Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1569: abortion

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Mu Yanyan saw Jun Xiqing, she was crazy, she didn't know where the strength was, and she threw off the bodyguards, and then ran up the stairs.

"Miss Jun ..."

Jun Xiqing made a gesture to stop the bodyguard and the maid. She whispered, "It's all right, you go down first. I'll say a few words to Miss Mu."


The bodyguards and maids didn't dare to go far, so they set aside.


On the stairs.

Jun Xiqing looked at Mu Yanyan, "What do you want to tell me?"

Mu Yanyan's pretty face became distorted because of jealousy. She stared fiercely at Jun Xiqing, "Jun Xiqing, don't be proud, Ye Ming brother will soon see your treacherous, Ye Ming brother will Understand that only I truly love him, I will wait for Ye Ming brother, Ye Ming brother will be with me someday! "

Jun Xiqing had no expression. She raised her little hand and pinched a strand of hair on her cheek behind her ear. "Oh, right?"

Because of her loose movement, her white skirt's placket was spread out, revealing the deep strawberry marks in the pink neck.

Mu Yanyan saw it and saw the strawberry mark on Jun Xiqing, her face changed, "What did you do with Ye Ming's brother last night? You, the shameless little Yin woman, was pregnant herself, and was still lingering at night Brother Yeming goes to bed with you! "

Jun Xiqing looked at Mu Yanyan, with a little smile in those twin eyes, but did not reach the bottom of her eyes, "Mu Yanyan, did your good brother-in-law Feng Sinan teach you to dress silly and sweet in front of Lu Yeming Is that all right? "

Mu Yanyan froze and said suddenly, "How do you know?"

After the words came out, Mu Yanyan regretted it.

Jun Xiqing has no emotions. "A man like a city man like Lu Yeming, you are not careful enough to watch him. You were already his fiancee six years ago, but you have looked at him for the past six years. Marry Dongfang Ruoli, the woman around him has never broken. "

"Originally, you didn't think anything, Lu Yeming has never touched Dongfang Ruoli. A man like Lu Yeming who is high above him looks like a god, how forbidden he is in a pompous manner. You should only dare to close it at night. When you sleep, think about what kind of physical joy-pleasure you will be under him in the future, right? "

"Mu Yanyan, I'm very sorry for you. Your brother-in-law Feng Sinan taught you wrong. He should teach you to be straight and climb up on Lu Yeming's bed. I tell you that your Ye Ming brother is no different from other men. I also like women. You have served him comfortably, and you have enjoyed yourself. It is better than the six years of waiting for love. "

Jun Xiqing's look was faint, but Qian Chen's brows overflowed with lazy charm. "You go back first and learn a lot of kung fu in the bed, but you are in your twenties this year. You should not wait for the next six years." Your elder brother may think of you someday, but you are no longer Shaohua and you are an old girl. "

Mu Yanyan seemed to be pushed into the abyss, her pupils shrinking, her hands and feet cold.

"You bullshit, you bullshit, I won't grow old, ah!" Mu Yanyan's psychological defense has been defeated, and she screamed as she collapsed.

Jun Xiqing stepped forward two steps and came to Mu Yanyan. She hung her red lips and lowered her voice and smiled, "You can rest assured that I am here, and I will let you bury the body in the loess. . "

Mu Yanyan can't breathe anymore, she looked at Jun Xiqing with trembling, "Jun Xiqing, you are so poisonous, you are too poisonous, it is all your fault, why are you showing up, why are you fighting with me Brother Ye Ming? "

Mu Yanyan grabbed Jun Xiqing.

At this moment the maid shouted, "Ms. Mu, stop and hurry up, Miss Jun is pregnant. The future Prince A of Country A is in it. If there is any mistake, President Lu will not let you go!"

The maid's voice awakened Mu Yanyan, and she suddenly sweated coldly.

How much Lu Yeming cares about Jun Xiqing's belly, everyone sees it.

Mu Yanyan seemed to be stung by a bee, and she quickly retracted her hand.

But late, Jun Xiqing held her back.

Mu Yanyan's eyes widened and a heart fell quickly. She had a very bad hunch. "Jun Xiqing, what do you want to do?"

Jun Xiqing had red lips, and her bright smile bloomed a little on her face. "The game has begun, don't you all want to escape."

What do you mean?

Mu Yanyan looked at Jun Xiqing in a horror. She just felt that she was entangled by Jun Xiqing. She couldn't wait to pull back her hand, "Get away!"

Mu Yanyan shook her hand.

Jun Xiqing's body rolled straight down the stairs.


I don't know who was screaming, Jun Xiqing rolled from the first floor to the bottom, and then fell on the soft wool carpet.

"Miss Jun, how are you doing? Ah, blood!" The maid was screaming.

The bodyguards were also in a mess. "Quickly inform the lord, Miss Jun has a miscarriage!"

Jun Xiqing felt pain in her whole body, especially in the lower abdomen, and there was rampant blood pouring from below.

She slowly reached out her little hand to touch it, and touched the blood in one hand.

She knew that the child was gone.

This time, it's really gone.

Jun Xiqing remembered her several times involved in the danger, this child has not lost, his vitality is very strong and strong, he really wants to come and see this world.

However, there is no chance.

She had an abortion.

Jun Xiqing was sweating all over her body, her long hair was wet and sticking to her little face, and her heart hurt even more, like a knife inserted into her heart to stir it, making her feel anxious.

She stretched out her hand and dragged it to the little bracelet weaved last night.

With a jingle, the little bell made a crisp sound.

She didn't think it hurt.

But now the loss of pain slowly spread, making her intolerable.

Her eyes were hot, and a lot of tears fell down, making her cry all of a sudden.


Jun Xiqing dragged a small bracelet, put her nails in her palm, and curled up in pain.

At this moment, the door slammed open, and the outside air invaded in, and Lu Yeming came.

Lu Yeming walked in with a steady pace, the rhythm was no longer calm and slightly messy.

As soon as he turned, he saw Jun Xiqing lying in a pool of blood.

She wore a white gauze skirt today, and now the skirt underneath was soaked in blood and wet.

Lu Yeming's footsteps slowed down, his handsome eyebrows were instantly overcast, his delicate outlines became pale due to the tightness, the two big palms hanging on his side were clenched tightly into fists, and his fists were bounced.

For so many years, for the first time, Vatican saw a man's crumbling look.


The eight thousand updates are complete.

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