Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1182: Lord West married the consort!

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Xuan Ying let go of her, kneeling on the bed with his knees, he looked down at a small piece of fabric that had been soiled by her, and Jun face was dripping with water.

Feng Lingxue got up, took out two paper towels and wiped him, "Sorry, I will wipe it for you, now I will wipe it for you ..."

Her soft little hand drew a tissue to touch his strong muscles, and across the thin cloth, it was like a feather lightly across his heart lake, and his heart rippled.

Now the posture of the two is also ambiguous, her head is just in front of his pants ...

"Dead woman, where do you wipe?" He gritted his teeth and murmured.

Feng Lingxue quickly looked up, ignorant, she didn't know what else she had done wrong, "What's wrong?"

There was no place for the fire in Xuan Ying's body, and the ink-colored glazed eyes were filled with gloom and displeasment.

She just looked at him with a pair of pure and innocent eyes, and those red lips were really gorgeous.

She is a little fairy.


He murmured anxiously, always thinking that one day she would be killed by her.

Xuan Ying got up and got out of bed, and walked into the bathroom.

"Bang", he fell into the door, the sound was deafening.

Feng Lingxue looked at him in puzzlement, he was getting more and more uncertain.


Feng Lingxue cleaned herself up, and then went downstairs wearing a maid costume.

In the dining room, Xuan Ying sat on the main seat, and two beautiful ladies accompanied him for breakfast.

Seeing her coming, one of the beautiful ladies named Chu Chu quickly said, "Why are you still doing this? Come and pour milk for me."

"Yes." Feng Lingxue stepped forward and picked up the milk glass.

She just wanted to fall, and a deep voice rang in her ears, "Let it down."

Feng Lingxue froze, looking up at Xuan Ying.

Xuan Ying stared at her with great deterrence. "Don't understand me?"

Feng Lingxue quickly lowered the milk glass.


He ordered again.

Feng Lingxue quickly walked over, afraid that she would be humiliated and punished by being disobedient.

"Master, what do you command?" She whispered.

Xuan Ying stretched out her healthy arm and buckled her lumbar limbs, and pulled hard, and she fell directly on his strong thigh.


The two beautiful ladies and the maids took a breath of air, watching Xuan Ying holding Feng Lingxue in her arms.

Feng Lingxue quivered like a small fan, quickly thinking, "Master, I have to work and pour milk ..."

Xuan Ying's strong arms and iron hoop clasped her waist, making her unable to move. He lifted his feet and kicked his heavy military boots on the Chu seat. "

Suddenly the seat cracked, Chu Chu fell on the carpet with a rump, extremely embarrassed.

Another Misaki also stood up, as frightened as those maids did not dare to make one.

They were shocked. Since this Feng Lingxue came in, the young master has been humiliating her to torture her.

But today, the attitude of the young master is completely different, and he has begun to spoil Feng Lingxue.

She rose up from the ground, embarrassed, and looked at Feng Lingxue enviously and enviously, "Young Master, she is a maid, how can you ..."

Chu Chu's words came to an abrupt halt, because Xuan Ying glanced over her eyes, her yin and coldness, making her scalp numb.

"Yes ... yes, young master!"

They all knew how Xuanying dealt with women, and he often threw the women around him into the barracks and rewarded his men.

Chu Chu approached tremblingly and poured a glass of hot milk.

Xuan Ying took the milk glass and handed it to Feng Lingxue's red lips. "Not hungry? Drink the milk first."

Feng Lingxue was flattered. He didn't torture her today, but he treats her well?

He personally fed her milk.

What's up with him?

Xuan Ying's dark-colored glazed eyes fell on her little face, and seemed unpredictable. She couldn't see any thought in his heart.

"No ... no need ..." She refused.

"Want me to feed you?"


Xuan Ying took a sip of milk herself, then leaned over and blocked her red lips.

The long tongue pried open her teeth, and he fed a mouthful of hot milk into her mouth.

Feng Lingxue's eyes widened, and she drank the milk unexpectedly.

Xuan Ying did not release her, and kissed her little tongue for a while before slowly releasing her.

He also licked the milk stains on her lips.

Feng Lingxue's stunning coldness turned red, and he even ... fed her milk this way.

"Want me to feed?" He was ready to feed her again.

"I will do it myself!"

She quickly took the milk cup and drank a cup of hot milk slowly.

"Oh." Xuan Ying smiled lowly in her ears, and the laughter was gentle and humorous.

Feng Lingxue's heart spread a honey, even this fresh milk became very sweet and sweet.

Since that night three years ago, she was dragged into a dark room and lost her innocence, and she knew she was dirty.

She had low self-esteem and fear, so she closed herself.

She didn't dare to expect it, because she was no longer qualified to be with him. Now they are very different. He is the king of silver face, and it is even more impossible for her to humble herself into the dust.

However, she still felt sweet now.

Brother Ying seems to be back.

As long as he treats her a little better, her heart will sink and fall into his love network, unable to extricate herself.

"After breakfast, I'll take you to shopping later." Xuan Ying kissed her hair from behind.


"I do not…"

"I got the news today that the Westbound Palace has already announced to the world that the West Lord will marry the concubine half a month later, and the daughter of the East Queen, Ye Ruge, will be the consort, and A Xiao will be the side concubine. "


West Lord Lu Yeming is about to marry a concubine?

Half a month later?

Why is time so tight?

"In recent years, the king living deep in the palace claimed to be ill and has been training. No matter what the four kings fighting outside, he did not show up, no one was called, and no one could enter the palace."

"But according to the ancestral practice, every king and queen must enter the palace the next day to see the king and thank Tianen, so Lord Xi can enter the palace after getting married."

"No, today the Yuzhen Museum is very lively. Today, the West King will take Ye Ruge and A Xiao to go there to try on the red wedding gauze. I will also let you customize some Huashang, huh?"

When Chu Chu and another beautiful lady listened, they jealously put their nails in their hands. The Yuzhen Pavilion was specially made for the emperor of Country A. The new products there each season will become the vane of the fashion circle, and it is difficult to buy them. .

It is really jealous that Young Master wants to customize Huashang for Feng Lingxue.


Yuzhen Pavilion.

The bulletproof X luxury car slowly parked on the lawn, and the waiter inside opened the rear door respectfully.

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