Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1669: Father and son recognize (2)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Lu Yeming heard Yue Wan's call, and he looked up, Feng Feng without focus looking at it.

"Master, stay here, I'll go over and take a look."

After all, Lu Yeming is blind now, and his blindness cannot be known to outsiders. He is a country and is the king of a country, so Ye Ruge came to the door.

Ye Ruge looked at Yue Yue, "Who are you and what are you looking for?"

Yuepi held Xiao Pippi in her arms, anxiously, "Hello, can you call me President Lu, Miss Jun ..."

As soon as I heard this "Miss Jun", Ye Ruge sighed arrogantly at night, "Jun Xiqing couldn't hold back when I saw the Lord and I were together. of."

Yue Yue listened, and her look was not right. She hesitated. "How do you say this lady? Now some little girls really are, and they are rushing to be the stepmothers of others. It's just that Pippi is distinguished, Miss Jun was born after nine deaths. Even if President Lu is unreliable, Pippi will not allow anyone to be his stepmother, because they are not eligible! "

"You ..." Ye Ruge was angry.

At this moment a low magnetic voice started, Lu Yeming said indifferently, "Wang Ye, come in."

Yue Yue went in and came to Lu Yeming's side, "President Lu."

"Something?" Lu Yeming asked.

"Of course there is something." Yue Zhen held Xiao Pippi in his arms to Lu Yeming.

A soft and fragrant little thing was plugged in. Lu Yeming quickly raised his arm to catch it. He smelled a milky fragrance, which was similar to Jun Xiqing's body. It was a small skin.

Lu Yeming's deep pupil was not focused, but he looked down, his long fingers opened the corner of the goose yellow blanket, and the small face carved by Xiaopipifen was exposed.

Little Pippi grew up day by day, and he was not the same as the ugly and wrinkled newborn. He had beautiful and dazzling facial features, and a small milk group.

Now Pippi opened her **** diamond-like eyes and looked at her dad.

Lu Yeming was holding Xiao Pippi, and the gentleness just now overflowed with some softness. He kissed Pippi's little hand.

Giggle ~

Xiao Pippi smiled happily.

At this time, several powerful officials and nobles gathered around, "President Lu, where's the baby girl, yo, it looks so good."

"President Lu, what do I think of this little baby girl like you? Look at it, the baby girl also has a pair of phoenix eyes."

It wasn't too obvious when he was born. Now, Xiao Pippi is getting bigger, and he also has a pair of phoenix eyes.

Lu Yeming's unfocused Tongren Ren suddenly shrank, then looked up and asked, "Xiao Pippi also has a pair of Phoenix Eyes?"

"Yes, President Lu. The more I look at it, the more I feel like this little baby is like you, President Lu, will this not be your son?"

Lu Yeming's cold lips quickly snapped, and the handsome eyebrows overflowed with a bit of chill. He always thought that Xiao Pippi was Mu Yanfeng's son, but Mu Yanfeng didn't have Phoenix eyes, he only had!

Lu Yeming's deep pupils quickly rolled out of the storm, was he wrong?

Was he wrong from the start?

One year ago at Feng Sinan's wedding, did she have a bed with Mu Yanfeng?

Is this son Mu Yanfeng's, or ... his?

At this time, Ye Ruge stepped forward, and she did not believe that the son born by Jun Xiqing was the prince. In her opinion, Jun Xiqing was so greedy, how could he silently give birth to the lord's son, this country A His Royal Highness?

"Master, the child is still young, and it's nonsense to say who it looks like based on who he looks like."

Seeing Ye Ruge talking, Yue Yue quickly smiled, "Yes, President Lu, you still have to return Xiao Pippi to me. It's hard to say if Xiao Pippi's son is President Lu. I see that many women want to give President Lu has a son, and it's not worse than Pippi. "

Talking about Yuezhang, he brought Xiao Pippi over.

Phuket was originally spring, and this VIP room was very warm. Yuezhuang picked the goose yellow blanket and held Pippi in her arms. "Oh, I see Pippi's clothes are spreading out, and I ’m back Button it. "

Yuezhang arranged the baby clothes on Xiao Pippi's body, and exposed the dragon totem on the back of Pippi accurately.

"Well, look, there is a birthmark on the baby's back."

"This birthmark is so special. I look like a dragon."

"Isn't it Dragon Totem?"

Dragon totem!

These three words were infiltrated into Lu Yeming's eardrums, and his long and handsome body suddenly shook in such an instant. The purest royal blood of Country A, His Royal Highness His Royal Highness had a dragon totem on his back.

This is a symbol of identity and descent.

There was a dragon totem on Pippi's back.

That little Pippi is his son?

Ye Ruge ran forward, and she carefully looked at the dragon totem on Xiao Pippi's back. She carefully looked at it several times and then shocked, "Master, it is really a dragon totem!"

It's Dragon Totem!

That little Pippi is his son!

Lu Yeming has been at a high position in these years. Even if he encounters any rough seas, he can stay calm, but at this moment he takes a step back, and his deep eyes quickly become covered with red blood.

The two big palms lying on his side quickly smashed into a fist. In his mind was Jun Xiqing's small face like a dusty jade. She didn't even tell him that this was his son. She didn't tell him !!

Lu Yeming copied his big palm into his pants pocket, took out his mobile phone, and quickly dialed a phone number.

He wants to call her.

He wants to hear her voice.


The melodious ringtone on that end rang again, then was picked up, and a smart voice passed over, "Hey."

Lu Yeming squeezed his mobile phone, and the knuckles of his knuckles were all pale, and he bit his cheeks, overflowing the words from his throat, "Pippi is my son?"


Jun Xiqing gave a word, neat.


She said yes!

Lu Yeming moved his handsome eyes quickly. He repeatedly lowered his voice and controlled his emotions. "Why don't you tell me? Why?"

"I wanted to tell you a long time ago. There were several words that came to my lips, but you didn't give me a chance."

Lu Ye contemplates how many times she was restless and talked about Xiao Pippi repeatedly, but at the time ... he didn't dare to think about it.

"Qingqing, I ..."

"Lu Yeming, Xiao Pippi is your son. I have already told you. From now on, I do n’t owe you anymore. I am clean and owe nothing. If you are not assured, ask Sikron to be a DNA parent Identify it. "


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