Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1301: Pass by

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Jun Xiqing is here.

At this time, Lu Yeming wore a black thin woolen coat with black suit and black trousers of the same color, all the bangs on his forehead were pushed up, revealing his handsome face, and the bright lights in the hall were shining brightly On his long body, the evening breeze fluttered, and his magnificent posture was set off.

He saw the luxury car of the President Z in front of him. He slowed down and stopped.

His deep phoenix eyes fell on the presidential car.

The Vatican Gate in the back also stopped. He was overjoyed, Miss Jun?

Great, Miss Jun is here!

Fan Men really felt that Dongfang Ruoli could not match the master, and he hoped that the master and Miss Jun were together.

At least there is Miss Jun, the master will laugh, not alone.

At this time, Pingpin got out of the car, respectfully opened the rear door, and Jun Xiqing got out of the car.

Jun Xiqing wore a long white dress with a black cape outside, a long black hair with a green hair plug on it, and the rest of the black hair dangled from her fragrant shoulders. Dye, like flying fairy.

This time she was still dressed as a daughter, not as a female president.

Jun Xiqing's smart water eyes fell on Xuanying's face. "Silver King, I haven't seen you in a long time."

Xuan Ying thought for a moment that Xia Xuan's departure was inseparable from her. His handsome face suddenly darkened, and his voice sank. "Miss Jun, you are late, this wedding party is over."

Jun Xiqing raised her red lips and smiled, "No, I came at the right time, and the show just started."

Xuan Ying grunted coldly, "Well?"

"at the airport."

Xia Ling had taken Mou Mou to the airport. She was leaving. Their mother and daughter were leaving him.

Xuan Ying went to chase after pulling his legs.

At this moment Jun Xiqing's faint moving voice sounded, "Silver King, think about it, do you really want to keep her?"

"The lingering love in the past is beyond recognition. This country A is full of pain for her sister. She cried, and now she is tired of crying and wants to leave. King Silverface, what do you want to keep her?"

The words of Jun Xiqing pierced his heart socket like a sharp blade, and the two large palms on the side of Xuan Ying drew into a fist, and his body was full of blue muscles.

His eyes were red, and his legs widened.

Xuan Ying is gone.

Go after it.

Jun Xiqing watched Xuan Ying's figure disappear into her eyes. She trembled the slender Yu Jie, then raised her eyes and looked at Lu Yeming.

She didn't step forward, just looking at the man.

Lu Yeming also looked at her, and the two were separated by some distance.

Ping Ping glanced at Lu Yeming secretly, and he was also curious about the charm of a man who could make a female monarch heartbeat?

From this look, the bottle is calm and clear, the man in front of Bo Huayu, a pair of deep phoenix eyes calm and calm, the inherent sense of dignity, makes people admire and adore.

Ping Ping bowed his head respectfully.

Jun Xiqing took the lead in breaking the silence. Since I saw her here, she didn't want to be so rigid.

After thinking about it, she said, "Congratulations."

Congratulations on his big marriage with Dongfang Ruoli.

Lu Yeming stood still and did not move. He looked at her small slap face, and felt that she was tired and white and beautiful, and even her red lips were as red as rain, making people want a kiss. Fangze.

He said indifferently, "Thank you."

At this time, a soft waxy figure came over, and came to Lu Yeming's side, lovingly holding his arm, "Master."

Jun Xiqing looked up, Dongfang Ruoli came.

Dongfang Ruoli stood in a pink dress next to Lu Yeming, and the two were really a match made in heaven.

Dongfang Ruoli gave Lu Yeming an admiration glance, and then looked at Jun Xiqing, she nodded slightly, "Prince."

Jun Xiqing smiled back, "Pingpin, let's go back."


Ping Ping opened the back door and Jun Xiqing got on the car.

Lu Yeming watched her figure disappear into her sight. At this moment, Dongfang Ruoli said, "Master, let's go back."

"it is good."

Fanmen opened the back door, and Lu Yeming and Dongfang Ruoli got on the car.

The two presidential luxury cars set off at about the same time, passed by, and then left in both directions.

This difference, and years later.


In the airport.

Xuan Ying rushed to the airport, and he saw Xia Yuan and Mu Mo at a glance.

Xia Xie took Mu Mou's small hand to go through the security check. After the security check, she could get on the plane.

"Alas." Xuan Ying ran over, clasping Xia Ying's slender arm.

Xia Yan looked up at Xuan Ying, then slowly and firmly pulled his arm out of his big palm.

She led Mu Mou inward.

"This gentleman, you can't go inside." The staff blocked Xuanying.

Xuan Ying's eyes were red, and he clasped Xia Yi's slender hawk again. "I don't leave you, you go, go where you want to go and do what you love to do."

Then he put his big palm into his pants pocket, took out something, shoved it into her little hand, "take this."

It's a stamped black card.

Xuan Ying's throat was awkward and she couldn't speak a thousand words. He knew she didn't want to listen.

Years of love are now beyond recognition.

"Receiving this card is rich and easy to do things. You go to other places and live, and you also carry Mou Mo, you can't live without money ..."

"I don't mean anything else, I just hope ... that you can live a better life ..."

Xia Yan didn't speak, she just took her little hand back.

But it cannot be recovered.

He clasped her firmly.

Xia Ling looked back, stretched out his small hand and smashed his five fingers one by one.

With a "snap", the hot black card fell to the ground all at once, and Xia Ling took Mu Mo and left.

Xuan Ying froze in place, he watched their mother and daughter disappear into sight.

Mu Mu was lying on Xia Ye's shoulders and looked at him all the time, tears in her eyes, but between Mummy and Daddy, she still hugged Mummy's neck.

"Daddy, bye."

They are gone.

They really left.

Xuan Ying felt the pain of heartbreaking, redness in his eyes, and he couldn't open his eyes.

He raised his big palm and came to the position of his atrium, his fingers curled up, and he pulled hard.

He wanted to pull out his heart.

He suddenly remembered that she used to do this action, but he didn't understand it at that time, but now she understood it all, and she painfully wanted to pull out her heart.


He laughed lowly. This is probably the retribution. The pain he had put on her has now been doubled back.

Xuan Ying closed her eyes gently, and the next second, his tall and erect body collapsed suddenly.


A Zhou flew up and saw a large swath of blood stains leaking out of the pants under Xuan Ying.

A Zhou was so horrified that he almost forgot to breathe, the glass of liquor, the medicine, what did the master do to himself?

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