Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1626: Use a beauty measure to win Lu Yeming

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Jun Xiqing hasn't been with Lu Yeming for a long time. Since Jiuyou got married three months ago, she has broken the past of two people with three shots, and she has never seen him again.

Now he pressed her to kiss, he was still the same Lu Yeming, and he could not refuse to be overbearing, but his kiss was much gentler.

A man of authority like him, once tender, is quite deadly.

The knocking outside continued, "Madam, madam!"

Jun Xiqing Yu Jie trembled, and bite Lu Yeming's lips hard.

A faint **** smell quickly spread into the mouth.

Lu Yeming was in pain and slowly loosened her red lips.

He stood upright, silent for a while by her bed, then pulled his leg and walked to the window.

The sight was too dark, Jun Xiqing roughly saw his quiet, long jade quiet place, one hand copied his trousers pocket, raised the other hand, and wiped the corner of the bleeding lips with his hand. A little wild.

His aura was too strong, and when he was so silent, it was fascinating.

Jun Xiqing said quickly, "I'm fine, I'm already asleep, you all go down."

"Yes, Madam."

The people outside the door were gone.

The room was quiet and neither of them spoke.

After a while, Lu Yeming left and the room door closed.

As soon as he left, Jun Xiqing's tense brain nerves slowly relaxed, and her two little hands rested on her high raised belly, and she no longer felt sleepy.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Baby, you like your daddy, don't you?


Xia Ling went back to the room, and the two chatted. They fell asleep in the early morning and got up late the next day.

The private yacht is almost on the case, and Dongshan is one hour away.

Mu Yanfeng was not there, but Mu Yanfeng's powerful confidant Iron One was there, and Tie Yi's life was saved by Mu Yanfeng, so the iron couple Mu family was sworn in allegiance.

As soon as Tie came to Jun Xiqing, he respectfully said, "Mrs. Young, you will be in Dongshan within an hour. I just got news that there is movement in Dongshan. Lord Lu Yeming, the leader of A, has sent his staff to Dongshan. "

Jun Xiqing's footsteps stagnated, she looked back at Tieyi, "What do you mean?"

Tie Yixiao whispered, "Mrs. Young, Lu Yeming must have received the news, knowing that the young master is in Dongshan, Mrs. Lu Yeming loved Mrs. Xiao, and wanted to take Mrs. Young away at the wedding three months ago, he certainly did not I hope the young master is still alive. I think Lu Yeming will kill the young master before we can save the young master. "

Jun Xiqing's eyes were like Zhanzhanchunshui, and the light of wisdom was shining inside.

Tie Yi carefully looked at Jun Xiqing's face, and then said, "Mrs. Young, this time entering the border of Country A, there are many risks. You have the only bone blood of Master in your stomach. I think Lu Yeming can't bear it anymore. Yes, we and him, after all, are the enemy. Rather than holding our hands, we might as well start first. "

Get started first.

Hearing this sentence, Jun Xiqing gave a slight red lips lip and smiled, "Tieyi, you say, what should I do?"

Tieyi has been spying on Jun Xiqing's face, but he was disappointed, and Jun Xiqing showed nothing.

Jun Xiqing is very young, only 23 years old, but she has a calm temperament and is good at smart thinking. She is especially intelligent. Maybe she is not the same as Lu Yeming's emperor who soaked in high positions of power, but she is quite alert and is a non-stop Growing characters.

Tieyi considered it, and then said, "Mrs. Young, last night I saw the handsome army of National Army A. I was thinking that since Xuanying was on this private yacht, then Lu Yeming must be there."

"This private yacht is very rare. If we can take Lu Yeming here first, then ..."

The smile on Jun Xiqing's red lips deepened, "Tieyi, even if Lu Yeming and Xuanying are here, how confident are you that you can take them down?"

"Mrs. Young, of course we can't fight hard. We must be smart. Lu Yeming is now devoted to Mrs. Young. If Mrs. Young makes a beautiful plan ..."

Before Tieyi's words were finished, Jun Xiqing smashed a warm baby in his hand against the wall.

It is winter now, and there is sufficient heating on private yachts, and everyone wears less.

But Jun Xiqing's pregnant body was suddenly afraid of cold these days, holding a warm baby everywhere.

The warm baby smashed on the wall, making a dull noise, the iron shook, and a cold sweat broke out instantly.

I saw Jun Xiqing's tiny face like a dusty jade cooled down, and her splendid eyes glanced down at him, like a sharp knife.

Iron trembled, and I really did not expect that such a young lady would have such aura and courage.

"Madam, I ... I ..."

Jun Xiqing slowly retracted her gaze, "I'm tired. You step down first, let people pack things, and go straight to Dongshan after landing."

After that, Jun Xiqing turned and left.

"Yes, Madam."

Tie nodded quickly and said yes, picked up the warm baby on the ground.


Jun Xiqing came to the top of the cabin. She was dressed in a white veil and covered with a white fur collar cloak.

She raised her eyes and looked forward.

The road ahead is long and long, and there is no end in sight.


At this time, Dongfang Yu came over and shoved a warm baby in her hand into her little hand.

"Brother." Jun Xiqing quickly smiled. "Where is your sister-in-law, and my brother and sister-in-law didn't go out all night?"

Dongfang Yu is naturally refreshing today. Those peach eyes are a bit softer than usual. He reached out and rubbed Jun Xiqing's long hair. "Don't stand here, the wind is strong, the doctor said that your fetal position is not correct. , Beware of premature birth. "

Jun Xiqing stretched out her hand and stroked her belly. "I'll stand for a while. It's okay."

Dongfang Yu stretched out his hand and shook Jun Xiqing's shoulder. "Qing Qing, my brother will always be with you, so don't be afraid."

Don't be afraid.

Jun Xiqing drew red lips, "Brother, who is your sister, your sister is a daughter of the Jun family, how can I be afraid?"

Dongfang Yu looked at her with affection. "Qing Qing, you have the most love in your life, so you are also the most afraid of love. You dare not take a step further, you, you are a coward."

Jun Xiqing's eyes were red instantly.


Dongfang Yu and Jun Xiqing were together, Mu Yutang and Xia Ye went into the restaurant together. Xia Ye looked at Mu Yutang's sweet and happy appearance now, and her bad mood was wiped out last night.

"Angel, I got you a cup of hot milk."

Master Hua passed Xia Yang a cup of hot milk.

Xia Yan smiled and thanked, at this moment she saw a tall and erect body in front, and Xuan Ying also came.

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