Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1445: One or two sweet fun things outside the warmth (4)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

An An buttoned him angrily, "Master, don't coax, because your wife can't coax."

Lu Yan likes to see her look angry. The 26-year-old girl gave him the most beautiful and the best. A beautiful girl who is very cute. I think he is in his forties. He can sleep with her every night. She did what she wanted to do and made her angry. She was willing to serve him.

Lu Yan, who is beautiful in her heart, does not know how many blessings she has cultivated in her life.

"Teacher An'an, don't get angry ..." He touched her little face.

With a "snap", An An knocked his big palm down. "Sir, Chief An An, let you stand now, be disciplined!"

"Yes, Teacher An An!"

Lu Yan immediately came to a military posture.

An An glanced at him with a watery glance, turned to the dresser and took a long black hair.

At this moment, he listened to the man behind him, "Mr. An An, I also learned an English."

Thinking of his "fuck" in the shower room, An An was furious. "What?"


An An butterfly winged like a cicada wing quickly, then turned to look at him.

Lu Yan also looked at her, "Iloveyou."

His tone is not as good as that of Mr. Gu or Fu Shao. He has a pure British tone, but he also said that he bumped into it.


An An raised her red lips, and said solemnly, "Master, okay, your wife is no longer angry!"

"Thank you Teacher An'an!"

"But it's not an example!"

"Yes, Teacher An An!"


A family of four got into the jeep of the chief adult. The jeep with military licenses was unblocked all the way, but they encountered traffic jams and got stuck in the road.

An An and Tang Morer talked on the phone and said they were going to be late.

Hanging up the phone, An An held the phone and looked at the man next to him with an expression of shame.

Xiao An'an looked at Ma Ma naively, "Ma Ma, how can you make a fool of me?"

An An flushed, glaring at Landing Rock and not speaking.

Lu Yan didn't feel guilty at all, as a soldier, his waist was straight and straight, "Mr. An An, my time has already been very fast just now, and it was only halfway through the usual!"


An Anqi squeezed his fist and hit him.

Lu Yan held her little fist in her palm. "Mr. An An, are you really angry?"

An An snorted, "What do you say? If you stop it like this, you won't be able to arrive at night. If so, don't try to be near me in the future!"

Upon hearing, Lu Yan quickly raised his eyebrows, but this was a lifelong blessing that he must take seriously.

"Son, girl, get off!"

Lu Yan opened the back door, and Xiao Xiaoyan and Xiao Xiaoan both jumped down.

Looking at his sons and daughters, Lu Yan glanced at the steel watch on his wrist. "Yuan's family is three kilometers away from here. He will run from now on. Can it be done within 15 minutes?"

Xiao Xiaoyan immediately stood up and saluted, "Sir Master, guarantee to complete the task!"

Xiao Xiao'an quickly moved to Ge Ge's side, her hat was crooked, and she raised Bai Nen's hand to her ear. The crooked one also came with a military salute, and said, "Yes, sir!"

"Start now, run!"

As soon as Lu Yan ordered, Xiao Xiaoyan took Xiao Xiao'an's hand and ran away.

The child ran, Lu Yan looked at An An, and patted his stiff back with a big palm. "Come up."


"Back you."

An An's anger just disappeared instantly. There were traffic jams here. It was all people. She was embarrassed and refused to say anything. "I'll go by myself."

Before walking away, Lu Yan directly carried her on his back.

"Hey, Lord Chief!"

"Ma'am, hold me tight!"

Lu Yan ran away.

"Ah," An An whispered, and quickly wrapped his neck around his two little hands.

All the people on the road were traffic jams. Everyone looked over.

--- Look, people are so happy.

--- I have to memorize too.

--- Help, I really don't want to eat this wave of dog food ...

Xiao Xiaoyan ran in front of Xiao Xiao'an's hand, and turned his head around while running two people. Yin Ling smiled, "Rami, come on, you're behind, run quickly!"

Lu Yan quickened his pace, "Here we are!"

The beloved man was carrying, leaning against his stiff back, looking at his growing children, An An kissed Lu Yan's handsome face happily and contently, "Master, Iloveyoutoo."


The 30-year-old Tang Moer embarked on the peak of her career. Its jewellery brands king-back and Jiaxing Entertainment Media had blowouts in the second year of her return. King-back's quarterly sales finally defeated it. His mother's jewellery classic DHA, Jiaxing Entertainment Media has become the vane of the entertainment industry with Yue Da ’s big IP palace fighting drama, and has stepped out of its own chain brand.

Mrs. Xuan Yuan is remembered as a generation of legends, and Tang Mo'er has become the enduring topic queen, the red rose forever.

The 30-year-old Tang Moer combines the elegance, skill, wisdom, softness, charmingness, and style of a woman. She has been playing in the entertainment industry for many years, and has made her deeply acquainted with the style of fashion. The stunning eyes of the world make people lament that the years are passionate and she is not old.

That night, Tang Moer wore a simple black T-shirt, a tassel-packed hip skirt below, a black hair scattered, revealing her small face with a big palm, and every step, the thin waist and hips twisted and twisted, from the bone The overflowing style is really incomparable to other women or girls.

"Husband, there is a dinner in the company tonight. I need to be present. I will try to come back sooner."

In the study, Tang Moer lay on Gu Mohanying's shoulder and whispered to him.

Gu Mohan was holding a pen while reviewing documents. He heard that he took the pen for a while and then returned to normal. "Do you have to go?"

Tang Moer quickly drew his red lips and smiled with a frown, "Husband, don't you want me to go?"

Gu Mohan silent for a few seconds, and said generously, "You go."

"Ah, don't move, husband!" Tang Moer said suddenly.

Gu Mohan quickly stopped moving, "What's wrong?"

Tang Mo'er stretched out his small hand and pulled out one of his hairs. "Look, husband, you have white hair."

Gu Mohan stagnates and looks up, Tang Moer's fingers are indeed holding a white hair.

Tang Mo'er murmured distressedly, "I will grind some sesame seeds for my husband starting tomorrow. Otherwise, my husband will have more and more white hair."

Gu Mohan drew a corner of his mouth, "It is normal to have white hair, I am already old."

"My husband is also handsome when I am old, and I also like it very much." Tang Mo'er gave a strong kiss to his handsome cheek. "I really have to go. If I come back late, my husband will sleep first."

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