease, she secretly glanced at the man --- waste, nothing could be done!

The man received the message, and quickly jumped out to block Lin Shiyun's sight, yelling loudly, "You mother-in-law, you know how to seduce a man, how many green hats have you given me outside in the past few years!

The scolded Lin Shizhen quickly raised his eyebrows.

--- Look at her, she's addicted to rails, and it's really watery poppy.

--- Yeah, for this kind of shame, I like to go out and hook-women's women, you should hit!

For a while everyone was talking and blaming Lin Shizhen.

"Lin Shizheng" ticked her red lips. "Mr. Smithson, there seems to be a wife whose husband is learning lessons, we don't want to watch, Aunt Su should bring Xiao Shushu."

When Fu Qinglun saw that, the man blocked the beautiful shadow, and he couldn't see it.

The man saw that his performance was very successful, and immediately rolled up his sleeves, "I will teach you a good lesson today."

He raised his hand and fanned directly into Lin Shizhen's face.

Rude palm winds struck over, Lin Shizhen's clear apricot eyes suddenly became cold, she wanted to take action.

But the next second, a white, clean palm clasped lightningly, one clasped the man's wrist, and gently folded it.


The man screamed like a pig, and his wrist was broken.

Lin Shizhen raised his eyes, and Fu Qinglun's handsome face magnified in her sight.

he came.

Fu Qinglun turned his thin lips into a cold curve, and the whole facial features exuded a cold chill. He stretched out his hand and threw the man directly.

With a bang, the man fell to the ground, his claws facing the sky, and he was extremely embarrassed.

Fu Qinglun was standing tall and with long legs. He was still copying his trousers pocket with one hand. He gave the man a glance high down, "The man who beats a woman is really stingy."

--- Wow, Mr. Smithson is so handsome!

--- Mr. Smithson is right, maybe you like domestic violence, your wife went out to steal someone!

The man's complexion was red and white, and he pointed at Fu Qinglun and cursed, "Who are you and what do you do about our husband and wife? My wife has a certain face, do you fancy her?"

"I heard that all of you rich people like bag-and-wife husbands, do you want to sleep with my wife?"

The man was very swearing, and the onlookers began to whisper,

--- Why does Mr. Smithson care about other people's affairs? He has such a status and status that he protects a derailed woman.

--- Did Mr. Smithson really like this woman?

Everyone began to speculate that suspicious eyes fell on Fu Qinglun and Lin Shizhen.

Fu Qinglun was unmoved, not even frowning, his cold black eyes fell on Lin Shizhen's face.

A few seconds later, he pulled his leg forward and walked towards her.

As his eyes darkened, he stopped in front of her.

Lin Shi trembled with a fan-like feather, and when the man in front took out the big palm in his pants pocket, he slowly raised his hand to expose the black veil on her face.

His hand was closer to her, and closer ...

He touched the black veil on her face, and the moist fingertips brushed the delicate muscles on her face intentionally or unintentionally.

Lin Shizhen felt that piece of tender muscle burned.

It was already exploding around, and the girls were crying with heartbreaking --- End, Mr. Smithson really liked this woman!

The black veil on his face was about to be uncovered. At this moment, the voice of "Lin Shizhen" rang in his ears, "Aunt Su, are you here?"

Lin Shiquan's heart tightened, and she quickly lifted her eyes. Aunt Su pushed in the stroller and the "Lin Shiquan" was already standing beside the stroller, reaching out to touch her little Shushu.


Don't hurt her little Shushu!

Fu Qinglun also quickly retracted his hand, he pulled out his long legs and walked over.

"Miss Lin, Xiao Shushu is awake, he probably misses you, his eyes turning sternly." Aunt Su laughed.

"Lin Shizhen" reached out and teased Xiao Shushu's small face, softly, "Xiao Shushu, Mommy is here."

Xiao Shushu's **** eyes glanced at "Lin Shizhen" and turned away quickly, he continued to look for mummy.

