Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1599: Unexpected encounter

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

In the past three years, Xuan Ying has taken over his mother Yu Yan, and the mother and son have been guarding in the bitter cold place.

Yu Yi has been suffering for most of his life, and has a tenacious personality. With his son, his body is getting better and better.

Xuan Ying has become a famous generation in the past three years and is very much loved by the people. Wherever he appeared, the people welcomed him with his prestige.

Xuanying has not been surrounded by women in these years, and the army is full of rough men. He does n’t even have a female ambassador.

Jun Xiqing knew that Xuan Ying had been thinking of Sister Xi in her heart.

For so many years, Sister Xi has been living in his heart.

However, sister-in-law got married.

"Sister Sister, let's go out."


Out of the airport lobby, Jun Xiqing's luxury car was parked outside, and at the same time the special car to pick up Xia Xi also came.

Jun Xiqing glanced at a Rolls-Royce business luxury car. The driver opened the door and the driver came over. Respectfully, "Mrs. I'm the driver assigned by you by your husband. Mr. has prepared the villa, wait After you tell your friends the old days, I will drive to pick you up again. "

Xia Ye brought his assistant Xiaoxi, who pushed the suitcase and was very capable.

The driver took the suitcase and put it in the back compartment. Xiaoxi looked at Xia Ye. "Angel, I'll go back first. The trip during this time has helped you to empty it. I'll call you if something happens."

The bright sunshine outside shone on Xia Ye's charming little face, and she tickled her red lips. "Okay, you go back first."


Xiaoxi left in a Rolls-Royce business luxury car.

Xia Ye got on Jun Xiqing's special plane. In the back seat, Jun Xiqing held Xia Ye's soft little hand. "Sister Xi, your husband treats you well."

Jun Xiqing saw that her sister-in-law's husband had arranged everything here, and the Rolls-Royce business luxury car was not an ordinary car, and her sister's husband was either rich or expensive.

Xia Yi's beautiful eyes filled with broken smiles, "Lylan is really nice to me."

Jun Xiqing sighed in her heart, Sister Xi had forgotten the past and was born again.

It ’s okay, really good. My sister-in-law found a man who loved her and cared for her.

As long as my sister-in-law is happy.

At this moment, the luxury car suddenly slowed down, and the bottle in front of it said, "Prince, it seems the road is closed in front."

Road closure?

Jun Xiqing looked out through the bright glass window. "What's going on? You need to block such a big battle?"

"Prince, the silver-faced king is back."

Silver face Wang Xuanying returned.

Jun Xiqing's slender Yu Jie trembled, so unexpectedly, Sister Xi returned and Xuan Ying returned.

They returned the same day.


Jun Xiqing glanced down and looked at Xia Yang beside her.

When Xia Ling heard the name "Silver Face King", those beautiful eyes were slightly delayed, but it was only a few seconds, fleeting, and there was no wave in her delicate little face.

"Qing Qing, I and the King of Silver Face have passed, don't worry about me." Xia Yan smiled.

Jun Xiqing nodded, "Well."

At this time, a man in black in uniform came over and banged the glass window.

Pingpin slid down the window.

The man in black had a tough attitude, "Hurry up and move the car. Whoever asked you to drive here will be coming soon. The silver car is coming. You are in the way."

As soon as Ping Ping's face turned black, he moved from car to car. What is such a bad attitude?

The man in black also thought to himself, "Who do you think you are, and if you delay the journey of the King of Silver Face, you will be taken into prison!"

Bottle, "..."

Do you know who is sitting in this car?

"Brother, you ..." Ping Ping was going to speak.

At this time, Jun Xiqing's smart voice sounded, "Pingpin, forget it, it seems that the roads around here are closed, and you can't go for a while. You go to the parking lot. My sister and I are here Wait for you. "

"Good lady."

Jun Xiqing and Xia Yi got out of the car and Ping Ping drove away.


When I got out of the car, the crowd was crowded with people outside.

The man in black pulled the cordon and the red carpet was on the ground.

Jun Xiqing and Xia Yi stood in the crowd holding hands, and they saw many people bringing their families and mouths.

A grandmother hugged her grandson. "Zhuangzhuang, look, our big hero, Silver Noodle King, is back. When you grow up, you must become an iron-bone general like Silver Noodle. country!"

The crowd around me is very excited, everybody you say a word to me,

--- Whether the King of Silver Face married or not?

--- No, I heard that in the past few years, people often sent song girls to the King of Silver Noodles, washed them, chopped their clothes, and slid into the King of Silver Noodles' quilt. Throw it out!

--- I can hear that Princess Fang Ya, the prettiest little princess, fell in love with the King of Silver Face at first sight, and started her enthusiastic pursuit.

--- We don't know what kind of girl the King of Silver Face likes. Here is the bitter cold. The King of Silver Face, except for an old mother, is really cold on the pillow, which makes us distressed ...

Jun Xiqing listened to her heart, very moved, years have precipitated the once gloomy and dark silver-faced king into a generation of resolute and eternal famous men.

Jun Xiqing clenched Xiao Xia's small hand. "Sister Xi, I'm really happy. In the past three years, no matter you or the King of Silver Face, you have become your best selves."

Xia Ling certainly heard these voices, her beautiful eyes swept across these people's faces one by one, they admired so much and loved to wear black shadows.

He can be good, really good.

At this moment, an exclamation and exclamation sounded in the ear, "Look at it, the King of Silver Face is here!"

Xia Yan looked up, and a luxury jeep was slowly driving on the long red carpet, and Xuan Ying's car came.

he came!

In the limelight, he came slowly.

The rear window of the jeep slipped slowly, revealing a handsome and determined face.

Today, Xuanying wore a handsome black uniform. The tailored uniform lined him tall and straight. The waist of the uniform was tied with a belt. The shoulders were shining tassel. The black coat of the same color on the outside. The thick feeling of the years coming from the shadows makes people dare not look directly, and their hearts look up.

Xuan Ying's handsome face line is more profound and stylish, and the tight thin lips reveal a majestic silence and a sense of vicissitudes.

"Wow, gosh, why didn't anyone tell me that Wang Yinsheng is so handsome and still a beautiful man."

Someone exclaimed.

Xia Yun looked at the jeep, and looked at the shadows in the jeep.

At this moment, as if there was a spirit in the heart, Xuan Ying in the car suddenly glanced down, and a pair of glazed ink eyes looked at her.


Baby, second more.

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