Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1134: Is this your first time?

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Feng Lingxue hung Yu Jie, two small hands slowly opened his belt ...


Ten minutes later, a greasy smell spilled out of the luxury box. Xuan Ying's two big palms slapped on her soft bee waist, and she caught her eyebrows and gasped. The two people's faces were pressed together and their breath was tangled.

Feng Lingxue moved.

"What are you doing?" The man asked hoarsely, holding her in a husky voice.

"I want to get some paper."

Feng Lingxue held out her little hand, took out a few paper towels to wipe herself clean, and then helped him organize his pants and belt.

She looked so good. Xuan Ying pressed her nose against her delicate cold face and froze. She saw her red lips in the narrow eyes, but she did n’t apply any lipstick, but the natural redness of the big red let People want to kiss Fangze.

He rolled his throat up and down and handed her something, "For you."

Feng Lingxue lifted her eyes and glanced at it, it was a hot black card.

"I will let people freeze all your accounts. Now, you are penniless, and you are not allowed to use the dirty money those men gave you. You are mine now and you can only spend my money."

She is no longer a Jiaofang person, and everyone's accounts have been frozen. Since then, she can only be a clean person.

Feng Lingxue didn't reach out.

Xuan Ying's eyes sank, and her slender fingers clasped her small jaw, forcing her to lift her eyes, "Why don't you take it and dress high with me? You have never been out of Gillian's room. It is my ability to make money that allows me Impressively, or do you think the money in this card is not enough for you to spend? "

Feng Lingxue's cold eyes fell on the man's handsome face, showing a little softness in the quiet, red lips and white teeth, really bright and hot.

Xuan Ying's master's waist and abdomen were tight, and he had the meaning he wanted.

Feng Lingxue reached out and took over his black card. She slowly whispered, "Are you ... the first time?"

Xuan Ying frowned at Jian Jian, and the whole Jun face "brushed" the whole shade, "What did you say?"

"For the first time, men are fast ..."

"... Feng Lingxue, right?"

He held her jaw strongly, and instantly turned her delicate skin red.

Feng Lingxue looked at him, "You are so angry and angry, is that right on my behalf?"


Xuan Ying smiled angrily, he lifted her cold lips and pushed her little face away, "Feng Lingxue, what are you thinking? Are you still fantasizing that I will guard you like a jade for three years, You are so ignorant, don't you know that there are so many beauties in my palace? "

She naturally heard of it.

West King Lu Yeming's palace was clean, and there was no woman. The beauty that day ran into the silver palace king's south palace, and he had a lot of beauty.

Soon, she would go back with him and live in his southbound palace.

She lowered Yu Jie.

Xuan Ying's heart felt better now. "Do you think I have a short time, do you want me to praise your craftsmanship, or to stimulate me to do it again?"

Feng Lingxue reached his chest with two small hands and quickly got up from his thigh. "I want to go back first."

Xuan Ying lazily leaned on the sofa with a bit of evil charm, "Go back, I will go to you in seven days."


Feng Lingxue returned to her residence. She took a shower first, and then came out wearing a white nightdress.

She opened the window curtain, and she sat on the bay window. The place was very high, overlooking the city's fireworks.

Holding her thin legs, she raised her hand and brushed the long hair on her forehead to the back of her head. There were still a few strands of hair on her cheek.

Put on the headphones, the soft music sounded, all the noisy far away from her, the whole world became extremely beautiful.

She took out a thin notebook and boarded a Weibo account called "Miss Ling Ling".

In the past three years, she occasionally posted some small stories on this Weibo account. She had never thought that someone would read what she wrote, but in the past three years, she has already had a million followers.

The light green hand jumped gracefully on the keyboard, she wrote --- I dreamed today, and dreamed of a very small little girl, she gave me a little stone, this is the most beautiful thing I have ever received in my life best gift.

As soon as this little story came out, "蹭蹭 蹭", hundreds of thousands of comments popped up,

--- Ah-ah, catch a sister Lingling alive.

--- Miss Lingling, is that little girl a very important person in your life?

--- A small stone, full of love.

--- Miss Lingling, we all like you very much. There is always a little sadness in your text. Don't forget at any moment. We are staying up late to brush up your updates. We will always stand behind you to support you.

--- I guess Ms. Ling Ling must be a very beautiful and greasy girl with daily expressions.

Feng Lingxue moved the mouse, flipped all the comments one by one, and read carefully. Slowly, her white eyes became red, and a layer of water mist condensed under the eyes.

Thank you.

Thank you so many people for loving her and encourage her.

In this virtual online world, she felt the respect and warmth that others brought her.

Every time she felt unable to walk, she would come and take a look. She could lick her wound here quietly.

The small fan-like Yu Jie became wet, and she looked down at the small stone in her palm.

He didn't see it, in fact, the small stone was engraved with words, very light words, crooked --- ma ~


For a whole week, Jun Chulin had no news.

The appearance of country Z seemed calm and calm, but it was rough.

This day Wu Qin, the deputy commander of Wuling Tieqi, was waiting outside, and Jun Xiqing was ready to go out.

Then Jun Xiyan called her, "Qing Qing."

Jun Xiqing looked back, "Sister, you call me?"

Jun Xiyan handed over a bowl of red bean soup, "Qing Qing, you have worked hard this time, come and drink this bowl of red bean soup."

"I don't want to drink ..."

"Qing Qing, I stewed it for you. If you don't drink, my sister will be sad."

Jun Xiqing surrendered quickly. "Well, I drink, I drink, I like the red bean soup stewed by my elder sister best."

Jun Xiqing boasted sweetly, then took the red bean soup from Jun Xiyan and drank it.

"Okay sister, I'm done drinking, I still have something to do, let's go first."

Jun Xiqing put down her bowl and turned to leave. At this moment, she felt that her eyes were dark and her whole body softened.

"Qing Qing!" Jun Xiyan quickly caught Jun Xiqing's delicate body.

Jun Xiqing closed her eyes and was dizzy.

Jun Xiyan looked at this little girl with affection. "Qing Qing, don't blame the elder sister, the elder brother's whereabouts are unknown. Now the entire Jun family is on the cusp of the storm. The elder sister will now send you away. Leave Zhu Z with Zhu Qing, no more If you leave, you can't leave. "

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