"Lin Shizhen" changed her eyes, but the smile on the corner of her mouth did not change. She reached out and hugged Xiao Shushu. "Come, Mommy hugs."

"Xiao Lin Lin" held Xiao Shushu in his arms.


Xiao Shushu burst into tears, his small body kept twisting, trying to get rid of the embrace of "Lin Shizhen".

"Yeah, Miss Lin, what's wrong, why is Xiao Shushu crying so sad? Usually Xiao Shushu laughs when she sees you, why don't I want you for a while now?" Aunt Su wondered.

"Lin Shizhen" froze.

At this time, two white and clean palms stretched out, "Give me."

Fu Qinglun took over Xiao Shushu.

"Son, what are you crying for?" He looked at the baby boy in his arms with handsome eyelids.

In his arms, Xiao Shushu opened his **** eyes with tears. He sobbed with a small mouth and looked at his daddy. He was very wronged and very poor.

Xiao Shushu is a replica of Fu Qinglun, carved from a mold, but Xiao Shushu's eyes are particularly like Lin Shizhen.

Fu Qinglun's eyes were darkened, and his eyes were just like those beautiful eyes that he just saw.

His heart is about to hurt.

His woman was crying, and her son was crying.

My heart hurts, and my body is so numb, it feels terrible.

Lin Shizhen watched Xiao Shushu crying, and her whole heart was agitated. She quickly ran forward and came to Fu Qinglun's side.

Ma Ma had a special motherly softness and milky fragrance. Xiao Shushu smelled the scent, and those **** eyes quickly looked over.


Xiao Shushu started crying again, crying and twisting his small body, and went to Lin Shizhen.

Ma Ma hugs.

Aunt Su was even more puzzled. "Miss Lin, what happened to Xiao Shushu today, he didn't want you to hold it, but he wanted a stranger?"

"Lin Shihuan" was about to vomit blood, and she didn't feel any pain when she put her nails in her hand. She had calculated everything.

This son is really a ghost.

What happens when you grow up?

Now she didn't dare to show too much, so she was afraid of being exposed.

She reached out her little hand and grabbed Fu Qinglun. "Xiao Shushu may be scared, let's go back first."

Fu Qinglun didn't even look at her. He turned over and looked at Lin Shizhen. "Can you hold it?"

Lin Shizhen stagnated and nodded quickly.

Fu Qinglun handed her Xiao Shushu in her arms.

"Lin Shizhen" froze all over, his face could no longer hang, changed, what did he mean?

Is he ... already in doubt?

When Xiao Shushu arrived in Ma Ma's arms, he quickly stopped crying, and his small head was drilled into Ma Ma's arms again and again, and he was sticking to Ma Ma's arms.

Lin Shizhen raised her red lips, Qingli's eyebrows were soft, she knew her son recognized her at a glance.

But this man around ...

What a disappointment!

Fu Qinglun looked at her, and her eyes slowly moved down. She was changed to an ordinary black dress, and her neckline was worn out. Xiaoshushu darted her arms and twisted her neckline slightly. His angle was just right See the spring light inside her.

How delicate and creamy skin hides in the ordinary old black dress, but also exudes a lustrous luster, the chest line is full of undulations from top to bottom, and the lines are full and firm ...

Fu Qinglun's eyes darkened and he quickly looked away.

He copied his big palm into his pants pocket, damn, he was easily ignited by a fire.

Just a glance.

"What's your name?" He whispered.

Xiao Shushu soon fell asleep in Ma Ma Huai, Lin Shizhen looked up at him.

Fu Qinglun also looked at her, "Why don't you speak?"

Lin Shizhen shook his head, she couldn't speak.

Fu Qinglun's cold black eyes quickly accumulated a storm, and his eyes fell from her red lips to her throat, and finally, a crimson thin lip was hooked, and the smile was bitter.

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