Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1220: She and I shouldn't end like this

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

She gave birth to a daughter.

Xuan Ying's scarlet ink eyes shrank, he stared at Tang Mo'er in shock.

Tang Mo'er looked softly at Feng Lingxue on the bed. "Silver King, yes, you heard me right. Ling Xue's sister gave birth to a daughter named Mu Mou."

Speaking of Tang Moer, he looked at Xuan Ying, "So you should now understand how sorry and guilty Sister Ling Xue is for you. She takes all this as her fault. No matter how you humiliate her, she can understand you Because she also hates herself so ruined. "

Xuan Ying's two big palms dangling from his side pulled his fists tightly. He didn't know, he didn't know anything ...

Three years ago, what happened the night before the ceremony and where was he?

Xuan Ying tried to recall, but, headache.


Head hurts.

He reached out and pressed his head, why can't he remember?

He didn't remember that night.

"That kid ... where is it now?" He asked hoarsely.

"Mumou is dead."


Xuan Ying's heart suddenly stunned. Why was his heart distressed by a strange child?

"After Mu Mo's death, sister Ling Xue went crazy for half a year and was kept in a dark room by Lord Bei. Later, sister Ling Xue suddenly got better because Lord Bei told her that her shadow brother was now in the Imperial City , She can go to him. "

"I think," Tang Mo'er felt a little cold, she stretched her arms around her, gently and sadly, "You are the biggest regret in Ling Xue's sister's heart, the most unforgettable miss, she pretended that she was for herself Constructed a dreamy world, there are Momou in this world, and you more. "

Xuan Ying stepped forward and walked to the bed, he looked down, Feng Lingxue hugged the pillow in her arms, and a few strands of hair fell to her ears, and she patted the pillow softly, "Mou Mou Good boy, Mommy sleeps with you ... "

Xuan Ying raised his hand, his fingertips were already shaking, he wanted to caress her face, and he wanted to caress her child.

Feng Lingxue suddenly raised her head at this moment, and she stared at Xuan Ying coldly and alertly, "Don't touch me! Don't touch my Mu Mou!"

Xuan Ying's heart was stung severely, and even the big palm was stiffened in the air, and his dry throat rolled up and down, and he tried to soften his voice as much as possible, "Ling Ling, don't be afraid ... I won't hurt you ... I will Will protect you ... "

"A liar!" Feng Lingxue pushed him away. "You are a liar, and I will not believe you! You are a devil, a cannibal devil!"


She said he was the devil.

She's all that, she still remembers him as a devil.

Xuan Ying shook his head in pain, "I'm not, Ling Ling, I'm really not ..."

He clasped her weak incense shoulders and wanted to hold her in her arms.

"Get away! Don't touch me!" Feng Lingxue opened his mouth and bit his arm.

She bite hard, trying to bite off a piece of his meat.

Bright red blood penetrated through the shirt.

Xuan Ying felt pain, not the pain of being bitten by her, but the pain in her heart. He pressed her little head into his arms and said, "Ling Ling, I'm sorry ... I'm really sorry, I'm wrong ... you beat me and scold me Yes, but ... don't push me away ... "

He pressed his firm jaw against her soft hair, and leaned forward and kissed her hair forcefully.

The more she broke free, the tighter he held.

He is about to lose her.

He lost her.

This voice was lingering in my ears, fear, fear, sudden pain, rushing from the limbs, he was like a drowning piece of wood, and he could only hold her tightly to hold her before he could breathe.

"Ah! Moumu! My Moumu!"

During the struggle, the pillow in the quilt was about to fall, and Feng Lingxue screamed.

"The king of silver face is enough, don't stimulate Ling Xue's sister!" At this moment Tang Moer stepped forward and pulled the black shadow away.

Xuan Ying let go, Feng Lingxue quickly hugged the pillow, and tremblingly hid in the corner of the bed.

She stared at him with vigilance and exclusion.

Xuan Ying felt unable to breathe, messed up, everything was messed up, "Ling Ling, don't be afraid, I'll go out now!"

He comforted, then turned and went out.


Outside the door, Xuan Ying's tall body leaned against the wall, and a dark pain in the dark eyes.

At this time, "click", Si Kong came out.

"What's wrong with her?" Xuanying asked mutely.

Si Kong raised his eyes, "The patient's physical injury will slowly heal, but that terrible mental illness has swept again."

In short, Feng Ling Xue went crazy.

She was crazy again.

Xuan Ying punched the wall with a punch, his fist bleed, and it flowed down the wall.

"I just gave the patient a psychological hypnosis, but unfortunately, the patient is full of vigilance and precautions against the world. She refused to open the door of the heart, and I could not enter." Si Kong simply told the medical result to Xuanying.

Xuan Ying lowered her eyelids and did not speak for a moment.

"King of Silver Face, what's your plan?" Tang Mo'er said at this moment, "I think Sister Ling Xue is now rejecting you, I want to take her to me ..."

"No need." Xuan Ying refused.

Tang Moer looked at him.

Xuan Ying's handsome facial features were tense to pale, and his voice was hoarse, "I will take good care of her, she rejects me, I just hide from her, and I will definitely check the matter three years ago. Clearly, I will find out the man who ruined her, and I will check ... Moumou ... "

"Silver King ..."

"Miss Tang," Xuanying looked at Tang Mo'er, and slowly drew a ridiculous arc of thin lips. "I know ... it is impossible for me and her, but even if it is over, it should not be over with me and her. "


Si Kong and Tang Mo'er left Hanshan Garden together. Tang Mo'er stared at Si Kong. "Sikong, the doctor, can you cure the injury on King Yinmian's face?"

In Sikong's one-handed copying of his trouser pocket, the black eyes behind the golden mirror appeared a few slight smiles, "He doesn't want to be cured, why should we treat him?"

Tang Moer stagnates.

"The physical injury is well treated, and the mental illness is difficult to heal. It is not one, but two that are sick in this Hanshanyuan."

Tang Mo'er looked at Si Kong, he took off his white coat, Ying Fan's plaid suit was folded in his arms, his handsome features, even the thin lips were a little pink, and it was a man who recruited peach blossoms.

At this moment two lights beam hit, a limited-edition Land Rover luxury car slowly stopped.

"Miss Tang, my personal assistant is here. I will go first. During this time, I will have an academic research institute in State-owned A. If there is something, I will call me."

"Okay, thank you Dr. Sikong."

"Thanks, there is one thing that troubles Miss Tang. If anyone in Mexico asks me about it, I would also like to ask Miss Tang to reply all the time. I am still treating the patient."

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