Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1313: Reunion, Love is Still (5)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Everyone said, "Xiaobie wins the wedding," and they have been separated for three years.

Mature men and women are once intimate lovers. One eye and one contact of the body can evoke the sweetness and happiness of the past, making people's hearts shake.

But Tang Moer thought of his cold refusal on the plane today and didn't want to remarry her or marry her.

She twisted her body. "What are you doing?"

It ’s okay for her not to twist. With such a twist, the sparks splashed, Gu Mohan pressed her closer, and buried Jun's face in her hair, "What do you say I do?"

He stretched out his strong arms to hug her slender waist, and yanked her into his arms.

Tang Mor's legs should be soft.

Gu Mohan was also uncomfortable, his deep eyes moved several times, and a layer of scarlet fell.

It's been a long time.

Can't hold it.

Tang Mo'er turned his head to avoid his kiss, "Gu Mohan, do you want to make an appointment with me-gun?"

Gu Mohan buried in her pink neck and kissed her fragrant hair inside and out, "What?"

"You don't want to marry me, but now you've lied to me in your room, to be with me, isn't this about-what is a gun?"

Gu Mohan's heavy body pressed down, Tang Mo'er said "ah", and both rolled into the soft bed.

"Go away!" Tang Moer thought of getting up.

Gu Mohan pressed her and made her unable to move. "Tang Moer, I don't want to marry you. Do you know the reason, that's because I don't dare, I'm afraid of you."

"I don't know if my whole-hearted delivery will be exchanged for your departure again. I don't know if you will deceive me and hide me again. Three years ago it was for your brother Lu Yeming. Next time you will not Will you leave me heartlessly for others you love? "

"Tang Moer, it's been three years. It's been three years. You have too much time to come back to me in these three years, even if you ask someone to bring me a message and tell me that you are still returning, but you are not. "

"I've been through it for three years, and now you suddenly come back and want to marry me and be with me, what do you think of me, these three years I have been questioning your love, Tang Moer, I don't know exactly what you love not love me!"

Gu Mohan snarled in a low voice, staring at her with red eyes, like a ferocious beast that had long been patient.

He is in pain.

His pain couldn't be hidden at this moment.

He didn't understand, she was alive and well, why didn't she return to him?

Doesn't she want him?

But he missed her.

Day after day, he thought she was going to drive herself crazy.

Tang Moer quickly wet his eyes, "I'm sorry ..."

"I don't want to hear your sorry!"

Gu Mohan lifted his eyelids and suppressed the wetness in his eyes. He stretched out his palm to pull on her pajamas. "I don't want to listen to anything, give it to me, I want you."

He wants her.

Only then can he be sure that she is real now.

Tang Mo'er quickly pressed his big palm to prevent him from touching her body. "Gu Mohan, don't do this, you hurt me."

Gu Mohan turned around and kissed her red lips. "Then don't struggle, then I won't hurt you."


Tang Mo'er turned his head and didn't let him kiss.

Gu Mohan's kiss froze in the air, he had felt her rejection and resistance, she seemed really unwilling to have a relationship with him, and was very resistant.

His handsome eyebrows were quickly covered with a gloomy frost, and his heart seemed to be twisted with a stab in his heart.

He snapped, "You have a man outside?"

Tang Mo'er froze and looked at him in shock. "What do you ... say?"

Seeing that she was hurt, Gu Mohan felt better. He sneered sneer, "Nervous, we have been divorced. Even if you have a man outside, I will not blame you ..."

With a slam, Tang Mo'er raised his hand and slapped him.

The air freezes.

Gu Mohan was shot away from the whole face.

A few seconds later, he slowly turned his face over, and his suffocation spread openly. He gritted his teeth and went straight to tear her pajamas.

Tang Mor's bright pupil Hitomi shrank, two little hands guarding his collar, and hammering him constantly.

Gu Mohan didn't hold her little hand, just torn her clothes, and soon his upper body was scratched with some blood.

He lifted up her coat, and suddenly saw a knife mark on her flat belly.

This is a scar from a caesarean section.

The cross-cut incision left deep scars on her skin that was firm and flat like porcelain crafts.

You don't need to know that it was left by her daughter.

When she gave birth to a son, she gave birth to a child. She gave birth to a caesarean.

Gu Mohan suddenly stopped, like a pot of cold water poured from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet, making him regain his sense.

The woman under him gave him a daughter.

Every time a woman gives birth to a child, she travels through the gates of the ghost gate. If it is not the man he loves most, which woman is willing to ruin the crime?

She had this scar on such a delicate body.

Gu Mohan felt a pain in his heart, first a pain in his heart, and then the dense pain came from the limbs and bones.

His voice was astringent, and it took him two full minutes to speak. "Mor, sorry ..."

Tang Mo'er pushed him away and lifted his feet and ran away.


Tang Mo'er took back her emotions and returned to the East Chamber. Her daughter was a little ghost and she was afraid that she would see her moods fluctuate.

Little Gu Siying was lying on the bed without waking up, and was entering a sweet dream.

Tang Moer covered her with a quilt, and then sat at the dressing table. She slowly raised her little hand and opened her pajamas button.

A large area of ​​Jiao muscle was exposed inside, white and snowy.

But this greasy skin has a few wrinkles, like old skin, looks very ugly.

In the past three years, she has seen herself more ugly. Her face is full of wrinkles, her skin is full of wrinkles, and she looks like an old woman.

Tang Mo'er got up and went into the shower room. On the washstand in the shower room was the beautiful and magnificent Manjusharo.

No one knows that the true other shore flower grows on this Lido.

She plucked Manjussallo's petals piece by piece, dropped them into the bathtub, raised her hands to take off her clothes, and she went into the bath.

Half an hour later, she got up and stood in front of the washstand.

A few wrinkles on the tired Baijiao muscle just now are gone. Her whole body skin is just like a newborn baby, white like a tofu, and her soft little face is flushed with a little dye. Human soul.

This evening is the last course of treatment, her AR is completely solved.

She can go back to the Imperial City!

Tang Moer wiped off the water droplets on his body and went back to the room and hugged Xiao Gu Siyu to sleep.

As for Gu Mohan, he is her.


Early the next morning.

Gu Mohan opened his eyes slowly, he opened the quilt, his eyes changed, and he stained the quilt.

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