Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1614: Lu Yeming is here

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Jun Xiqing and Xia Yan looked at each other, "Sister Yutang, my brother is on this yacht, no matter what, you must make it clear on the spot, if he really can't get through this level in your heart, then It's not too late to let go. "

Mu Yutang nodded, "OK."

The three returned to the room together, because Jun Xiqing had a big belly, so the three lived in the same room.

When I returned to the room, a tall and erect body came forward, wearing a suit and a shadow.

Xuan Ying is back.

He went to Bianguan for three months, suddenly returned to China, and appeared on this private yacht.

Xuan Ying today wore a black uniform and a long coat with a black fur collar. The coat was inlaid with golden medals and tassel. His face was handsome and tough, stained with frost from the outside, as if rushed back by the dust.

Jun Xiqing's heart jumped, and as a general who guarded the border, it was impossible to return casually, unless the master recalled it urgently.

Xuan Ying is here, what about ... Lu Yeming?

Is Lu Yeming ... also on this private yacht?

Xia Yan looked up and saw the mysterious shadow.

Mysterious shadow came against the light, and the tall body blocked all the light by the door.

It seemed like he hadn't shaved in a long time, and there was a ring of scum on his resolute jaw, and his ink eyes fell on her little face.

Two people face each other.

At this moment a red figure ran over, holding the arm of Xuan Ying, "Silver King, how can you walk so fast, wait for me."

Xia Xuan saw that a beautiful girl was entangled with Xuan Ying intimately, and looked at Xuan Ying's handsome face with admiration.

"Master, princess." A Zhou came.

Princess Gallo.

Xia Yue suddenly remembered that I heard that Xuan Ying had gone to Bianguan for three years, and Princess Gallo fell in love with him at first sight, and started a mad pursuit.

It seems that this time Princess Gallo followed him here.

Xia Yan said nothing, and she stepped forward and went back to her room, but she had to pass by him.

Two people passed by.

At this moment, Xuan Ying stretched out her wide palm, and clasped her slender wrist.

Xia Ling was forced to stop, she wanted to withdraw her Hao wrist, but he was holding her Hao wrist, as strong as iron, getting tighter.

Xia Yan's beautiful eyes fell on Jun Ying's face, "Silver King, is there something wrong?"

Xuan Ying looked at her with deep eyes, pursed her thin lips, and asked with a low voice, "Did you come to play with your husband?"

"This question is related to you?"

Xuan Ying narrowed his handsome eyes, "If you come to play alone, go back quickly, it's not quite flat here."

Saying that Xuan Ying glanced at Jun Xiqing, his lowered voice seemed to warn him, "Furthermore, I don't want to deal with her in the future."

Jun Xiqing lying down, "..."


Xia Xuan pulled back her own hawk, and she glanced at Princess Gallo, "You better manage your own business!"

Xia Ling entered the room.

"Qing Qing, let's go in too." Mu Yutang grabbed Jun Xiqing's small hand.

Jun Xiqing came to the door of the room. She looked back at Xuan Ying, who stared down at Princess Gallo, her voice indifferent and without temperature, "Let go!"

Although Princess Gallo liked him very much, she was also afraid of him and quickly let go.

Xuan Ying reached out and pushed open the door of his room and went in.

Princess Gallo stomped angrily and hummed.

Jun Xiqing looked at Xuan Ying's room, the ground floor room, the room next to Xuan Ying, the door was closed, it was quiet, and it was the sky floor room.

Who lives in this sky-spanned room?

Jun Xiqing felt faintly disturbed, and now the only person who can recall Xuan Ying from the border is Lu Yeming, the principal of Country A.

But what happened, Lu Yeming will recall Xuanying?

Yan Feng has news, in Dongshan.

Dongshan is the site of Lu Yeming.

Is there any connection between these two things?


Jun Xiqing, Xia Yun, and Mu Yutang returned to the room for a short break. At dinner time, the three opened the door of the room and were ready to go out.

At this moment a maid came over, holding a dinner plate in his hand, and knocked on the door of the sky-smooth room.

Jun Xiqing said, "Sister Xi, Sister Yu Tang, you go first. I will go later. My brother is playing cards at the bottom. Sister Yu Tang, you can go to my brother first."

"Okay, let's go now."

Xia Ling and Mu Yutang left.

Jun Xiqing looked at the maid, reached out to pick up the dinner plate in the maid's hand, "You go down first, I'll come."

"Yes, miss."

Dongfang Yu is the owner of this private yacht, and Jun Xiqing is naturally the young lady. Half of the owner, the maid must listen to her.

The maid retreated, and Jun Xiqing stood at the door of the Tianzihao room, raised her little hand, and knocked on the door.

No sound inside.

very quiet.

She knocked again, when the door was not closed tightly, and opened automatically.

Jun Xiqing glanced inside. There was no light in the room.

Quiet and mysterious.

Is it him?

Isn't it ... Lu Yeming?

Jun Xiqing raised her foot and wanted to go in.

At this time, a man in black appeared suddenly, "Hello, you can't go in. Our boss has an eye disease. He had recently had a corneal surgery and couldn't see the light. Let me give the plate. I'll send it in."

Corneal surgery?

That's not Lu Yeming.

His eyes are fine.

Jun Xiqing ticked her red lips and handed the plate to her black man. "I'm sorry to bother you."

Jun Xiqing turned and left.


Jun Xiqing left and Vatican appeared.

The man in black handed the plate to Vatican, and Vatican whispered, "Come on."


Vatican entered the room and closed the door.

The room was dark, and a long, jade figure stood quietly by the window, Lu Yeming.

Lu Yeming wore a black shirt and black trousers, and the ironed fine clothing without any wrinkles seemed cold and expensive. He copied the trouser pocket with one hand, and the whole person was plated in the dim light. The spirit of the emperor is indifferent to the indifference.

A white ribbon was tied to his eyes, and Si Kongyu performed corneal surgery on him.

Vatican placed the plate on the table, respectfully said, "Lord, eat first."

Lu Yeming looked in the direction out the window and casually said, "She's gone?"

"Yes." Vatican reminded him again, "Master, the doctor of Skong has performed corneal surgery on you, with all kinds of promises. In the past three days, you cannot open the white ribbon on your eyes, and you cannot open your eyes forcibly. Otherwise, I will give up all my achievements, I see Miss Jun appear here, my heart ... "

… Cool

Fan Men was already afraid of Jun Xiqing.

Lu Yeming didn't have any emotions on his too delicate and handsome face. After a few seconds, he quietly said, "Is her belly ... big?"


Babies, two more first, and two more during the day, ask for tickets.

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