Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1663: Parent-child time

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Hey, mommy.

This childish milk sound poured into Xuan Ying's eardrum, and Xuan Ying's tall and erect body shuddered.

His pair of ink-colored pupils kept zooming in, contracting, and looked at Xiao Meimei in the room in shock.

There was a clear voice from Xia Yi on the other side, "Meimei, Mommy will go back tomorrow morning. You must be obedient today."

"I know," Xiao Meimei smiled sweetly. "Mum, there is a Shu Shu who has been looking for you. He wants to say a few words to you."

Xiaomei Mei spread her calf and ran to Xuan Ying's side. A little hand grabbed Xuan Ying's trousers and let him talk.

Xuan Ying's head exploded with a bang, a mass of paste. He didn't know what happened?

The other end of the phone must have been right, but ... I have a new daughter?

he does not know.

He really didn't know.


Xuan Ying quickly squatted down on one knee. He put his thin lips on the phone watch of Xiao Meimei's hands. The thin lips moved a few times. He didn't know what he wanted to say. It's your ... daughter? Is she ... your biological one? "


At the end, Xia Ying was going to be furious. Couldn't he say something nice in the first sentence?

"Shu Xi," Xiao Meimei took the lollipop from her little mouth, and handed it to Xuan Ying's lips to lick him, "I'm definitely not a captive, I was born by my mum."

Xuan Ying licked a lollipop, and the sweetness on the lollipop quickly spread into his mouth. He didn't like sweets, so he frowned slightly.

"Then ... the beautiful biological father is ..."

"Xuan Ying," Xia Yun interrupted him quickly, "Don't you dare to say a word, I will never ignore you!"

Xuan Ying's eyes brightened, so to speak, Xiao Meimei is his ... daughter?

When he was taken away three years ago, two people rolled over the sheets once. He did not use any measures and she did not take medicine.

Did Xiao Meimei have it at that time?

She took Mou Mo to the airport three years ago. At that time, she had a little life in her stomach?

She gave him another daughter?

Xuan Ying's breathing became rapid, and the dark-colored eyes began to turn red. She even gave him another daughter!

"Well, I ..."

"Xuan Ying, now I don't want to listen to you, Mu Mou is here with us, we will go back tomorrow morning, and Mei Mei will give it to you today, you will feed her a bath, and tell her stories to coax her to sleep."

After speaking, Xia Ling hung up the phone directly.


Xuan Ying still can't believe that Xia Xuan gave him a daughter again. He even had two little lovers.

Over the years he has been guarding the border and has become a generation of famous players, but he has never had any pride, and now he has it.

He even let him conceive twice and got two intimate little padded jackets. This is the most worthwhile thing to show off in his life!

Xuan Ying reached out and hugged Xiao Meimei into her own arms. She was so excited, he repeated hoarsely, "Mei Mei, I am your father, I am your father!"

Xiaomeimei stretched out her two small hands and hugged Xuanying. She cried sweetly, "Daddy, my sister and I miss you so much, so does Mommy."

Xuan Ying suddenly wet his eyes.


Soon at night, Xuan Ying is the new dad on the road, playing with Mei Mei, feeding Mei Mei to eat, of course, he ca n’t bathe Mei Mei. These summers have been well educated, and a three-year-old girl wo n’t let Daddy She bathed her and started the education on gender differences early, so Jun Xiqing asked Yuezhen to come and take a bath for Meimei, who was lying on the big bed wearing a suspender nightdress.

Xuan Ying covered Meimei with a quilt. "Meimei, today we don't tell stories, shall we talk to grandma on the phone?"

"Okay, okay, Mommy once told me that grandma had suffered a lot to raise her father, her hair was white, she couldn't walk, and Meimei wanted to meet her grandmother.

Xuan Ying's heart was soft and incredible. He kissed Mei Mei vigorously, then took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone number.

After two beeps, the phone at that end was quickly connected, and Yu Yan's voice passed over, "Hey, Xuanying, I just wanted to call you, and you came over this phone. I asked you, Why did you refuse Miss Lan Lan? "

"I ..." Xuan Ying wanted to speak.

But Yu Xuan interrupted quickly. Yu Xuan was a strict mother and very strong. In the past three years, with her son at the border of bitter cold, her body became more and more tough.

After a few operations, her disabled hands can be moved. Every day, she takes the women at the border to do manual work. Everywhere, she is honored with the phrase "Ms. Yu".

Yu Yue's feet can move, but she still needs a wheelchair and she can't stand up.

The voice of Yu's lesson came over, "Xuan Ying, I know your mind, and you are still thinking about You, but I said it earlier, You are such a good girl, I am saddened by you, she will not Come back, I won't want you, you broke that mind early, you don't deserve it! "

"Mom," Xuan Ying raised her thin lips, "I'm back."

"What?" Yu Yan at the other end took a breath of air, "Hey ... hey back?"

"Well, mom, grandma is back, and she gave me a little daughter, all three years old!"


At the other end, Yu Yan was shocked and couldn't speak, "Xuan Ying, are you drunk or are you talking in a dream, how is it possible ... how can you ..."

At this time, Xiao Meimei got up in front of the phone and called childishly and sweetly, "Grandma, hello, Daddy didn't lie to you, Mommy came back with her sister and me."

Yu Yan's voice was shaking, "Little obedient ... you ... hello, grandma didn't know that you were ... 翎 翎 this girl is really right, and gave birth to our Xuan family and didn't say ... I haven't been outside in recent years Let ’s endure ... it ’s not easy for a woman to take two children outside ... ”

The old man had no daughter, and in the eyes he felt Xia Ye as his own daughter to hurt, but the relationship between Xia Ye and her son was too shallow. She always thought that she had no blessing, and did not expect to ...

The old man's eyes suddenly turned red.

"Grandma, my mum is having a good time with my sister and me. I came back with a gift for grandma this time, that is hair dye. I want to dye grandma's white hair black!"

Xiao Meimei is too small, many don't know yet, but she is thinking about dyeing grandma's white hair to black. The dark and difficult years before are gone.

Yu choked, "Okay, okay, okay ... so good ... so good ..."

The old man kept saying "good", his love for Xiao Meimei spilled into his bones.

Xuan Ying hung up the phone, Xiao Meimei lay in Daddy's powerful arm, closed her eyes and slept sweetly.

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