Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1149: Scratch her face

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Feng Lingxue didn't know what kind of pain it was, because she was numb. The four lashes fleshed her skin. She felt dizzy and her eyes darkened.

She has been living in Gillian's room for so many years.

When she first entered the Gillian Room when she was a child, she would also be whipped by Gillian's mother, but she remembered that she didn't hurt at all.

But now, the pain rushed into the heart frantically from the limbs and bones, and she could not bear the pain.

Seeing his familiar and unfamiliar handsome face in the blurry vision, the shadow brother hurt her a lot, and that year she was almost 18 years old, and the shadow brother said she took her away. Nodded, and kissed his thin lips.

That was her first kiss.

She kissed him boldly.

Two people hid in the corner of the room, where no one could see, breathing around each other.

Brother Ying was so excited that he held her slim waist and kissed her immediately, but because of his inexperience, his teeth touched her soft lips, and her pained hissing.

Seeing her pain, Shadow Brother quickly let go of her and kissed her reluctantly.

She was buried in the arms of Brother Ying sweetly, and she wished that time would stop there.

What a wonderful time.

At that time, the elder brother was only 21 years old and was kissed by her **** Fang Gang, but he was willing to endure this jerky desire-to come and pamper her, so warm and warm.

At this time, her jaw suddenly felt a pain, and Xuan Ying increased the strength of her fingertips, anxious to crush her bones.

"So inattentive, do you think of that man?" Said Xuan Ying raised his other hand, and the whip in his hand gently patted her stunning cold face, he smiled casually, "Three years Before, I did n’t wait for you, so I went back to find you. I heard that your first-night at the adult ceremony has been photographed by sky-high prices, your room upstairs is closed, and a group of special soldiers in plain clothes are guarded outside. The man in the room is a big man, and said, to whom did you sell the sky-high night to night? "

In the past three years, he sent someone to investigate, but no news.

No one knew who that man was in her room.

The man who can take her first night at sky-high prices must be powerful and have status.

Thinking of that man, the blood-thirsty **** scent was overflowing in the black colored glaze eyes, and he would surely poke out this man, broken, corpse, million, paragraph.

This gangster-husband ***, he will not let go of any one!

Feng Lingxue sweated coldly on her pale white face, but she was even more shocked. She didn't go to the appointment. Did he come back to find her?

she does not know.

Looking at his cold and handsome face, Feng Lingxue shook his head, "You don't ... ask, I won't ... say ..."

Xuan Ying's eyes sank suddenly, looking for death!

The big palm clasped her slender arms, and he dragged her directly into the shower.

Feng Lingxue couldn't walk, she was all numb, she was dragged along by him like a broken ragdoll, embarrassed, miserable, without dignity.

After entering the bathroom, he threw her into the frosted glass door and raised his hand to open the shower.

For a moment, the cold water dripped from above, wet all her wounds.


Feng Lingxue was shaken, her delicate body began to twitch under the cold water, and she looked weak, helpless, and pathetic.

The bright red blood flowed down the inside of her thigh mixed with cold water, and then formed a few creeks at her feet.

At that moment, his eyes were dark and the tall man bullied him. The water had wet the silk pajamas on him, but he didn't care. Compared with the blood on the ground, he was more eerie.

"I'll give you another chance, and say, to whom did you sell the sky-high early-night, who is your adulterer?"

He stretched out his palm and picked up her little face, and the syllabic syllables popped out of the teeth. "If I say no more, I will make you this little face, and see how you prostitute-girl will go out and hook up with a man in the future?"

She's amazing, the most valuable thing is this little face.

When he ruins her face, see how she sells it.

Feng Lingxue's tortured breath escaped, and her eyes became darker and darker, and she could no longer see clearly.

She lifted up two small hands, the small hands tremblingly grabbed his pajamas in the air, her pale red lips moved, she was talking.

Xuan Ying put her ears up and listened, she was talking --- Brother Ying, it hurts ... Ling Ling hurts ...

Brother Brother, it hurts.

Lingling hurts.

The muscles on Xuan Ying's body hardened suddenly, like a big palm tightly grabbing his atrium, making him every breath hurt.

He lowered his dark eyelids, and a small hand touched it, touching the silver mask on the right half of his face.

With a slam, the mask fell to the ground.

His right face was exposed to the air, and the slightly cold touch made him squint his eyes suddenly, and stretched out his hand, he pushed the woman in his arms directly away.

Feng Ling's exquisite beauty back hit the cold porcelain surface and passed out.

Xuan Ying raised his eyes, and he saw his right half face in the mirror in front.

He was beautiful, and each of the features and lines was carefully crafted by the artist, perfect and delicate.

But now his right half of his face is covered with knife marks, one knife, two swords and three swords ... The dense knife marks on his original handsome and unparalleled face are chaotic and incomparable.

It's disgusting.

He looked sick on his right half of his face.

Now he wears this half mask, no one is human, no ghost.

If anyone saw his face, he would scream and think he saw a ghost.

Xuan Ying pursed her thin lips and looked down at Feng Lingxue, who had fainted on the ground. The knife marks on his face were thanks to her!

Three years ago, he went back.

It was her first night, and the door was closed, she must have been upside down with the man in bed.

He went upstairs and wanted to open the door. He wanted to take her away.

But those plainclothes special forces who were standing outside beat him down. He lay on the ground, and someone took a knife and cut it with a knife on his face.

They laughed wildly,

--- Look at this wretched waste, your own woman was riding by another man, it feels sour.

--- Well, don't look at what you are. Feng Lingxue from Gillian House can sleep, do you have money in your pocket?

--- You do n’t even match our boss with the shoes. After seeing this Feng, she called her aunt regularly.

--- This Feng Lingxue is going to be a little wife for our boss. You poor boy, how far away you are.

The knife was cut on his face, he was abusive by those who stepped on the back of his spine, his hands were on the ground, his eyes were scarlet and he looked at the closed room door in front of him. At that moment he vowed in his heart that one day Come back!

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