Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1494: Play with me?

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Jun Xiqing, I killed you!

Jun Xiqing really didn't expect that a man as thin and cold as Lu Yeming would make such swear words.

Lu Yeming “brushed” and opened his belt.

He is real.

Today she really made him angry.

Jun Xiqing didn't want to come here with him. She quickly stretched out her two little hands and hugged his neck, opened her mouth and bit his raised throat knot.

Lu Yeming did not stand still. For the first time in his life, two proud long legs slammed a slap.

The big palm clasped her thin waist and held her directly in the wall.

With a slam, Jun Xiqing took the opportunity to turn on the shower, and the sound of gurgling water came out.

Mu Yanfeng heard the sound outside the door, thinking she was taking a bath, and quickly walked away.

When the crisis was resolved, Jun Xiqing breathed a sigh of relief, and when she looked up, she saw Lu Yeming staring at her with red eyes.

He stood against the light, and the dim light was plated from behind, dazzling and charming light on his delicate and handsome profile.

White shirt, black trousers, the 18-year-old West King, who is famous all over the world.

Even if you look hard at one of your eyes, the dark and enchanting atmosphere is full of publicity, making women numb.

His raised man's throat was bitten by her teeth.

Falling the kiss on him, how can you see a blushing and sexual taste.

Did she follow the study?

Jun Xiqing stretched out her little hand and hugged his neck, Yan Hong's little mouth moved up, and her tongue stuck out and licked the small tooth mark.

Lu Yeming twitched scarlet eyes several times, knowing in her heart that she was soothing him, she was a smart one and didn't want to go against his scales.

The big palm locks her soft waist and keeps working hard to break her soft slender bones. "Less this set, thinking that licking me like a kitten is done, I Lu Yeming is in your eyes When has it been so good here? "

His voice was dumb.

Jun Xiqing knows what he likes. His muscles have hardened, piece by piece.

The big palms linking her soft waist are all leaping.

This emotional Lu Yeming was the first time she had met.

Mei Niang really has two brushes.

What about the mother-in-law of the Gillian Room?

No wonder Pei Wu could hook up Murong Lang from Dongfang Wanqing.

Jun Xiqing looked at Lu Yeming with a pair of clear eyes, and his white fingers wrote in his palm --- jealous?


Lu Yeming glanced coldly at her scarlet phoenix eyes, her eyes were completely disdainful, "I have never done anything like jealousy."


Jun Xiqing pushed him away, pretending to look for Mu Yanfeng.

"Jun Xiqing, how dare you!" Lu Yeming returned her back.

Hee hee.

Jun Xiqing looked at him with a frown and smiled.

She laughed very mischievously, was very clever, very happy, and a little bit rude and bright soft words to please.

She couldn't speak, everything was in her eyes.

Lu Yeming felt that his body was crisp and soft, and he narrowed his eyebrows. He covered the bloodthirsty gas in his chest.

For the first time in so many years, he lost control.

He didn't like her to be with other men, and he couldn't see any other man beating her.

In the 26 years with Mo Er, he has never learned the word "jealous".

However, most men's jealousy is what he looks like now, and he cannot tolerate his own women being tainted by other men.

Then be jealous.

Lu Yeming stretched out his slender fingers and gently shaved her Xiuqiong's little nose. "You must not make me angry in the future."

He doesn't like being jealous.


Jun Xiqing held up her small face, and her white face, which was as white as a jade jade, was all plated with collagen, making people want a bite.

Lu Yeming held her soft, boneless hand and put it on her black belt. "Tie me."

Just now his belt was untied, revealing a little inside, alas ... it was black.

Jun Xiqing quickly withdrew her small hand.

"No. What do you want to do?"

Jun Xiqing knelt and fastened him quickly.

Because he was afraid of touching something that shouldn't be touched, the man couldn't even take a look at the whole body, so Jun Xiqing's carefulness, a small face gradually climbed to the suspected blush.

Her skin is really good, it blows and bursts, like a newly bloomed rose flower, and a small layer of skin on her skin is crystal clear.

Lu Yeming felt that the coals in his throat were like rolling fossils, and stretched his tongue to lick the dry thin lips. He dumbly said, "When will you do it for me?"

Jun Xiqing shook her hand. What kind of attributes this man can throw away at any time and place-Huan.

"Last time was in the Imperial City, I haven't touched you for a long time," he continued.

Jun Xiqing fastened his belt and looked up at him --- seriously.

Where is he serious?

Lu Yeming stretched out his palm and stroked her small face. "Well, now you can tell me what happened in the auction hall just now, and you regret it again and don't want to be with me?"

Jun Xiqing trembled and slender Yu Jie wrote in his palm --- I need a little time.

"What do you mean?" Lu Yeming's tone fell cold.

--- You go back first, we will be separated for a while ...

Jun Xiqing hadn't finished writing yet, and his slender haw wrist was caught by him, and his low voice sounded in his ear, "Jun Xiqing, do you play with me?"

Jun Xiqing shook her head and wanted to explain, she didn't, she really didn't.

She pulled back her hawk, and held his big palm, trying to spread his palm out and write on it.

But Lu Yeming curled up her long fingers and didn't let her write.

"Jun Xiqing, as long as you say a word, I'm going back, will you go with me?"

Go with him?

She can't.

If she guessed right, Yuan Ming gave her a slap.

Yuan Ming is obsessed with Pei Wu, so he hates Pei Wu and Murong Cheng's son Lu Yeming.

Yuan Ming rushed to land at night.

Use her to kill Lu Yeming.

If she stays with Lu Yeming, he will be in danger.

Jun Xiqing slowly shook her head.

She refused.

Lu Yeming let go of her, and the right side of his tongue pressed his handsome right face. He laughed lowly and turned away.


Outside the room.

Lu Yeming walked in the corridor, facing the Vatican door, "From now on, I will monitor Jun Xiqing."

"Master, what happened?"

Lu Yeming's deep phoenix's eyes rose and swelled. If you look carefully, there is nothing calm and quiet at the bottom of the eyes.

after an hour.

Fanmen hurriedly reported, "Master, it's not good. Miss Jun disappeared. She was brought into the car by Yuan Ming."

As soon as Lu Yeming's eyes darkened, he pulled his leg and got on a sports car. The cold wind at night blasted the black coat on his body, and the cold was pressing.

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