Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1192: Let me show you, OK?

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Xuan Ying pinched her small jaw forcibly, forcing her to turn her face.

He was full of anger and impatience, but when his eyes touched her little face, he quickly stagnated.

Tears crawled on her face.

she cried.

Suddenly his heart hurt, and the pain was unbearable, but soon he showed a ridiculous cold smile, "What are you crying? I want to marry Shi Xiaoxiao, and have you been wronged?"

Feng Lingxue choked softly and looked at him in tears.

"What do you mean, do you want me to marry you? You know how hard it was for me to climb this step today. I traded my life for today's scenery and achievements, marry you, and marry a Gillian room. My princess, what can you bring me, and what can you help me? "

"Shi Xiaoxiao's father is a generation of famous men with heavy soldiers. I married her, how much blood can be lost, and you, betrayed me before and abandoned me, can I give you a chance, are you still not satisfied?

He was roaring, and the fact that every word and every word was spoken was not exaggerated at all, and he was right.

He probably didn't know that his words cut her heart like a knife, she didn't, she really didn't ...

She was just ... a little sad, a little wronged.

Either greedy or selfish, she just has one thing ... I don't want him to marry another woman.

She knew that she should not cry. She was not qualified to cry. She was not worth crying. If she cried, she would only get his sharp irony and shame.

But tears couldn't be controlled, like her heart was dripping with blood.

Feng Lingxue looked at him with tears in his eyes, "I'm sorry ... really ... sorry, I'm useless, I can't ... help you ..."

The choking sound of her choked on and off into his eardrums, unexplainably harsh.

Actually, he didn't want to say these things.

I just felt a pain in my heart and wanted to stab her to make her ache with it.

He didn't mean that.

It took three years to be able to keep pace with the West King Lu Yeming, the silver-faced Wang Xuanying, not a soft egg relying on women.

"Wipe your tears, if you still want to cry, roll back to your lower room, disappointed!"

With a low curse, Xuanying slammed the door.


he's gone.

Feng Lingxue quickly raised her two small hands and wiped a tear, she didn't cry.

However, only more and more tears were wiped out.

She knew that she had nothing, no family background, background, backstage, and she would have nothing. She was sold into Gillian Room at a very young age, and has always lived there, except for some skills of pleasing-pleasing men, she did not have the opportunity to learn Anything else.

Actually, she wanted to go out and take a look.

She wants to go to school.

But forget it.

She has no chance.

She can't help him.

As he went through all the troubles, she shouldn't bother him. She had wanted to ... want to rely on him and let him help her to rescue Moumu. Now she felt shameful and ridiculous!

Miss Shi is his better choice.

Feng Lingxue stopped her tears slowly. She took off her clothes and stood under the shower to take a shower.

She washed herself clean with a bath milk, and she put on the black camisole.

She couldn't give him anything else.

Then please please him.


Opening the door of the shower room, Feng Lingxue entered the room. There was no light in the room. The bright moonlight penetrated through the layers of veil, and there was a tall and erect figure sitting on the big bed.

Xuan Ying leaned lazily on the bedside, a long leg bent, and a slender cigarette holding a cigarette.

The green smoke was permeating, his handsome face was plated in the dark, scattered and a little decadent sexy.

She came out, he heard it, but he didn't see it.

Feng Lingxue stepped forward, crawled onto the soft big bed, and then climbed onto him.

Xuan Ying straightened her long legs, and she sat on his strong thigh.

The little white hand held the cigarette in his hand, "Don't smoke."

Xuan Ying slightly raised his head and spit out a smoke, "Don't smoke ... what's that for?"

Feng Lingxue hugged his neck and kissed his thin lips, "I'll show you dancing, okay?"


"Well, I don't know anything else, I don't understand the current situation, I can't share with you, I just dance."

Xuan Ying looked at her through the moonlight, her nose was red, her eyes were red, and a **** suspender nightdress was on her body.

She said she could do nothing.

She does not know anything.

No one taught her.

In fact, she is very clever, she knows everything, but she has no chance to learn.

All she could do was that little-to-poor trick to please a man, a man can sleep for a while, and he won't be able to go to the elegant hall.

Xuan Ying didn't speak, Feng Lingxue stepped down from his thigh, and the white jade foot stepped on the handmade carpet, and she began to dance.

The dance she danced was not gorgeous, but she was full of joy at first sight.

In the hazy moonlight, she was dancing and spinning, and the veil of her body radiated a gorgeous arc.

Xuan Ying took the cigarette to his thin lips, took a few more puffs, and unknowingly, he finished his cigarette.

He threw the cigarette **** in the ashtray on the bedside table, and stretched out his big palm to fasten her slim arm, pulling it hard.

Feng Lingxue's soft, boneless body fell into his arms.

"What do you mean? It's been a little day on my body and I can't wait, but come to punch me?" He asked with a low voice.

Feng Lingxue stretched out two small hands to embrace his neck, and then leaned up to kiss his thin lips.

She took the initiative to kiss, depicting his **** lips, pierced into her little tongue, and danced with him.

Xuan Ying rolled his throat up and down. He suddenly changed his mind. She was not a woman whose man slept. As long as she went to bed, the man didn't want to get out of bed and wanted to be faint.

The big palm shuttled into her long hair and clasped her back. He turned against him and deepened the kiss.

In this dark and cold night, they will melt each other in this kiss.

Feng Lingxue suddenly pushed him away, her hooked eyes looked at him in vain.

"What?" He asked.

Feng Lingxue kissed up again, but her red lips slowly moved down his handsome cheek ...


All the passion is over, Feng Lingxue lies in the man's powerful arms and lies on his warm chest.

Xuan Ying reached out her rough finger and touched her swollen lips, then leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Sleep."

"Well, good night." Feng Lingxue closed her eyes.

However, she did not fall asleep, and was reluctant to sleep. She was greedy for his warm chest and such a quiet time, because tomorrow ... it was all over ...

Feng Lingxue didn't open her eyes, she wouldn't know that a pair of dark-colored glazed eyes had been lingering on her little face in the dark.

Xuan Ying didn't sleep, he kept looking at her.

The eyes were dull and deep.


Early the next morning.

Feng Lingxue wrote a note and gave it to his father, Lord King North --- I started tonight, inside and outside.

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