Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1651: Throw her into the big soft bed

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Was Xia Xun lying on the bed drunkenly, did Hua Shao kiss her, take off her clothes, and then ...

Thinking of this scene, Xuan Ying closed her eyes quickly, and his dark pupil was stained with red blood.

At this time Jun Xiqing came over, "Silver King, you don't have to stand here to keep the door. Sister Xi has decided to be with Hua Shao. After this evening, wait for Sister Xi to become Hua Shao's woman. My sister should get married soon. This is exactly what the silver face king wants to see. My elder sister has completely forgotten you, and found a good man to marry. I have my own happiness, but, Her happiness will have nothing to do with you in the future. "

Xuanying's two large palms hanging on his side quickly clenched into fists, and the bones and joints also made a "click" sound, which was creepy.

--- ah ~

At this moment a woman's cry suddenly came from the room, listening to the ambiguous-ambiguous.

Jun Xiqing looked at Xuan Ying, and saw the man nearly ten meters tall suddenly froze.

--- Um ~

The sound in the room continued to sound, and the human face was red and red.

Jun Xiqing looked at Xuan Ying to see how long he could endure!

At this time, Xuan Ying's strong fist slammed directly on the door of the room, and the door broke a large hole.


Jun Xiqing watched in shock the big hole that was smashed on the door of the room. The power of Xuan Ying was too amazing.

Xuan Ying's eyes were scarlet, and his forehead was blue. He felt that he could not bear it anymore.

He thought he could let go and let her look for her own happiness, but at this moment he realized that he couldn't.

Just thinking that she would be owned by another man, she would love that man and become his wife, and he felt like he was going crazy.

It turned out he couldn't.

He couldn't let go.

Xuan Ying raised her long legs, and kicked the room door with a kick. The room door was opened suddenly.

Xuan Ying walked directly into the room.

Xuan Ying thought of many possibilities when he went in. Xia Ying should be undressed now, or ...

The next second, Xuan Ying froze, and his dark pupil shrank. What did he see?

Xia Ling was lying on a soft big bed, but her clothes were intact. Hua Shao was sitting in front of the computer, and the computer screen was showing ambiguous and ambiguous pictures.

The sound he heard outside the door just now was not from Xia Xi, but from the film.

He was cheated!

He has been rectified!

Looking at Xuan Ying's anger coming in, Hua Shao was frightened, and immediately Ma climbed up, surrendered with both hands, "Shadow ... Uncle Ying ..."

Xuan Ying stared at Hua Shao fiercely, then stepped forward and pulled out the U disk inserted in the computer.

"Help, the tiger is doing it!"

Hua Shao was a clever man, plucking hair from the tiger's head, he rushed out of the room, and ran away with a brain.

Jun Xiqing watched in shock the speed at which Hua Shao escaped, and muttered in his heart, is Xuan Ying so terrible?

"Silver King ..."

Jun Xiqing turned her head and immediately bumped into Xuan Ying's blood-red ink pupils. He lifted his feet and approached her step by step.

Now Xuan Ying's eyes seemed to be a tiger whose mouth was full of fangs, and a pounce would tear her.

"Hmm ... Hmm sister ... Save me ..."

Jun Xiqing backed off alert, she wanted to call her sister-in-law to save her, but sister-in-law was drunk.

How to do?

Xuan Ying was approaching, he bit his cheek, and forced out a sensible syllable from his throat, "This USB stick is yours?"

Jun Xiqing nodded, and then quickly shook her head. Then, she turned around and ran away, "It's my brother's!"

On the private yacht, the two family members took the USB stick and plugged it into her brother's computer, and she was later unplugged.

Now, she puts this U disk to use.

However, she lost her life!

I knew that I should have run with Hua Shao just now.

Xuan Ying chased after a few sturdy steps, and there was a great chance to slap her posture, "Jun Xiqing, stop me!"

"I don't stand, who stands and who's the puppy! Help! Someone hit someone!"

Jun Xiqing felt that her steps were getting closer, and she screamed in fright.

The next second, a strong healthy arm leaned over, hugged her willow-like waist, and twitched gently, Jun Xiqing's delicate body fell into a clean and clear embrace.

A low magnetic voice sounded overhead, with an indifferent smile, "Xuan Ying, you would scare her like this."

Jun Xiqing's slender Yu Jie trembled and raised her eyes quickly. She saw Lu Yeming's handsome face with a crown like jade.

The champagne gold palace lamp on the cloister was plated from the back, giving the man an overly delicate and handsome feature with a layer of bright gold.

Leaning closer, Jun Xiqing immediately smelled the faint smell of tobacco on his body, apparently soaking in the luxurious chess room for an afternoon.

There were a bunch of bunny girls there, there was no rouge gouache smell on his body, and some were just his own clean man body.

why did he come here?

Lu Yeming embraced Jun Xiqing in his arms, and the other big palm came to her delicate face and squeezed it gently, "Are you skinned again?"

Skinned again?

Simple three words with infinite pampering, much like training their beloved children.

Jun Xiqing's heart jumped.

Xuan Ying stopped, and those ink eyes fell on Lu Yeming's face, "Master, this woman in your arms has a lot of bad ideas!"

Lu Yeming hooked her **** thin lips and raised her tail, "Oh?"

"This USB stick is hers!"

Xuan Ying lost his hand and threw it to Lu Yeming.

Lu Yeming stretched out his hand, and took it handsomely and handsomely, "This way, Xuan Ying, this time she made a mistake, I will teach her a good meal for you, don't be angry."

"Yes, Lord."

Xuanying turned around and entered the room, closing the door.


in the room.

Xia Ying was awake when Xuan Ying went in. She was awake a little bit later because of the cocktail's stamina.

"Well, you're awake? You can't drink, you're not allowed to drink next time!"

"Xuan Ying, why are you again, why did you show up in my room again? Come out to me soon!"

Xia Ying pushed Xuan Ying out.

Xuan Ying moved a few steps, and the handsome and handsome facial features were somber and cold, "You don't want me to be in your room, do you want Hua Shao to be in your room? I heard that you have been dating him Anymore? "

His words were sour and weird.

As soon as Xia Yi was stagnant, when did she associate with Hua Shao? She didn't.

But she was too lazy to explain, "Xuan Ying, what are you doing in my room, anyway, you can't satisfy me ... Ah!"

Xuan Ying suddenly reached out and clasped Xia Xun's slender wrist, and flung it gently, Xia Xuan's soft and boneless body fell directly into the soft big bed.

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