Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1655: Two people sleeping together

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Ye Ruge said she transplanted her cornea to Lu Yeming.

Lu Yeming's handsome complexion was not shocked, but his eyebrows moved a little. He said in a deep voice, "I don't need it, like a song, you go back soon."

"Why, why not?" Ye Ruge looked at Lu Yeming with anxiety and distress. "Master, you are the king of a country. Your shoulders bear heavy responsibilities and missions. Your indirect blindness now is too dangerous! "

"Master, it is my willingness to transplant the cornea to you. I do not ask for anything in return. The master has treated me well over the years, so give me a chance to help you."

Ye Ruge has been in her territory for the past three years, but she heard the news of Lu Yeming's blindness, and hurried in horror. She wanted to give Lu Yeming her own light.

Lu Yeming's deep phoenix eyes fell on Ye Ruge's cold and charming face, indifferently revealing the strengths that are usually used by the superiors, making people intolerable. "Ru Ge, I said, I don't want your cornea Do not mention this topic in the future. "


"I'm fine, like a song, you go back earlier." After finishing, Lu Yeming lifted his feet and left.

Ye Ruge stood on the spot watching the back of Ying Ting leaving Lu Yeming, "Master, you said three words to me, and two words made me leave. Is my appearance upset Jun Xiqing? It was so obvious she was unhappy just now, so you let me go? "

Lu Yeming stopped for a while, but didn't look back, he just said lightly, "Ru Ge, how do you let me accept your cornea like this?"

Ye Ruge froze.

By the time she looked up again, Lu Yeming had disappeared into her sight.


Jun Xiqing returned to her room, and she thought for a while that Sister Xi and Xuan Ying must be reconciled tonight, and it will get better tomorrow.

Sister Yu Tang and Sister Xi have both gained their happiness, and she feels very happy.

"Miss Jun, you're back. Little Pippi is just looking for food. You don't need to feed him for a milk night. Little Pippi can sleep until dawn." Yuezhen picked up Pippi. .

"Okay, leave it to me, Wang Ye, you go to rest." Jun Xiqing took Xiao Pippi.

"Then I'll go back to the room first, Ms. Jun, if you have any problem calling me, I see ... President Lu is also here, if you sleep together at night, Pippi can give it to me." Yuezhang laughed.

Jun Xiqing froze, and suddenly did not understand the meaning of Yue.

Yue Zhen looked at Jun Xiqing. Instead of wearing a white gauze dress, Jun Xiqing wore a black suspender skirt, which was placed at the bend of her leg, covered with a night-time sweater and a waterfall. The dreadful black hair spread down, looking at the vitality of the young girl, delicate and moving.

Yuesao whispered, "Ms. Jun, I ’m here, you do n’t need to be embarrassed. I work as a wife in rich people. Those wives will give their children to me when they are born. They will talk to their husband ... room."

Listening to the last two words, Jun Xiqing suddenly understood, her delicate little face quickly became flushed, "Yueyan ..."

"Miss Jun, I did not treat you as an outsider, so I would like to tell you a few words. I think President Lu is really sincere to you, and you are also interested in President Lu. Since this is the case, then do n’t hesitate anymore, you have a son, hurry up Together. "

"A man with such conditions as President Lu is outstanding and outstanding. There are too many Yingying Yanyans around him and many temptations. How can any man not taste fishy? You have repeatedly rejected him, and he is not a monk. Don't push your good man to other women. "

"I see that President Lu's eyes are bright every time he sees you. This man will take one, put one, and take another. The matter under the bed is a lubricant between husband and wife, and it is also God-given for women. Take the initiative, and when he becomes addicted to you, you will die. "

Jun Xiqing felt that her little face was hot, she had no mother, and Lu Yeming was her first love. No one had ever told her about this. She was so ashamed that she wanted to drill a hole.

Looking at her green appearance, Yuesao covered her mouth and smiled, "Miss Jun, you help your sister-in-law, sister-in-law. In my opinion, your sister-in-law and sister-in-law are more acquainted with men and you than you, you Just help yourself. "

"Yueyue!" Jun Xiqing said aloud, "Don't say anything, you're ashamed."

"That's fine. I dare to pack tickets. Miss Jun is so shy to spit with President Lu, so she hasn't crippled President Lu's bones?"


"Well, I won't say anymore. Miss Jun is so smart, she is a wonderful person who knows a little bit, and think about it myself. I'll go back to my room to rest first." Yue Yue left.


Yuezhen went away, and the room was quiet.

Jun Xiqing looked down at her son in the arms with her slender Yu Jie. Xiao Pippi didn't even have her eyes open, and her little mouth moved in her arms to find her grandmother.

Watching his son grow flesh on his body at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, Jun Xiqing was really afraid of raising him into a pig.

"Xiao Pippi, are you hungry ~ Mommy will feed you grandma ~ We have grandma ~"

Lu Yeming pushed open the door of the room, and when she walked in, she heard her soft voice and coaxed her son.

He stood by the door, looked up, and in the dim light, Jun Xiqing was sitting on the sofa, holding a small pink and white meat ball in his arms, the light spilled over her, warm and bright.

She was breastfeeding her son. After all, she was only 23 years old, and she was too young to fish up the camisole skirt from below. Instead, she stretched out her tiny white hand and brushed off the knit sweater on the shoulder. Bring it down and send it to his son to eat.

Little Pippi caught him at one sip.

She was still a little uncomfortable and Xiumei twisted slightly.

"Little Pippi, eat slowly ~"

She coaxed softly, and dragged the blanket to cover Xiao Pippi's face, as well as her exposed Hunchun.

Lu Yeming once saw a wife breastfeeding on an occasion. It was a sacred thing for her mother to breastfeed. The wife was not half shy, but breastfeeding on the spot.

He had a deep memory at that time, and that wife was a very different type from Jun Xiqing, who was now dodging and shy.

However, Mummy is great.

Lu Yeming stepped forward.

Jun Xiqing heard a steady footstep. When someone came in, she quickly raised her eyes, and Lu Yeming's long and handsome body suddenly appeared in her sight.

Lu Yeming copied his pockets with one hand and looked at her with a handsome eyelid. He deliberately lowered his voice and didn't want to make a small noise, "Why am I so surprised?"

Talking about his slender fingers, he lifted a corner of the blanket and goose yellow blanket, reached in and teased Pippi's white and tender little face.


Baby, the update is over today, refill.

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