Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1682: Kiss her tears one by one

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

He said, Qingqing, I love you.

Jun Xiqing trembled the slender Yu Jie, her eyes were a little moist, she waited, she thought she finally waited for this cry Qingqing I love you.

Along the way, she was too unwilling to him, tangled for so long, and wanted a result.

When she was pregnant with Pippi, she really thought about not wanting this child and not carrying out a high moral abduction of a woman. Before you think about whether to have this child, the first thing you should think about is to love yourself well, so she really Don't want this child anymore.

This child is Lu Yeming, she doesn't want to.

However, she ordered a pill with Dr. Bai Xue, and she saved the child.

Later, during delivery, she had a blood collapse and nearly died on the operating table, but she still gave birth to a son.

After all, she thought, because the child was Lu Yeming.

Lu Yeming was right. She was too greedy. She wanted his love because she didn't want to give up, so she didn't want to give up his child.

She has always loved him.

Now he whispered softly to her ear and said, Qingqing, I love you.

Lu Yeming took the broken porcelain person out, and a red rope ran through it. He put the red rope into his neck and stuck the broken porcelain person to the position closest to his atrium. "Qing Qing, I love you, now your mother and son are all to me, my life."

Jun Xiqing looked at the porcelain person. At that time, she wanted a knot, so after he came back from the blood, he fell very cruelly on the porcelain person. He did not expect him to put the porcelain person back again, and kept it with him.

He loves Sister Moer, she knows.

She couldn't care less.

So many years of guarding and companionship, she is not qualified to care about.

Now he loved her, Pippi, and their mother and son.

Their mother and son are all he has in his life.

When Jun Xiqing's eyes were wet, a lot of tears fell down.

"Qingqing, why are you crying?"

Lu Yeming held her small dusty face with her big palm, bowed her tongue and kissed off all the tears on her face. He narrowed his eyebrows and smiled softly, "Don't cry, in the future ... even if I'm not with you Do n’t cry beside me, I do n’t want to make you cry at all. ”

Jun Xiqing was kissed by him obediently, and soon his thin thin lips slipped down and kissed her red lips.

A deep kiss, he kissed softly and lingering, with deep nostalgia and perseverance.

Jun Xiqing's head was dizzy, and he kissed him completely without thinking. He was a sister-in-law and flirting master, and she was never his opponent.

At this moment his kiss moved down again, and landed on her graceful pink neck like a swan, with a big hand to unbutton her clothes.


Jun Xiqing was awake quickly, two small hands pushed against him, "Don't ... Lu Yeming, don't ..."

She slanged softly under him, a bit reluctant to welcome, but rejected him.

Lu Yeming raised his head. His breathing was already unstable and even became hot. He asked hoarsely, "Qing Qing, what's wrong? Don't you want me to hurt?"

"..." Jun Xiqing's delicate skin was steamed with two flushes. "Don't just want to just talk to me, it will make me feel like you're coaxing me, you can't coax me with you That one."

"Don't hold me down. You come down first. Didn't your knee hurt? Wait until later."

Jun Xiqing pushed him away, rolled over himself, and slept back to him.

Lu Yeming turned over and lay flat on the bed. He looked at the yellow light above his head and rolled his throat up and down.

He doesn't know if he can come back tomorrow?

As a political leader, he had a keen prediction that this time going to the dark forest was dangerous.

He hasn't touched her for a year. He wants to hurt her well tonight and be gentle with her.

Lu Yeming turned to her side and stuck it from behind, kissing her hair, "Qing Qing, are you really not willing?"

Jun Xiqing closed her eyes. "Why do you keep thinking about this, I'm going to sleep."

"Oh." Lu Yeming husky laughed helplessly.

What is he laughing?

Jun Xiqing wanted to talk, at this moment she felt the man around her got up and got out of bed.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Jun Xiqing turned his head quickly, Lu Yeming had already got up, as if to go out.

Lu Yeming's unfocused phoenix eyes fell on her small face, and a thin and soft smile was drawn on thin lips.

"... I don't!"

"Then you sleep first, and I'll be back in a moment."

Lu Yeming opened the door of the room and went out.


he's gone.

He really left.

Jun Xiqing had no sleepiness, and her pale white teeth clenched her bright red lips, a little annoyed.

She rejected him just now, and although he didn't say anything, he was disappointed.

He hasn't lived for a long time, so is she. He didn't express it very strongly before. Now, Pippi has been two months, and her body has recovered.

Jun Xiqing opened her eyes and started counting sheep with two sheep and three sheep. I don't know how many they counted. There was no movement at all in his ears and he didn't return.

He can't see right now.

Although his invisible appearance is difficult to distinguish, Jun Xiqing is a little worried. What will happen to him?

Moreover, this resort hotel has so many glamorous and cheap goods, and there is a staring Ye Ruge staring at her, she is really not at ease.

Thinking of this, Jun Xiqing quickly got up and got out of bed, and she walked out wearing a coat.


In the cloister.

Lu Yeming didn't go far. He was with Fanmen and explained some tomorrow's things. Mu Yanfeng was definitely not as simple as it seemed, and he could soon reveal his true face of Lushan.

Ye Ruge is also here, she knows that Lu Yeming is going to enter the dark forest, "Master, I know that once you make a decision, it wo n’t change. I do n’t want to say anything. There is only one thing. Please let me enter tomorrow Dark forest! "

Lu Yeming didn't have too much emotion on his handsome and delicate face, but just said indifferently, "No need."

Ye Ruge looked at Lu Yeming's unfocused Tongren, his eyes flushed, "Master, you are now blind. You must enter the dark forest like this and be fierce. I will definitely protect you after I enter!"

Lu Yeming stepped forward, "Ru Ge, we are not only monarchs, but friends for many years. I cannot accept your cornea, nor will you let me enter the dark forest with me. Ru Ge, find one early Good man get married. "

Ye Ruge's twinkling eyes quickly dimmed. At this moment, her gaze suddenly saw a delicate figure coming forward.

Jun Xiqing is here.

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