Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1190: Just remember his good

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Feng Lingxue has always been an ice beauty. Before, many men in Ajiaofang bought her a big smile and never smiled.

She hasn't smiled at him since the two met.

Now she smiled.

She smiled beautifully.

Feng Lingxue was lying on his sturdy thigh, and her stunning little face was raised high. She looked at him and smiled, "Thank you."

Xuan Ying looked down at her, her voice a little dumb, "Thank you?"

"Thank you for taking me to the aerial ropeway. I am very happy."

Xuan Ying stretched her hand, and her rough thumb touched her little face. If there is a capricorn like "Well, don't you blame me? I pulled you with a belt, beat you, scolded you, humiliated you, tortured you ... "

Feng Lingxue drew down a small fan-like Yu Jie. It was her bad that she did not protect herself.

Without that night three years ago, she and he would not have reached where they are today.

He hates her, she knows.

She also hates herself.

She has never forgotten that nightmare night, a hot and fit man's body pressed against her, leaving her unable to move, her clothes were torn, her body was torn, and she lost her most precious Chastity, this should be left to Shadow Brother.

Feng Lingxue ticked her red lips. "Those ... I have forgotten, I just remember ... you are good to me."

Xuanying's dark-colored glazed eyes quickly turned out, like two small swirls, dangerous and deep.

"Actually, my mother treats me very well. My mother is a daughter of a fisherman. Because of her beautiful appearance, she was attracted to the North King. My mother has already promised to be someone, but the North King directly My mother exploded. "

"My mother was brought into the Northbound Palace and became a puppet. Princess North felt jealous because of her jealousy. Soon Lord North had a new love and forgot my mother."

"My mother is pregnant, but since then it has fallen into the hands of Princess North. Princess North has used my mother as a servant every day and shamed her torture her every day. Later, my mother gave birth to me, and our mother and daughter lived in a rundown place. In the hut, I still remember that I was often hungry and had nothing to eat. One night I cried hungry and wow, my mother went looking for food, and then ... came back disheveled, it was a very thin bowl of rice I will never forget when I was drinking rice cereal, my mother turned around and cried secretly ... "

"One day, the princess said that my mother stole something and threw my mother directly into the barracks. Several big men dragged my mother into the car. I was so scared that I was chasing the car while crying, and my mother looked at the window. As for me, she said ... Ling Ling, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Mom will always love you ... "

"I fell down and the car drove away. The maid carried me back. I heard that my mother was dead and died in the barracks within a few days ..."

Xuan Ying kept looking at her eyes. He heard her mentioning her mother for the first time, remembering her childhood, her white eyes became red, as if she would cry next second.

He felt a sudden pain in his heart, and his rough palm stroked her little face. "Do you want to cry? Cry when you want to cry."

Feng Lingxue shook her head, and her eyes were covered with a layer of shimmering water, but the strong did not let the tears fall, "For so many years, I can't remember what my mother looks like, I am not afraid of suffering, I'm not afraid of hard times at all, and now I still remember the bowl of rice cereal, which is the love of my mother, so I will feel very happy and happy. "

Xuan Ying tickled her thin lips and responded softly, "Well."

"Everyone else treats me well, I remember, but ... there are really too few people who treat me well."

Said Feng Lingxue raised his eyes and stared at him with clear eyes, "Except for Mom, Shadow Brother is the best person to me."

The young Xuanying really treats Feng Lingxue very well.

He would put her cold little hand into his arms to keep her warm. He did n’t talk much but always joked to make her happy. He did n’t dare to hold her little hand to kiss her. He said to take her away. There is always a small home with him and her.

Feng Lingxue always remembered that when she wanted to jump off the building and die, she carried her back. The warmth that touched his chest at that moment, and the sugar melting on the tip of her tongue, became forever in her heart.

She and Xuanying are unfortunate people. In the old days in Gillian's room, they snuggled up and warmed each other.

There are thousands of people in this world, but they have never been dependent on each other like them, she is his only, he is her sun.

Xuan Ying raised her eyebrows, then leaned over and kissed her forehead.

It is the supreme pity that a man kisses a woman's forehead.

Feng Lingxue has lived in the Westbound Palace since she was a child. She has learned to look at other people's eyes very early, so she is very sensitive.

She said that she was an ice beauty, but in fact she was not cold. She was just like a hedgehog. When the mother left her and was thrown into Gillian's room, she erected the hedgehog and locked herself in it. In a closed world.

She hid in this world, afraid of being hurt, and refused to be hurt.

But looking away from this layer of thorns, you will find a newborn baby cat lying in it. This little milk cat is timid and afraid of being born. It is not aggressive and a little inferior.

In fact, Feng Lingxue is a little girl who has not grown up. She is pure and kind in her heart.

Xuan Ying embraced her and kissed her forehead-Feng Lingxue, did you use this trick for every man?

Well, he admits that she won. At this moment, he was distressed.


The high-altitude ropeway was over, and X luxury car stopped at Hanshanyuan.

The maid opened the door, Xuan Ying walked in with Feng Lingxue's little bee waist, and a voice came from her ear, "Silver King, are you back?"

Feng Lingxue looked up, and there was a beautiful and elegant figure standing in the living room, Shi Xiaoxiao.

Shi Xiaoxiao is the daughter-in-law of the Southern King.

Just now the happiness and sweetness shrouded a layer of haze. Feng Lingxue knew that he was different from his identity now. Men in such high positions would marry.

She doesn't deserve him.

Xuan Ying glanced at Shi Xiaoxiao with no expression. He squeezed Feng Lingxue's little bee waist and whispered, "Go up first."

Feng Lingxue nodded and went upstairs. She wanted to go back to her room, the maid's room.

Xuan Ying's deep, unpleasant voice came downstairs, "Where are you going? Go into my room and give me bath water!"

Although he was shouting and ordering her, he let her enter his bedroom.

Feng Lingxue was stagnation, then lowered her head and pushed open the door of his room and ran in.

Xuan Ying looked at her disappearing Qiao Ying, tickled her thin lips, and looked good.

"Silver King, what does Feng Lingxue have to do with you?" Shi Xiaoxiao asked.

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