Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1197: DNA paternity test

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

At present, the country's king, Lord Lu Yeming, and Yinmian Wang Xuanying stand on top of each other, but after this battle, Yinmian Wang Xuanying's name has skyrocketed. His Hanshan Garden has been broken by those noble officials this week. There is a tendency to surpass Lu Yeming.

However, Lu Yeming has nothing to move here, no matter how lively there is in Xuanying's Hanshan Garden, this westbound palace stands between the clouds, calm and deep, still and calm.

Of course, the invitation from Xuan Ying, Lu Yeming must go.

Jun Xiqing slept with Tang Moer during this time. When she got out of the room door, she heard a few maids talking softly outside,

--- Tomorrow is the engagement banquet of King Yin Nian and Miss Shi. Guess which female companion our master will bring?

--- It must be Miss Ye Ruye, she is our queen princess.

--- I don't think so. The master may bring Miss A Xiao or Miss Jun.

--- Don't guess, I bet the master will bring his own sister!

--- Miss?

--- Yes, the master of the last banquet also brought the young lady, and this time the engagement banquet must also bring the young lady!

Jun Xiqing listened lightly, who will Lu Yeming take to the engagement party of King of Silver Face this time?

At this moment she went to the door of the study, and the door of the study was not closed.

She pushed open the study door and went in.

The study of the westbound palace is very elegant, and the design sense of black and white and cold colors is cold and majestic, very atmospheric.

Jun Xiqing went to the desk, and she saw a document placed on the desk.

The file was pressed below, but she faintly saw a few big words --- DNA paternity test.

DNA paternity test?

Jun Xiqing's breathing was stagnation, and she quickly felt that her heartbeat had hit her throat.

Is her guess true?

Is Lu Yeming just a descendant of Lu?

Jun Xiqing felt that she had discovered a shocking mystery, and now the answer to the mystery was in front of her.

Nervous, excited, looking forward.

She slowly reached out her hand and pushed the file down.

The DHA paternity test was revealed. The first page is the cover, with a typewriting signature below.

Jun Xiqing looked at the signature, and the appraiser was Lu Jinwen.

Her smart water eyes kept shrinking and zooming in. The three characters "Lu Jinwen" flew in and out, and the calm and vigorous force leapt to the paper, which was the autographed signature of a generation of business emperor Lu Jinwen.

This DNA paternity test is identified by ... Lu Jinwen?

So, Lu Jinwen left this DNA paternity test to Lu Yeming before his death?

Jun Xiqing felt her blood was ignited and boiled. Three years ago, she was still young. She did n’t have many opportunities to get in touch with the commercial nobles of Lu Jinwen's generation. omnipotent.

Lu Yeming is really like Lu Jinwen's son. He is as deep as his father, sharp and powerful like an emperor.

Now that this DNA paternity test is exposed, it is clear that before Lu Jinwen's death, the father and son had a secret and unknown conversation.

What was the result of this conversation?

Jun Xiqing reached out and opened the appraisal.

But before I opened it, there was a knock on the door, "咚咚咚", a very rhythmic knock on the door, referring to the calm and powerful way, making people tremble.

Jun Xiqing stiffened, and quickly looked back, and a stature-like body stood beside the door.

Lu Yeming stood there, wearing a handmade white shirt with a tie around his neck, and an ironed black suit with no wrinkles on the outside. A white square was stacked in his suit pocket, overflowing with The indescribable Tsinghua University is dazzling.

He copied his trousers pocket with one hand, and fell down after knocking through the door with one hand, drew beside him, and the deep phoenix eyes fell on her face, showing a bit of hawk-like sharpness in the indifferent alienation, watching her quietly. .

The confidant Fanmen respectfully stood behind him, holding the dark gray coat he had just taken off, and looked at her.

Jun Xiqing's scalp was seen numb, and she felt a little guilty. It was not the gentleman who broke into someone's study without permission.

"Oh," she sneered twice, "Colossus West, what a coincidence."

Lu Yeming glanced sideways and glanced at Fanmen.

Vatican nodded, and quickly retreated.

"Miss Jun, are you so interested in my private affairs?" Lu Yeming casually glanced at the DNA paternity test on the desk.

"..." Jun Xiqing's small head turned quickly. "Of course! Didn't Lord West want me to have a baby for you? I must know the true blood of Lord West beforehand."

Lu Ye moved, pulled in his long legs, and walked in. A few dim gleams flashed in his deep phoenix eyes. "Then you understand?"

Jun Xiqing glanced up and down and had to say that this man is a walking hanger, and he picks all kinds of clothes, especially in this black dress, which almost sets off his calm self-control and abstinence. Raising one's hand exudes natural elegance and kingliness.

Sometimes the pedigree is congenital, which is beyond the reach of learning and transformation the day after tomorrow.

At a very young age, Lu Yeming showed his talent creation and distinctiveness.

Jun Xiqing slowly raised her red lips, and her twinkling eyes flashed incomparably brightly. "I think ... if the sons of Lu Jinwen and Mrs. Xuan Ye had died, then the West King now Whose blood is it? "

Saying Jun Xiqing crooked her head, "I suddenly thought of a sentence, that is ... the old Wang Xietang Qianyan, flew into the home of ordinary people."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Yeming stunned those deep phoenix eyes, hooked the study door against his leg, he stood like a jade standing on the wall, and lifted his long fingers and pulled the neck tie. .

He stretched out his tongue and licked his **** thin lips, and he said quietly, "I really want to let you go, but ... you have attracted my attention again and again."

"Since I'm so interested in my bloodline, why not, our husband, how about it?"

He smiled slowly, like the most elegant cheetah in the forest staring at his delicious prey.

Jun Xiqing was not afraid. She stepped forward and opened her mouth and yawned. "So sleepy, I'm going back to my room to sleep."

Her little hand hit the doorknob.

At this point a big palm with a clear joint covered, and held her little hand, "Who teaches you to come and come on my site when you want to, and go where you want to go, eh?"

Jun Xiqing's eyes narrowed. When the man talked to her, his long body was slightly lowered, so he had a handsome face with a crown like a jade.

The faces of the two were close together, and each other's pupils were filled with their reflections.

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