Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1318: I said, I love you (1)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

"King-back's new season of jewellery has just been on the market and it has been sold out on the market. Weibo hot search has been hanging for three consecutive days. They are all hot searches. All netizens are asking when his wife will return to the entertainment industry. President, wife representative A prosperous era of entertainment. "Yan Dong whispered.

Gu Mohan copied his trousers pockets with his hands. He saw her jewelry design in the shell hut that day. The past three years of pastoral life made her design inspired by Jiang Peizhi's endless stream of water. Her design blended the delicateness of women. The lines and softness are exquisite and novel in design. For three years, she realized all the true meanings of Mrs. Xuan's design.

Therefore, King-back's new season jewellery was sold out as soon as it went on sale, which he expected.

The name "Tang Moer" has been hung in the hot search for three consecutive days, causing a wave of national memory.

Yes, she represents the most prosperous era of the entertainment industry.

Gu Mohan lifted her thin lips, and suddenly thought of her 21-year-old, the first beauty of Yecheng, the red rose in the heart of a man, her pride of life, publicity, beauty, and eye-catching. At that time, the entertainment industry was very lively. He The love with her is also hot and exceptionally beautiful.

"President," Yan Dong said again, "Ms. Yu just called and asked you to have dinner together."

Gu Mohan didn't have any emotions, and said quietly, "No time."

"Miss Nayu also said that she was going to a big V show in the evening and wanted to invite you to come."

Gu Mohan's eyes narrowed, and a slight glance at Yan Dong.

Yan Dong's scalp was numb. "President, I know what to do, I will refuse, but I checked. Tonight, the big V show wife will also participate."

Gu Mohan quickly picked a good-looking sword eyebrow.

"President, his wife has been busy with her career since the return of Lidao. The King-back hits the scene and rekindles the enthusiasm. The entertainment company established by his wife, Jiaxing Media, also implemented three years ago with a red fairy drama Doubled the assets. "

"In the past three years, Jiaxing Media has developed very well. I have to say that my wife is very savvy. The few entertainers and entertainers she signed three years ago are all strength and coexistence talents in the entertainment industry. The producers, directors, and big guys all sold his wife's face. In the past three years, they have given a lot of resources to the little flowers and little students. Now, the few little flowers and little students go hand in hand with Yu Rubing, and the momentum is very fierce. . "

"This time the big V show is said that the wife will bring their own little flowers and young people to attend together. Those marketing accounts and entertainment reporters have been staring for a few days. Presumably, the Weibo hot search in the next few days will be contracted by the wife. . "

Gu Mohan's heart moved slightly. In fact, he knew that the fairy-tale drama three years ago was Tang Mor's last play.

She will never make another film in the future.

The so-called rapid retreat is her.

In the entertainment industry over the years, she has been extremely popular, and she has also explored the way to survive. The establishment of Jiaxing Media three years ago was her biggest business opportunity.

Many people say that Tang Mor's temperament has changed, right, but not right.

Time is in a hurry, Tang Moer is 29 years old, and is about to enter the ranks of 30-year-old women. Time has smoothed out all the diamond horns on her body and let her grow up. She is no longer arrogant, and will not go around Louzi to let him clean up With two children, she also became more gentle.

But she is still her, and she is still Tang Moer. She took over her mother's Mrs. Xuan Xuan's DHA and turned it into King-back where the queen returned. She is well versed in the entertainment industry. it is good.

This Tang Moer made Gu Mohan feel a little bit itchy.

Woman loves attractive man.

Similarly, men are obsessed with attractive women.

What is the best love?

The most beautiful love between Lu Yan and An An is that after many years, I have become what you look like.

The most beautiful love between Fu Qinglun and Lin Shizhen is that you and I are evenly matched.

The most beautiful love between Lu Jinwen and Lin Xuanchi is that when you look back, you are still in the dark.

And his most beautiful love with Tang Moer is that he has become a better self.

"Let's go." Gu Mohan pulled his leg away.

Yan Dong was confused, "President, where are we going?"

"Big V show."


Big V show.

In this big V show, big stars, entertainment bosses and business executives gathered, and it was quite lively.

Yu Rubing wore a flower skirt with a pure face, which attracted a lot of attention.

Several actresses talked privately,

--- You see how popular Yu Rubing is. Just now Director Yue greeted her.

--- You really are jealous. All the resources of Yu Yubing in the past three years have been smashed by G.K. Of course, she is the darling of the entertainment industry.

--- You said, is the gold master behind Yu Rubing really ... the president of G.K?

This "G.K. President" said in a low voice, several actresses dare not mention the name of "Gu Mohan".

The world's richest man can only admire standing in the clouds.

--- I don't know about this either, let's stop talking about it, be careful of the evil.

--- Oh my God, you guys, who's here?

Everyone sucked and looked up at the door.

Gu Mohan is here.

Today Gu Mohan wore a black suit. The finest fabrics were ironed without any wrinkles. He walked in from the red carpet step by step, throwing his hands up and exuding a handsome and noble feeling.

His narrow narrow eyes glanced lightly, and there was an indifferent indifference and alienation.

Several actresses covered their mouths, and their eyes would not turn. When they saw Gu Mohan, their hearts throbbed.

In the past three years, Gu Mohan never appeared.

Now he seemed to come down from the sky.

Quickly, big brothers gathered around and greeted Gu Mohan charmingly.

Gu Mohan lowered his eyes and talked about two sentences. The deep and noble atmosphere was worshipped by others, like the king of the audience.

"Mo Han, are you here?" At this moment, Yu Rubing greeted him.

Gu Mohan's indifferent eyes fell on her and nodded.

"Mr. Gu, the big V show is about to open, please take a seat, Miss Yu will go to the red carpet later."

The organizer invited Gu Mohan to the top position in the VIP area.

Yu Rubing's assistant asked, "What is the show at my home?"

The host kindly said, "Ms. Yu is our special guest. We are very cautious. Of course, we would like to invite Ms. Yu to the second last show."


This large-scale catwalk is very particular about the order of the show. It is like that the actress has to take the C position for the photo. The more you play the more the big names. The last one is the finale.

The assistant was very unhappy. "The organizer, with our current reputation, Ruping must be the last one to play. Now Rubing is the second to play. Who was the last one to play? Is it for Jiaxing's head?

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