Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1217: She has no heartbeat

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Lu Yan was very shy to see her slender Yu Jie tremble. She really danced like the butterfly's cicada wings.

She's been married for so long, she's still so shy, like a little girl.

Of course, she is a little girl.

Looking at her small collagen-filled face and sheep-like fat muscles, Lu Yan picked up the handsome and mature eyebrows. In his whole life, Yan Blessing will not be short.


Early the next morning.

Si Kong really took a special plane from Mexico and flew to country A. Tang Moer and Si Kong went to Hanshan Garden by car.

In a luxury car.

Tang Moer looked to Si Kong, Si Kong had a handmade white shirt, a gray check suit on the outside, and a pair of golden mirrors on his face. He was beautiful, gentle and clean.

Si Kong and Fu Qinglun are brothers. They are both handsome and handsome.

Perhaps compared to Fu Qinglun, Si Kong is much softer, but a man standing at the pinnacle of academics exudes a kind of professional and alienated aura, which seems to be more proud and aloof.

The world's most prestigious divine doctor, the owner of the medicated diet door, has an inestimable net worth, regardless of hardware or software conditions.

"Sikong Shenyi, I'll be at Hanshanyuan in a moment. I have one thing to ask you for," Tang Mo'er said.

Si Kong raised his head from an academic research report. He looked sideways at Tang Moer. The black eyes behind the golden mirror were calm and calm. "Miss Tang, please say."


Hanshan Garden.

The maid opened the door, Tang Moer went straight upstairs and looked at Feng Lingxue, Feng Lingxue was still lying on the bed, and she had a peaceful sleep, and the signs of life were very weak.

Tang Moer saw Feng Lingxue's face with the word "slave", and stroked deep into her delicate muscles, becoming an indelible mark.

Then a slow, steady footstep came to her ears and stopped beside her.

Tang Mo'er didn't need to look sideways to know that Xuanying was here.

"What about Sikong?" He asked.

The man's voice was hoarse, like after frosting.

Tang Moer turned slightly and looked at the door. "Sikong is here."

Si Kong came in. He took off his outer suit and wore a white gown. Inside his clean white shirt cuffs wrapped his thin wrists. His hands were really white and shaved, so beautiful.

This is either the hand of playing the piano or the hand of studying medicine.

The doctor followed him admiringly, he was staring at Feng Lingxue's examination report.

Xuan Ying was not asleep all night, and the ink-colored eye sockets were like splashing ink, which was stained with scarlet, and looked extremely gloomy and cold.

He looked at Si Kong, "Be sure to save her!"

Si Kong closed the inspection report in his hand and walked to the bed. "I will do my best."

At this moment, the ECG suddenly issued a sharp alarm sound.

Xuan Ying looked up, and the weakly fluctuating line of the ECG went down and became a straight line.

"Oh my God, it's not good, the patient has no heartbeat!" The doctor cried in alarm.

No heartbeat.

She suddenly had no heartbeat.

With a buzz, Xuan Ying's entire brain exploded. He stepped back two steps. The glazed eyes were filled with terror and incredible, she even ... has no breath.

how come?

how come?

He was unprepared.

"Get ready for an electric shock!" Si Kong gave a calm and quick command.


Xuan Ying stepped back, until the upright back receded on the icy wall. His dark pupil was filled with that scene. Under a strong electric shock, Feng Lingxue's delicate body was bounced and fell heavily again, then Bounced up again ...

He looked at her face, she didn't feel the slightest pain, as if still sleeping.

The whole world was quiet, he could not hear her breath.

"Electric shock failed!"

"The patient shows no sign of survival!"

"The patient has no heartbeat!"

"She's dead!"

I don't know who was talking, these voices were intertwined in Xuan Ying's eardrum, which made him have a headache.

He saw Si Kong let go of his hand, and he saw the nurse pull over the white cloth and slowly cover her face.

These shots were slowed down hundreds or thousands of times, as if a large palm had come out, piercing his chest alive, and taking away his heart.



He had action, he pulled out his long legs and rushed over, pushing everyone away, "Go! Give me all!"

"Silver King, please mourn, the patient is dead," the doctor mourned.

Xuan Ying's eyes were congested, and Tongren was crazed. He stared fiercely at the doctor, "You bullshit, she is not dead! How could she be dead, you are lying to me!"

"Silver King ..."

Xuan Ying's two big palms pinched Feng Lingxue's weak shoulders and shook it vigorously, "Feng Lingxue, don't pretend to sleep, wake me up soon!"

"You won't die, right, how could you be dead, okay, okay, I confessed, I promised you, I won't humiliate you anymore, I will give you away, and I will ... be good to you . "

"Feng Lingxue, you have achieved your goal, you can wake up, open your eyes quickly!"

Xuan Ying shook Feng Lingxue vigorously, but Feng Lingxue did not respond.

"Silver King, let the patient feel relieved ..."

Seeing Xuan Ying's crazy state, both doctor and nurse came to pull him.


Xuan Ying stretched out his hand, and those people fell like a man on the floor, but I don't know who touched the silver mask on his face. When he said "Dang", the mask fell on the carpet.

He showed his whole face.

His left half face is handsome and unparalleled, every contour line is a pen of axe, but his right half face is covered with dense knife marks. At this moment, his blue veins are violently flickering, his eyes are scarlet, and a few points and twists are added for no reason. Makes people look scary.


A nurse was frightened and screamed quickly.

But Xuan Ying turned a deaf ear, he didn't know what happened, he just stared at Feng Lingxue fiercely.

Tang Moer looked at this scene, her eyes changed, she quickly stepped forward, "Silver King, enough, Ling Xue sister has left."

She left.

Did she leave?

Xuan Ying slowly stretched out her hand and pushed her fingers under her nose, where ... there was no breathing.

I really didn't breathe.

As if getting an electric shock, Xuan Ying immediately retracted his hand.

He got up and quickly left the room.


Xuan Ying locked himself in the wine cellar, and poured a lot of wine bottles around him.

Just drunk.

Drunk, he slept again, and when he woke up the next day, he realized that all this was just a dream.

Nothing happened.

His tall, straight body rolled down from the bar chair to the ground. He closed his eyes slumped, why wasn't he drunk?

He can't get drunk.

Feeling uncomfortable, he sat up, shuttled his hands into his short hair, and rubbed hard.

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