Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1327: Encounter, Love (1)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Tang Moer said, thank you for having you.

Gu Mohan stretched out his arms and took hold of her thin waist, holding her in her arms, and hugged her in his arms. "Which good friends do you want to invite to the party?"

"En ..." Tang Mo'er crooked his head and thought seriously, "An An, Shi Shi, Qing Qing ... This party is also a gathering of the little adorable baby. The story of our generation is over. I don't know our next generation. What story will there be? "

Gu Mohan reached out and squeezed the tip of her nose. "Then let's drink tea and watch a show?"

Tang Moer raised Liu Yemei, "It's just what I want."

The two looked at each other and laughed.


Today there was a high-level state-level meeting, and all the leaders were present.

The door was opened and someone arrived.

The heads of states brushed their eyes and looked, and there was an extra-long jade body beside the door, and Lu Yeming arrived.

Lu Yeming took off the black leather gloves on his hand and handed them to Fanmen behind him, then walked in calmly.

He wore a handmade version of a black suit today, with a white kerchief folded in his suit pocket, and the bright lights were plated on his handsome face, like a jade crown. With every step he cut his trousers like a knife. There was a deep, sharp leg wind.

Everyone looked at them. Among these leaders, Lu Yeming is definitely the youngest and most outstanding monarch.

"President Lu." Someone surrounded him.

Lu Yeming stopped and talked briefly with those people's eyes.

The other leaders brought simultaneous interpretation. Lu Yeming was familiar with the languages ​​of various countries. His pure tone was seductive and charming.

Many leaders came with their wives and daughters, and the leaders watched Lu Yeming under the bright light quietly, and red face quietly.

"Daughter, don't look at it. President Lu was married three years ago and married the maiden Dongfang Ruoli." The heads of wives watched their daughters spring heartily and reminded quickly.

Already married ...

A few heads of gold are even redder.

The heads of ladies looked at each other with a helpless pout, and they both looked at Lu Yeming in front of him. The man was handsome, mature, deep, and astonishing, with a pair of deep phoenix eyes and rain, and politicians The ambition and power of the family, as well as the magnificence of a 26-year-old man, if they are young for decades, may be fascinated by this man.

This man is really a walking hormone.

"Daughter, although Country A is still polygamous now, but parents won't let you marry in the past, don't think about it."

"Furthermore, President Lu has a good relationship with Dongfang Ruoli in the past three years of marriage. It is said that there is no son-in-law in his dormitory, let alone concubine and concubine. President Lu never thought of remarry . "

The heads of wives talked bitterly, and found that their little faces were even redder.

Mrs. League, "..."

Lu Yeming didn't notice the thoughts of the women behind him. He copied his trousers pocket with one hand, listening to the conversation of a leader in his ear, and glanced down at his watch.

At this moment Vatican came forward and whispered a report, "Master."

Lu Yeming looked sideways.

"Master, it is said that President Jun was stuck in traffic on the road. It was a few minutes late, so the meeting was three minutes late."

President Jun ...

Jun Xiqing.

After three years, Lu Yeming heard the name again.

But there was no emotional ups and downs on his handsome face, and there were no ripples in those phoenix eyes.

At this moment the door was pushed open, and a dusty figure appeared.

Jun Xiqing is here.

"President Jun, you are here. Everyone is waiting for you." Someone laughed.

Today Jun Xiqing wore a white silk shirt, a black hip skirt underneath, and a black professional coat over her outside. Her long hair was curled up. The standard leader's dress was very capable and elegant.

Three years later, Jun Xiqing has entered the most beautiful age of a woman, 23 years old. Her small face with a big slap has grown a little longer, and her hair is moving more and more. Although this professional suit limits her own beauty, she The small collagen-filled face, the smart eyes, burnt its bloom.

All the leaders here are men, only she is a woman, and she is such a young woman.

As soon as Jun Xiqing entered the venue, it was like a pearl emitting a shining light.

"Sorry, everyone, I was blocked for half an hour on the road, and these three minutes late, I will definitely treat you when you come to Country A as a guest."

Jun Xiqing's bright eyes glanced across these people's faces, greetings and politeness are one of her must-learn courses, and she feels that she is still an outstanding graduate.

Sure enough, all the leaders laughed and the atmosphere was harmonious.

"We are all okay, but President Lu frequently looks at his watch, as if he still has something to do."

President Lu ...

Jun Xiqing glanced and looked at it.

She stood in the middle of the bright lights, and so was he, and she bumped into his pair of deep phoenix eyes that he once knew.

After three years, we met again.

Lu Yeming stood not far from her, copying with one hand in his trouser pocket, he looked at her, his eyes were as dark as jade.

Jun Xiqing quickly smiled, "President Lu, sorry, I will invite you to have a meal alone."

Lu Yeming looked indifferent, "You're welcome."

Two people looked away at the same time.

"Okay, the meeting has begun. Leaders are invited to take their seats." The moderator said.

A staff member with a blue card invited Lu Yeming to the first row, "President Lu, this is your seat."

At this time Jun Xiqing also came, and the staff around Jun Xiqing pointed at the seat next to him, "President Jun, this is your seat. Can you sit with President Lu?"

Jun Xiqing looked at Lu Yeming, without any embarrassment, only generous and frank, she joked, "I heard that President Lu has married, I am sitting next to President Lu, and I hope that President Lu's wife is not misunderstood."

The two staff members' enthusiasm for Jun Xiqing has multiplied. The three years of the presidency made Jun Xiqing more and more beautiful. She raised her hands to reveal a woman's wisdom, transparent and free.

Jun Xiqing lived a look that all women could not even imagine.

Lu Ye faintly tickled his thin lips, the gentleman said, "President Jun, please."

Jun Xiqing sat down, and Lu Yeming sat beside her.


The meeting began.

Jun Xiqing found herself very weak. She brought a book but did not bring a pen.

How is this good?

The other leaders started writing, but she didn't.

If the stubborn veterans of the Presidential Palace knew about it, it would be a three-day spell in her ears.

Jun Xiqing trembled the slender Yu Jie, then she glanced down and looked at Lu Yeming beside her. She whispered, "President Lu, can I borrow a pen?"

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