Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1578: they got married

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

In the medical field, Si Kongzheng's medical skills are superb and known as "Divine Doctors", but this doctor Bai Xue's medical treatment really subverted Jun Xiqing's imagination, and the doctor who examined her later did not detect anything unusual.

When Dr. Bai Xue gave her the pill, she blinked at her, and a pair of Yingshui Qiutian was extremely bright. She said it was her latest research invention.

"Qing Qing, you lied to Lu Yeming, right? In fact, the child in your stomach is still there." Mu Yanfeng said.

Jun Xiqing looked frankly at Mu Yanfeng, her tiny white hand gently touched her lower abdomen, and she nodded, "Well, the child is still ... no matter what I and Lu Yeming's grudges are, it has nothing to do with this child, he It is an innocent little life, and he is also a heritage of my blood, a piece of meat on my body. "

Mu Yanfeng smiled. This was Jun Xiqing he knew.

In the troubled times, without losing heart.

"Qingqing, what are your plans for the future?"

"I want to go to my brother and sister Yu Tang. Although they sink the lake, they have to see people alive, they have to see dead bodies."

"Qingqing, I got a message. Would you like to listen?"

Jun Xiqing's heart jumped, "What's the news?"

"Feng Sinan found Mu Yutang."

Jun Xiqing's eyes narrowed, "What?"

Mu Yanfeng came up with a bronzing invitation, "Qing Qing, look, this is an invitation from the Feng family. Early next month, Feng Sinan and Mu Yutang are going to get married, and they are going to hold a flourishing wedding."

Jun Xiqing's brain flew for a while. Sister Yu Tang was about to marry Feng Sinan. Is Sister Yu Tang okay?

Sister Yutang is back. What about her brother?

Jun Xiqing has no doubt at all about Sister Yutang's feelings towards her brother. Did her brother fall into a coma and fall into the hands of Feng Sinan, so Feng Sinan wanted Sister Yutang to marry him?

In Jun Xiqing's view, Feng Sinan is a very dark person. His heart is even more ruthless than Lu Yeming, but he cannot be said to be evil. After all, the master who designed her brother six years ago was Lu Ye. Ming and Mu's family, Feng Sinan, betrayed his brother because of her sister Yu Tang's relationship and joined.

All I can say is that Feng Sinan is a righteous man.

In any case, this time she was going to marry Sinan, she had to go in person.

"Master Mu, can you take me to the wedding?"

Mu Yanfeng laughed, "Qing Qing, I want you to be my companion."

Jun Xiqing shook her head, "Master Mu, I treat you as a sincere friend. You came to save me several times, I am extremely grateful, but no one knows what will happen on the wedding day. If I meet with I do n’t want to involve you in any conflict in Sinan. You are the master of the Mu family, which represents the glory of a family. I cannot let the Mu family fight for me. ”

Mu Yanfeng has a special identity and is a single biography of the Mu family. If Mu Yanfeng is in trouble for her, she will never feel relieved.

Mu Yanfeng's eyes were dim, "Qing Qing, you always count me so clearly with you, because you know you won't fall in love with me, right?"

Jun Xiqing was a little bit embarrassed. "Mu Shaozhu ..."

"Qing Qing, emotional matters can't be forced. You were injured in Lu Yeming's body. Just after ending a relationship, it takes time to heal. It doesn't matter. I can wait for you, even as a friend, I'm satisfied."


Wedding party.

Jun Xiqing followed Mu Yanfeng into the lobby. Feng Sinan was a big business man. He had been as famous as Gu Mohan. He was so famous. So this time he was married to Feng Mu.

Jun Xiqing changed her face and became a maid.

Mu Yanfeng was chatting with several big brothers, Jun Xiqing took the opportunity to go upstairs, and the two maids in front were chatting.

--- Have you heard that this time, Mr. Gu Mohangu, the world's richest man who is on par with our young master, will also bring his wife to the wedding?

--- Not only that, President Lu is on his way, this time the wedding is really shining.

As soon as Jun Xiqing's eyes brightened, will Sister Moer also come to the wedding?

Lu Yeming will also come.

It has been a long time since she saw Sister Moer. Sister Moer and Mr. Gu are now very happy.

With two maids entering the bride's dressing room and opening the door, Jun Xiqing saw Mu Yutang.

Mu Yutang was sitting in front of the dresser. She wore a long pink dress, long chestnut seaweed hair scattered on her shoulders, and a small face was bright and touching.

Mu Yutang is a real family, with a lot of flowers and bones in the greenhouse. Her character is more soft and soft than the children of Jiangnan, but she is brave, bright and beautiful in her bones.

Jun Xiqing is thinking that Feng Sinan really likes Yutang.

Business men like Feng Sinan, who are dark and ruthless in their blood, are most easily attracted by a beautiful girl like Sister Yu Tang.

To put it bluntly, Sister Yu Tang is the young lady Feng Sinan can take care of, and also the kind of little lover who likes buns, delicious desserts, and soft and touching.

"Mrs. Young, the following VIPs are here, and the time is here for Jessie. Please change your wedding dress quickly, otherwise the master will get angry if you come in." The maid carefully advised.

Mu Yutang's small face was not powdered, but her features were like a sketch, very bright, but her face was sickly pale, which added a little bit of beauty.

"Go and ask Feng Sinan, I have something to tell him." Mu Yutang said.

The maid hesitated, then went out to ask Sinan.

Jun Xiqing wants to talk to Yu Tang's sister, but Mu Yutang has a girl beside her.

The girl's name is Su Xiaoying. She is Qian Jin of the Su family and Mu Yutang's cousin. The two have a good relationship.

Su Xiaoying was only 18 years old. She was admitted to a prestigious university. She was a female college student. She was born pure and tender, like a flower of interpretation.

"Sakura Sakura, during this time Mu family had such a big deal. I heard my mother was in the hospital. Is she okay?"

"Sister Yutang, I will go to the hospital with my aunt every day after class. The aunt's health is fine, but I always miss you."

Mu Yutang's eyes were red.

At this moment a handsome and expensive figure came out, and Feng Sinan came.

"Master." All the maids called out respectfully.

Feng Sinan was wearing a hand-made black suit. He walked up and raised his hands, all of which are elegant and stable at the helm of the business community, and the charming texture of mature elites.

Feng Sinan's gaze fell on Mu Yutang's small face, and he said quietly, "Go out first."


Jun Xiqing and all the maids retreated.

"Sister Yutang, I'll go first."

Su Xiaoying glanced at Feng Sinan before leaving, a little scared, a little shy, and the little deer rammed.

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