Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1223: Big Wedding (3)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Lu Yeming was standing by the door, Tang Mo'er was sitting on the carpet beside the bed. Although some distance apart, the red halo on Tang Mo'er's face had spread to the small white earlobe. It was really embarrassing.

"Cough," Tang Moer coughed, "Ye Ming, why did you prepare this skirt for me? It's too exposed."

Lu Yeming shifted her eyes from her naked-exposed back to her face, and then pulled out her long legs to step forward. His steps were calm and calm, and each step brought out the fierce leg wind and brought her own aura.

Lifting his slender fingers, he unbuttoned the suit buttons one by one, then took off, squatting beside Tang Moer on one knee, and he put the suit on Tang Moer's fragrant shoulders, blocking all the spring light for her .

"Sister, get up first, the carpet is cold."


Tang Mo'er got up with hands and feet, but her legs were straight and soft.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?" Lu Yeming's deep phoenix eyes fell on her hot little face.

Tang Moer felt a little hot and her body was soft.

Nothing else.

She reached out her hand and covered her face, "It's all right ..."

Lu Yeming took the big palm copied in his pants pocket and touched her forehead.

Body temperature is burning.

very hot.

His palms were slightly cold, and the slender fingertips were filled with the cold outside, so that it covered her forehead, and Tang Moer felt comfortable immediately.


There was a lip in her bright red lips-she was very sweet.

Lu Yeming's eyes darkened.

At this moment, the knock of the door rang, and the voice of Vatican came from the door, "Master."

Lu Yeming calmly retracted his hand and lifted his thin lips, "Go in."

Vatican opened the door and came in.

Lu Yeming looked at Tang Mo'er, "Sister, where did this skirt come from?"

Tang Mo'er looked at him puzzled, "Isn't this what you prepared for me?"

Lu Yeming's deep eyes quickly turned into a hawk-like sharp light, he glanced at Fanmen.

Vatican retreated quickly.


A young lady wore a princess dress with pearls on her body. Her figure was very close to Tang Moer's. She did not have Tang Moer's soft waist, and Tang Moer's bulging and feminine body.

Tang Moer is 26 years old. She can call her "light mature woman" or "little-woman". Women have different beauty at each stage. Now Tang Moer is soft and delicate, converging the naive and publicity, and smiles with a smile It is charming charm.

All these are beyond the reach of A Xiao.

"Hurry up and zip me up!"

A small inhale, the two maids finally pull the zipper together.

"Wow, Princess Fang, you are really beautiful." The maids all stared straight.

A Xiao turned around twice in front of the mirror. The layers of yarn waves were like dreams. The bright pearls lined her, and she was stunning by herself.

This princess dress is really beautiful.

After seeing her, Lord West will be fainted by her.

At this time, a loud bang, the door of the room was kicked open, and two men in black rushed in and caught A Xiao directly.

A Xiao was terrified. "What are you doing? Bold, I am the concubine of the West King. You are so rude to me, let me go!"

At this moment Vatican appeared at the door. "Miss A, the master has invited me."


Tang Mo'er replaced the **** long dress and lay on the soft big bed. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Lu Yeming sat by the bed and looked at her with a handsome eyelid.

"Go in!"

At this time A Xiao was pushed into the room.

Because the man in black was relatively rude, A Xiao took a few steps, almost wrestled, and just wanted to curse, A Xiao looked up and saw Lu Yeming ’s figure like a jade. He was sitting quietly beside the bed. White shirt and black trousers, cold and forbidden-the look of desire, so glamorous.

A Xiaozhen has never seen a man more charming than Lu Yeming.

"Lord West, are you looking for me?" A Xiao quickly tidy up the princess skirt and put on an extremely seductive pose.

Lu Ye moved a bit, slowly crossing his face, his deep phoenix eyes fell on A Xiao's body and looked at the princess dress.

His complexion was still unshakable, but there was a deep sigh of coldness in the bottom of his deep eyes.

"Lord Xi, am I beautiful? When you come to my room in the evening, I will let you take a good look." A Xiao whispered deliberately, and could not wait to fall into Lu Yeming's arms now. .

Lu Yeming lifted her thin lips expressionlessly, "snapping her skirt."


The two men in black stepped forward and took off the princess skirt on A Xiao directly.


This mutation made A Xiao scream, she quickly reached out to cover herself, there was a chest sticker inside, and a pair of small pants.

"Lord West, what did I do wrong? I'm your side concubine, but now I've been seen by them!" A Xiaobai twisted her waist and hips to Lu Yeming and coquettishly.

She can show him, but she doesn't want to show these men!

Lu Yeming looked at A Xiao and looked down. A Xiao was only 18 years old, young and beautiful, and had capital.

He pursed his thin lips out of a smile-like arc, a touch of fun overflowing the mature man's style and charm, "he took off the rest of his clothes."

A Xiao's eyes brightened, what was he?

"Lord West, then I take off."

A Xiao slowly took off all his clothes.

She imagined that he would come over the next second, pull her into her arms, and ...

"She rewards you." At this moment a low-alcohol voice rang out in my ears.


Ah Xiao took a breath of air, she looked at Lu Yeming beside the bed, what did he just say?

Lu Yeming had already lowered his handsome eyelids, and his eyes fell on Tang Mo'er.


Two men in black quickly came to Laa.

A Xiao knelt, she didn't know what happened?

"Lord West, I ... I'm your concubine, how can you reward me?"

"Did you ... blame me for wearing this princess dress, yes ... it was Jun Xiqing who said that this princess dress is for your most beloved girl. I am just jealous and jealous because I love you so much, so I He moved his hands and feet, changed his skirt, and sprayed the strongest spring medicine on the skirt. "

"Lord West, forgive me, please ..."

A Xiao wanted to say something, but the man in black covered her mouth and dragged her away in her terrified eyes.

"Master, what do you do with this skirt?" Vatican asked in a low voice.

Lu Yeming's face, like Guan Yu's face, was plated in half-bright and half-dark light, and he could not see it. He whispered, "Throw it into the trash."

"Yes." Vatican nodded.

"Also, go and grab Jun Xiqing."

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