Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1127: Not give him a kiss

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The second elder sister Jun Xixuan solemnly said, "Sister, once Xuanyi monk had a word, West Lord Lu Yeming was ruthless and loveless in this life, but Qingqing is young and has never experienced love. I am afraid she is too simple Lu Yeming cheated. "

Jun Xiyan thought of Lu Yeming. This man is really a proud man. He is only 23 years old, and he has the good-looking handsome at this age.

He has a good skin and doesn't know how many women have been confused.

His father was a generation of business emperor Lu Jinwen, and his mother was a generation of jewellery legend Mrs. Xuan Yuan. He took the genes of these two people to the extreme, the city is extremely deep, and he is a thoughtful and natural king.

And Qingqing is a blank piece of paper, at a young age in love, if no one would be surprised if she likes Lu Yeming.

Jun Xiyan frowned, "In the beginning, Uncle Jun and his father assigned Qing Qing to Zhu Qing. Although it was only a fake marriage contract, this was also a protection for Qing Qing, lest Qing Qing become the trophy of those men. . "

"Zhu Qing is a leader regardless of temperament and character. He also likes Qing Qing. If Qing Qing can really become Zhu Qing's wife, then we will be assured."

Jun Xizhen's eyes brightened, "Sister, why don't we turn this fake marriage contract into a real marriage contract and let them grow rice into mature rice!"


Ecstasy bar.

Wu Qin reported in a low voice, "Miss Three, now Vice President Lei Ze is in the bar. The commander has an incident. He immediately sent someone to block the western suburbs. Now our people can't get in. We can't find the commander. Ze's finger prints work. "

Jun Xiqing nodded, "I see ... by the way, have you noticed that Lezier has become smarter this year?"

"Miss Three, do you suspect ... someone behind Reese?"

"Yes, I suspect someone is teaching Lei Ze, helping Lei Ze to deal with our monarch together!"

"Miss Three, who is this person?"

Jun Xiqing's black eyes overflowed with a smart and compelling brilliance, "I will know soon!"


The owner of the bar tried to stop Jun Xiqing, "Miss Jun, you can't enter this box. The vice president is talking to the VIP ..."

Before the words were over, Jun Xiqing reached out her hand, opened the door of the luxury box, and walked in.

Lei Ze was sitting on a wine-red sofa, holding two beauties left and right. Opposite the sofa, in a dimly lit place, a tall, tall figure leaned lazily on the sofa and saw her come in, a pair of lonely phoenix Eyes looked lightly.

Jun Xiqing smiled, "I think the VIP who the Vice President is entertaining is the West King."

Lord West, Lu Yeming.

He was with Reiser.

Lu Yeming took off the black suit outside and put it on the sofa. He wore a handmade white shirt. There was no beauty on his body, but only the confidant Fanmen stood behind him respectfully.

He lifted his handsome eyelids and looked at Jun Xiqing, and slightly drew his lips, "Miss Jun, what a coincidence."

"Go and go!" At this time Lei Ze quickly pushed away the two beauties around him and stood up. He walked towards Jun Xiqing, his eyes exposed the evil-kinky light, "Miss Three, why are you wearing a veil? Ah, come, let me unveil my veil and look at your little face, you are the future President ’s wife, haha. "

This Leizer has always been lascivious, and today, when he saw Jun Xiqing coming down from the white jade stairs at the engagement banquet, he was shocked.

He felt itchy and wanted to lift the veil from Jun Xiqing's face.

Jun Xiqing stood still and looked at Lei Ze without moving.

Her dark eyes seemed to be able to talk, and she was full of the girl's playful smile, bright and bright.

Lei Ze reached out and met Jun Xiqing's face.

His fingerprints touched her delicate muscles, and Wu Qin outside quickly left.

After getting the fingerprints, Jun Xiqing's delicate body flashed directly, without letting Reizer unveil the veil. She laughed, "Vice President, the veil on my face can only be removed by my future husband. It ’s inappropriate for you ? "

"Miss Three, you say that boy Zhu Qing? That boy is so stink, why can I hurt someone?"

"Would you like to take off my pants and show it to you? I'm better than him, not bragging. He must be done after ten minutes. I don't have enough for half an hour."

The razor grew more and more yellow.

Jun Xiqing raised her red lips, she twisted her head and looked at Lu Yeming on the sofa over there, with a frowning smile, "Lord Xi, the vice president bullied me like this, do you really not save me?"

Lu Yeming's handsome silhouette was unshakable, not even frowning, "Miss Jun, are we familiar?"

"Lord West, when you took the veil on my face, you didn't say we were unfamiliar. My veil was only for my future husband!"

Lei Ze's face changed greatly, "Lord West, you and Miss Three ..."

Lu Yeming stretched out the big palm of his bones, fastened Jun Xiqing's slender wrist, and then pulled it hard.

The white veil dazzled in the air, and Jun Xiqing fell directly on his strong thigh.

Jun Xiqing hadn't sat on the man's thigh, and her two small hands touched the man's master's chest. She thought of getting up.

At that moment, the sight was dark, Lu Yeming pressed over, and her thin thin lips stuck to her little white earlobe, and whispered, "Use me to get away?"

His warm and humid breath sprayed on her crisp and delicate ears, followed by the clean and mellow man masculine on him.

Jun Xiqing flinched Xiao Xiang's shoulders, trying to push him away, "itch."

The young girl responded cleanly and astringently.

Lu Yeming's throat knot rolled, feeling her delicate and delicate body struggling and struggling in his hard arms. He faintly saw the tiny, dust-free face under the veil, and the deep eye sockets were quickly dyed with desire.

He had a big, wiry palm that pinched her thin willow-like waist. He grabbed his eyebrows and sniffed the fragrance on her, a little intoxicated, and he opened his mouth to cover her little white earlobe ...

"Ah!" Jun Xiqing was suddenly attacked and suddenly whispered.

She yells very well.

Lu Yeming's mind fluttered by, calling-the bed must be better.

"Lord Xi, let go of me!" Jun Xiqing quickly pinched the powder fist to hit the man's heroic shoulder.

How did he kiss her little ears?

She struggled so hard that Lu Yeming slowly released her.

Jun Xiqing raised her hand and wanted to slap him.

Lu Yeming clasped her slender haw wrist, her dark eyes let the eagle dormant in the night sky, and provoked him, so she just wanted to leave?

He glanced down, glanced at her gorgeous red lips, put Jun face up and kissed her red lips.

Jun Xiqing quickly lowered her head and did not give him kisses.

What's crazy about him?

Dragging her to the thigh started to be frivolous, and she realized for the first time that this man must not be provoked.

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