Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1171: Hold her in her arms

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Huo Yanmei lived to the end, but she got nothing.

Tang Mo'er had been standing in front of the window until the night, and the rain outside was still "cracking."

Then a bunch of ringtones rang and she called.

Take a look at the phone, the screen is jumping --- Mr. Gu.

He called.

Pu Fan's feathers trembled, Tang Moer answered with a button, "Hey."

There was a maid's voice faintly on the end, "Sir, your clothes are wet, wipe them."

Gu Mohan didn't speak.

The phone was still on, but he didn't speak for a long time.

Tang Moer seemed to hear the sound of his breathing. It was calm and shallow at a glance. Her heart seemed to be grabbed by a big palm, and it hurt, "What's wrong with you?"

Tens of thousands of feet away, the imperial city, Gujia villa.

The secretary Yan Dong came upstairs, holding the **** soup that the maid had just boiled. The father Gu and father passed away one after another. The president rushed back to preside over the situation and took care of Gu family.

Just now, the president came back and got rained.

The maids of Gu's family have been here for many years, distressed their host, and soon boiled **** soup.

Yan Dong came to the door of the room and raised his hand to knock, but the room door was not closed at all.

He looked up. There was no light in the luxurious room designed by Ou Shi, and it was very dim. There was a tall and tall body standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

Gu Mohan was standing there, copying his trousers pocket with one hand, holding the mobile phone with one hand and pressing his ears, the rain wet his shirt and trousers, and he was extremely expensive and cold.

Yan Dong felt a pain in his heart and suddenly felt that the president had been lonely for so many years.

Now the entire Gu family is over him, and the next merger of G.K and Gu's will usher in a quite busy period.

Yan Dong stood by the door and didn't go in.

He guessed that the president must have called his wife.

Gu Mohan listened to the voice coming from the other end of the phone, warm and soft, and he closed his eyes gently, "Mo Er."

He was calling her.

Tang Mo'er's white eyes suddenly turned red, and her fingers squeezed the mobile phone in her ear. She could imagine that this man lacked his father and grandfather, and must show his child-like weakness.

Every man's apex has a softness that makes them special ... painful.

"Well," she answered softly.

"Can you fly back and come to me, I would love to hug you, just hold it for a while."

The crystal tears suddenly fell down, and Tang Moer reached out and felt the tears in his hand.

she cried.

Sad and unbearable, he cried for him after all.


She was absent at such an important moment in his life, the moment when someone was most needed to accompany him.

She would love to go back.


She looked at her little face through the bright mirror, her original collagen-filled face had a lot of wrinkles, and she became much older overnight.

Day by day, she is getting old.

Since today, she has been afraid to go out.

Even more afraid to see him.

He was waiting for her answer, but waited for a long time, but didn't wait for anything. Gu Mohan slowly lipped his lips, and a little helplessness and gentle petty were revealed in his low-dumb voice, "Forget it."

Forget it.

He said no more.

Tang Moer reached out his little hand and covered his mouth, afraid that he would cry and let him hear.

At this moment, how can I tell him that without AR's antidote, she will soon leave him.

What if she died one day?

"Mo Er, I may be very busy for a while, I ca n’t fly over to find you, you are at Lu Yeming, I am at ease."

Then he paused, "That's it, go to bed early, good night."

Tang Mo'er raised his hazy eyes and responded gently, "Oh."

"Hang up first." He was talking.

Tang Moer quietly smiled, there is always such a person in the world, when your tears are flooding into disasters, it will make you sweet.

OK, then she hangs first.

She hung up.

Pulling the phone in the palm of his hand, Tang Moer looked at the rain outside. Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

This was her first separation from him.


Jun Xiqing was in the room, and at this moment the knock of the door rang, and a maid said outside the door, "I'm cleaning."

"Come in."

The room door opened and a young and beautiful maid came in.

"Sister Qingqing." The maid stepped forward and held Jun Xiqing's small hand.

"Ah, why are you here?"

Jun Xiqing was raised and raised by Jun Mosheng from an early age. Once out, she saw two begging siblings on the street, so she took the siblings back to the presidential palace.

Brother is Ada, the shadow around her, the commander of Wuling Tieqi.

My sister is A Xiao, A Xiao is only 18 years old.

Now A Xiao is here and is a maid in Xixing Palace.

Over the years, Ada has followed her, and she is her most trusted person. Naturally, she also regards A Xiao as her own younger sister and loves her very much.

"Sister Qingqing, I'm here to support you." A Xiao blinked.

"Funny!" Jun Xiqing reprimanded, "This is the West Palace, not a place for fun, you don't understand anything, hurry up and leave here! If you get caught, how should I worry and explain to Ada ! "

A Xiao lowered his head and knew what was wrong. "I know Sister Qingqing, I'm leaving now."

A Xiao turned and left.


A Xiao got out of the room door and went down the stairs, she wanted to leave here.

At this time, the door was opened, and a body as long as jade appeared at the door, and Lu Yeming returned.

"Master, are you back?"

The maid squatted down and changed shoes for Lu Yeming.

Ah Xiao glanced at Lu Yeming, and it was hard to look away for half a minute. She had never seen such a good-looking man.

Lu Yeming wore a handmade version of a white shirt and black trousers, the classic match of the male god, and his face was crowned like a jade.

A little foolish, is this the legendary Western King Lu Yeming?

Lu Yeming changed his shoes and pulled up his long legs to go upstairs. He looked at A Xiao, and the deep phoenix eyes slowly fell on A Xiaoshuinen's face.

He had no expression, and looked away before turning away.

Two people passed by.


At this moment A Xiao exclaimed, the petite body fell directly into Lu Yeming's arms.

Lu Yeming didn't refuse, he stretched out his arms to fasten A Xiao's slender waist, and buckled her into his arms.

A Xiao blinked, looking at Lu Yeming flushed, and quickly stood upright, "I'm sorry, young master ..."

She wants to withdraw from his arms.

At this time, Lu Yeming tightened his arm, and her petite body rammed directly into his superb chest.

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