Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1114: End (6): Always bully you once

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

"Want to peep at our intercourse?" Gu Mohan took a smoky look at Fu Qinglun.


Fu Qinglun wanted to hit him again.

However, Gu Mohan's expression had explained everything, Fu Qinglun picked up the wine glass and drank the red wine in it.

"Drink less, this wine is strong." Gu Mohan reminded.

"Oh." Fu Qinglun responded and poured himself a glass of wine.

The boss over there is having a good chat, and they are exchanging the skills of Yufang. "I tell you, this woman, you must bully her well. If you do n’t bully her, she can climb on your head to bully you. It's up! "

Gu Mohan narrowed his eyes narrowly. It was very lively there. He and Fu Qinglun seemed extraordinarily quiet here, but those beautiful women in the past looked at it here. The quietness in the bustle and the bustling is often the real superior The gathering place, the true power savage.

Gu Mohan disagreed with the words of these bosses. According to the standard just now, the best way for a woman to love you is to bow your head. It costs 200 yuan, and I love it everywhere.

Listen to the joke.

Gu Mohan glanced at Fu Qinglun. Fu Qinglun held a wine glass in his long fingers, shaking lazily, and the red liquid hit the glass. He drank a glass of wine again.

This must be drunk.

Gu Mohan reached out and snatched the wine glass from his palm. "Are you wronged?"

Fu Qinglun glanced sideways and glanced at Gu Mohan, his expression was a little upset, "Where did I write grievance?"

Gu Mohan drew a thin lip, "Your family ... are you mostly Shim Lin bullying you?"


No way to be friends!

Fu Qinglun got up and left.

Gu Mohan called out, "Where?"

"Go out and smoke."


In the cloister.

Fu Qinglun was smoking, one-handedly copying his trouser pocket, and one-handed slender **** holding a cigarette, Ying Ting's back leaning against the wall lazily, with one long leg extended forward, one long leg bent, low Faintly smoking.

At this time, two beautiful women accompanied by wine passed by, their eyes fell on Fu Qinglun, both eyes brightened.

The retro palace lights on the corridor are plated with his handsome face. Each handsome line is like the elaborate sketch of the artist. The cuff buttons of the white shirt have not been loosened, but wrapped around his strong and thin wrist, which is extremely charming.

"Handsome guy, would you like to invite us for a drink?"

Fu Qinglun lifted the handsome eyelid gently and glanced at the two beautiful women coldly.


He simply spit out a word.

The faces of the two beauties were distorted, and they twisted their butts and left. "Pretend to pretend to be a woman."

Fu Qinglun slowly spit out a spit of smoke from her thin lips. There are many women, and he wants only one.

In her mind, what she saw in the One Fund Hall that day, she was wearing a black dress in a black dress ...

The raised throat rolled up and down twice, and he stretched his tongue and licked his thin dry lips.

The "Lin Shimao" hooked him just now, he didn't react at all.

Thinking of her now, he was hot.

It really hit her.

At this time, a string of melodious ringtones rang, and he took out the phone and saw that it was Aunt Su.

"Hey, sir, where did you go, please come and see. Little Master is awake, and I'm probably hungry and crying."

Fu Qinglun stood upright quickly, he put out the cigarette **** and threw it in the trash can, turned and left, "I see."


in the room.

Auntie Su opened the door of the room, and Fu Qinglun walked in with a steady footstep. In the baby carriage, Xiao Shushu was crying and sad.

Fu Qinglun reached out and hugged Xiao Shushu in his arms.

Xiao Shushu glanced at his father's place, and left his mouth small, and was very grieved and pitiful.

"Mr. Little Master must be hungry. I'm going to call Miss Lin now." Aunt Su turned and left.

"Don't call her, she has no milk." Fu Qinglun lifted her thin lips.

Auntie Su lags behind, not understand, "Sir, what do you mean, this woman will give birth to a baby once she has a baby, this can't be fake."

Fu Qinglun frowned and gave Xiao Shushu to Aunt Su, "feed some water first, I'll find milk."

what does it mean?

Aunt Su was in the mist, and the man was out.


In the cloister.

Fu Qinglun walked forward and came to the corner. A clear figure broke into the front, and Lin Shizhen came.

Lin Shizhen was wearing a black veil on her face. She came to Xiaoshushu. As a mummy, she knew Xiaoshushu was hungry.

She stalled because her eyes collided with Fu Qinglun.

Encountered by surprise.

Both stopped, and Fu Qinglun's dark cold eyes fell on her body, their eyes dark and hot.

Lin Shizhen opened her eyes, she lifted her feet and walked away, brushing past him.

But the next second, a big, clean palm clasped over, clasping her slender wrist, and a man's mute voice rang in his ear. "My son is hungry and wants to feed."

Lin Shizhen feels that his palms are hot, and his body temperature is not as normal as it is, but rather a bit hot.

What he said ...

She lifted her apricot eyes and looked at him.

Fu Qinglun glanced down and fell on the arc of her breasts, "Do you have any milk?"


Lin Shizhen's small face hidden under the black gauze was a bit unnatural, and she wanted to pull back her hawk.

But without pulling back, Fu Qinglun shook her hard and threw her into the wall at the corner.

With a slam, his two big palms propped up on the wall, his long body like a jade bowed down slightly, and a fringe of fringe covered his cold eyelids, and he blocked her against his chest and wall with a strong and overbearing force in.

Such a gentle man also began to play hooligan.

His handsome features zoomed in and out of her sight. Lin Shizhen smelled the faint scent of wine on him, and he drank.

Is he drunk?

Two small, pale hands reached his masterful chest, trying to push him away.

"You push again?" He looked at her and said.

With secret threats and warnings.

Lin Shiji's feather fan trembled like a fan. She thought he was a little different and very dangerous.

Fu Qinglun raised her slender fingers to unbutton her collar. Before she came out, she changed a white cotton dress for easy feeding. It was loose and had a few buttons in front of her collar, which was very convenient for him.

"It used to be that you bullied me. I would bully you once tonight."

What is he saying?

Lin Shizhen didn't know what was going crazy with her, and she quickly pressed his big palm, forbidding him to explain it.

Fu Qinglun clasped her two little hands behind her back with a few fingers, "No movement, my son is hungry. Now show me if you ..."

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