Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1331: Encounter, Love (5)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Jun Xiqing is well-known, and she led the wolf's iron ride to make the junior daughter a legend.

In the past three years, she has been on the political stage and has become the only female monarch. Under her administration, country Z is rich and the country is strong, and she is highly respected and loved by the people.

However, after all, she is a 23-year-old girl who is so spotless and gorgeous, so she is often used by some unscrupulous second generation ancestors as talkative information.

However, little is known about this information. After all, in the world's perception, Jun Xiqing only had a disease-free and endless engagement banquet with Zhu Qing. In addition, she had no relationship with any man.

Now General Le's words are shocking, and it turns out that Jun Xiqing is not a good person. He has been slept by men. These two ancestors were shocked.

"President Jun isn't doing it, oh dear, who is the man who slept her?"

"President Jun looked elegant and charming, and he was absolutely brilliant. He never thought that would be the same in his bones ... Sao."

"That man is really blessed. President Jun must have a good taste."

"Of course it is good. If you let me sleep with President Jun, the peony will die, and it will be romantic to be a ghost, hahaha ....

The box next door became more and more unpleasant, and the appearance of Vatican changed, and he looked at Lu Yeming, "Master, do you want to let the people next door shut up? If this thing goes out, it will be very bad for the reputation of President Jun it is good…"

Although the times are now open, it ’s not normal to get married without getting married, but Jun Xiqing ’s status is not normal. She represents the reputation and image of a country. If this matter is used to make a fuss, the consequences will be serious. Already.

Besides, who has taken Jun Xiqing's innocence, does someone have a count in his heart?

Lu Yeming's handsome face didn't have any emotional waves, he said indifferently, "there is no airtight wall in the world, it's useless, this matter has been passed on."


Fanmen think about it too. The countless number of female readers is not only General Le, how many eyes are staring at Jun Xiqing?

At this time, General Le called a small cricket and smashed a stack of thick red banknotes, "Do something for me."

Seeing Qian open his eyes, Xiaoyan quickly asked, "General, what do you want me to do, just say."

General Le pushed away the beauties around him, how can they be compared with Jun Xiqing on the dance floor?

At first he did not dare to strike a crooked idea on Jun Xiqing. This was the most honorable woman in the world, but she took the initiative to hit him.

General Le stared at Jun Xiqing while smoking, looking at her small and bright face like Mingyu, and the swinging waist, which was much more naive and pure than those who could dance pole dance. He felt himself all over It's on fire, I can't wait to drag Jun Xiqing under his body now to solve the fire.

That slap completely activated his desire to conquer.

He must let Jun Xiqing obey in bed and beg for mercy.


Jun Xiqing and Ping Ping danced for a while, and a fine piece of fragrant sweat came out, and they came down.

Back at his bar, a young man served two glasses of cocktails. "Miss, this is your order."

"Thank you, I'm just thirsty."

Jun Xiqing drank up a cocktail.

Xiaoxiong watched Jun Xiqing drink up a glass of wine. There was absolutely no possibility of fraud. Xiaoqiu quietly looked at General Le and made an "OK" gesture.

At this time, Jun Xiqing and Ping Ping both had dark eyes, and both fell asleep on the bar.

General Le's blood was boiling. He glanced at two of his men, and the two men came forward and took away Jun Xiqing and Ping Ping.

"Drink slowly, I still have something to do, leave first."

General Le got up and left. He couldn't wait to find Jun Xiqing in the room.

The goalkeeper of Vatican all looked at it, and it was easy to guess. He looked at Lu Yeming worriedly, "Master, President Jun ’s glass of wine has been manipulated, should we help her?"

Lu Yeming tickled her thin lips. "She doesn't need your help."

Vatican's face froze, what do you mean?


in the room.

General Le quickly walked in, and sure enough, Jun Xiqing was lying on the soft big bed.

He stood by the bed, looking at the sleeping Jun Xiqing.

She just danced a moment ago, and she had steamed two blushes with a slim face, which was as delicate as rose petals, slender feathers, red lips, and black hair. She was as beautiful as the perfect handicraft.

General Le flexed his muscles, "President Jun, I'm here, let me serve you well. If you serve well, let me be your presidential husband, ha ha ha ha."

General Le can't wait to take off his pants, and there is only one underwear left.

He just wanted to go to bed, when two screams burst out of the door, his men, "Ah! Wolf!"

General Le was on his head, and he was anxious to stab Jun Xiqing's clothes now, and when he heard the voice, he shouted impatiently, "Shut up whatever you call out!"

There was suddenly no sound outside.

very quiet.

The whole space can be heard even if a needle is dropped on the ground, revealing a strange weirdness.

General Le noticed something was wrong, at which time he heard a "squeak" and the door of his room was pushed open.

"Who? Who is outside?"

General Le turned and walked cautiously towards the door.

The door of the room opened, and a small thing came in quickly, the same size as the Husky, covered with gray hair.

Small things came in, crooked his head and looked at General Le, and yelled --- Wang.


Is this puppy?

General Le carefully looked at the small things, this puppy seemed to be a cub, and was quite stupid.

"Go, while you play, I won't go out anymore!" General Le pulled out the cold knife on his waist with a fierce look.

Looking at Leng Dao, the stuffy eyes of Xiao Xiao suddenly cooled down, emitting green light.

The little thing opened its mouth, exposing a sharp bite.

General Le was so stiff that he stopped breathing, no, this is not a dog!

Then came a soft and flexible voice behind him, "Xiaoyu, how many times have you said, you are not a dog, you are ... the little wolf king!"

General Le was shocked and quickly turned around. Jun Xiqing on the bed did not know when she had woken up. She supported her head with a slim arm, and the amused water eyes fell on Xiao Yan.

"you you…"

General Le looked at Jun Xiqing in shock. She even raised a little wolf king as her pet?

Xiaoxiong looked at Jun Xiqing with her head, and said that she knew something wrong --- Oh!

It called out.

At this time, General Le ran away, he knew he was doing it, Jun Xiqing drank that glass of wine, but she was normal.

If he doesn't run at this time, he can't run away.

"Xiaoyu!" Jun Xiqing called out.

As soon as the voice fell, General Le only felt a flower in front of him, Xiao Yan pounced over, sharp claws pierced into his chest, and threw him directly on the carpet.

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