Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1213: Massive bloodstains poured out

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

In the middle of the road is a stream of vehicles. Feng Lingxue smiled and walked step by step ...


A harsh car whistle sounded, a private car braked suddenly, and the owner slipped down the window and yelled, "Hey, how did you come to the road, hit a car and want to die? You neurotic!"

Feng Lingxue did not respond, she continued to move forward.

At this moment a dazzling car light came over, and a large truck rushed from the corner, and when it saw it, it hit Feng Lingxue's body.

"Hey, hurry up!"

Several pedestrians yelled at the thrilling scene.

Feng Lingxue stopped, she looked at the big truck speeding towards her, then slowly opened her arms.

Mumu, Mommy is here to accompany you.

Mu Mu, Mommy really misses you.

Mumu, Mommy will never be separated from you again.

Big trucks galloping ...

"Oh my God!" The pedestrians had covered their eyes and were afraid to look at them anymore.

A loud bang blew up in my ears, the pedestrians knew it, and the big truck must have run over it.

Seeing that she was so good at Shaohua, there was something she couldn't think of, and those pedestrians sighed.

They took down their hands and looked up. The next second, they took a breath of air.

what happened?

When the big truck was about to hit Feng Lingxue, a bulletproof X Extreme luxury car came over halfway, twisted the steering wheel, and directly hit the body of the big truck.

The scene was full of fire.

The big truck stopped and crashed into the side fence.

X Extreme Luxury car hit a big truck, and the front body did not sink at all.

"Well, this car is really amazing!"

"The world of rich people is really heartbreaking." ...

In X Extreme, Xuan Ying sat in the co-driver's seat. He was expressionless, his features were indifferent, and soon a line of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

The huge impact caused his internal injuries. He raised his hand and wiped the blood with his hand. A few strands of bangs on his forehead covered his cold eyes. The blood-sweeping action was wild and wild.

A Zhou ran over quickly, "Master, are you okay?"

A Zhou was so frightened that she looked behind, and Feng Feng was looking for a car and hit her, and the master saw it as if she was dead.

Xuan Ying stretched out the door of the driver's seat and lifted his foot.

The thick black military boots stepped on the ground and issued a steady and rhythmic "squeak". The black coat corner of his body slammed with the cold wind, cold and indifferent.

Soon, he stopped and stopped in front of Feng Lingxue.

Feng Lingxue slowly retracted her arms, and the smile on her red lips was gone. She raised her eyes and looked at the man's dark colored glazed eyes.

He also stared at her, "Which show is this?"

"Why are you again?" Feng Lingxue said.

Her voice was very small and dumb, but Xuan Ying heard it clearly enough. He pursed his thin lips, and the forgiving anger and coldness made him look at the extra danger, "repeat the words just now."

Feng Lingxue didn't dodge. "Don't you understand? I asked why it's you again? I don't want to see you, I don't want to see you at all! Give me a roll!"

She growled at him.

She said she didn't want to see him at all.

He knew she was serious, because at the moment she looked at him with aversion and repulsion.

Xuan Ying drew her tongue and licked her dry thin lips. "Feng Lingxue, this is what you asked for! I'll kill you tonight!"

He stooped and hugged her directly.

Pulling the door of the front passenger seat, he threw her in, and then returned to the driver's seat by himself, "A Zhou, here is for you to deal with."

A Zhou didn't even dare to lift one, and he followed the master for three years. This was the first time he saw the master lose his temper.


X Extreme Luxury Cars gallop away ...


Hanshan Garden.

The maid rushed to open the door, but with a bang, the carved door of rosewood was kicked open.

"Young Master." The maid stepped back in shock.

Xuan Ying grabbed Feng Lingxue's slim arm and dragged her upstairs.

Feng Lingxue couldn't keep up with his pace and stumbled.

He kicked the door open, and he threw her on the soft big bed.

Feng Lingxue felt dizzy. At this moment, he was heavy and pressed down.

Xuan Ying knelt beside her, "brushed" and pulled off her belt, then tore her clothes.

She stretched out her big palm and lifted her small slap face. She squeezed it tightly, "Give you a chance to speak well, what's wrong with you?"

Feng Lingxue looked at him, not struggling, not struggling at all, "Don't you just want to do it? Brother Shadow is already dead. You are no different from those men who want to bully me, even you are better than any of them Everyone is cruel! You are all devil, real devil! "

Xuan Ying's eyes were filled with dark-colored things. He leaned down and kissed her red lips.

He didn't want to listen to her anymore.

She refused to speak well, and she would not tell him why she was hit by a car. In that case, don't say it.

Don't make him angry again!

Xuan Ying let go of her red lips and kissed all the way down.

Then she heard her cold words, "Troublesome you to do it quickly."

Xuan Ying was stiff, the muscles under the thin shirt stiffened piece by piece, holding her knees with a big palm, and folding her directly on the bed ...


Two hours later, clothes fell on the carpet in the room, and an extravagant smell spread out.

Xuan Ying stepped out, went into the shower without returning, and stood under the shower to take a cold shower.

Tiny cold drops of water rushed to his healthy muscles and bounced off quickly. He slightly raised his head, and the wild decadence after the indulgence set off a bit of evil. He flushed himself expressionlessly.

In her mind was the scene just now, no matter how he made her, she was silent, lying on the bed, like wood.

He acknowledged that he was uncomfortable, not at all this time.

He remembers that not long ago, he took her to a high-altitude ropeway, and she lay on his thigh with a timid smile.

She celebrated her birthday and hugged him, saying that she just hugged him.

As long as he gives her a little good, she will follow him eagerly.

But now it's different.

He seems to have lost something.

He turned off the shower, walked out wearing a piece of black silk pajamas, and stopped by the bed. He looked at the woman in the bed and ordered coldly, "Get up and go to the shower!"

Feng Lingxue was covered with a white silk quilt, revealing a small face engraved with the word "slaves". She closed her eyes and the white face was almost transparent.

But there was no pain on her face, as if she was asleep.

Xuan Ying's ears moved slightly, because he heard a "tick and tick" sound, as if a liquid had dripped down.

He glanced at it, seeing a large swath of blood leaking out and wet the snow-white sheets.

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