Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1686: Where is he now?

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

The iron in front of me is Mu Yanfeng!

Iron stiffened, and his eyes became deep and complicated immediately. "Madam, I don't know what you're talking about?"

Jun Xiqing looked at him with red eyes, "Mu Yanfeng, don't pretend, the former iron one is iron one, now the iron one standing in front of me is mu Yanfeng!"

"Mu Yanfeng, you have installed it under the eyelids of Lu Yeming and me for a long time. , Can't wait to show it! "

"Do n’t you know that maybe Lu Yeming played this trick to bring you out? You have always regarded Lu Yeming as your old enemy and thought it would be okay to get rid of him. Then me, do you think of me After the fool, there is another me behind Lu Yeming! "

"Lu Yeming just completed the first half of the war. In the second half, he was given to me when he entered the dark forest!"

As soon as Tie drew his two big palms into his fists, he took a step forward and whispered to her, "Qing Qing ..."

"You don't come over!" Jun Xiqing wanted to step back again.

But she had already stepped into the dark forest with one foot, and if she stepped back, she would really go in.

Mu Yanfeng waved her hands in shock, he looked nervously at Jun Xiqing, "Qing Qing, don't move, I won't come!"

Jun Xiqing didn't move, she tickled her red lips, "Master Mu, have you finally admitted your identity?"

Tie Yi reached out and tore off the person-leather mask on his face, revealing his true face, Mu Yanfeng.

He really is Mu Yanfeng!

Mu Yanfeng looked at Jun Xiqing, "Qing Qing, I didn't lose, this time I didn't lose to Lu Yeming, I just lost to you."

"Why do you always stand on the side of Lu Yeming and Lu Yeming is gone, you come to take his place in the second half, you always stand next to him and shoulder to shoulder with him, why can't you stay with me?"

Looking at Mu Yanfeng's handsome face, Jun Xiqing smiled ironically, "Master Mu, how do you want me to be with you?"

"In the past, when I needed help, you would always appear next to me. On that cliff, you hit the sword for me and fell for the cliff. I was really touched and moved."

"I sincerely treat you as my friend. I have never questioned you. When I fell off the cliff, I said I would marry you. I said I would wait for you. It was all sincere. I also tried to keep Mujiabao for you!"

"But what did you do?"

"My Jun Xiqing is not a fool. Was Zhuo Ping your man during the trip to Dongshan? This is your plan at all. Zhuo Ping has always listened to your orders, and you took me as a chess piece to lu Yeming into the game. You know His corneal surgery has reached the most critical period. You even let Tiyi push me a little, causing me a major bleeding and premature birth. Maybe you never thought about killing me, but you want the baby in my stomach! "

"Also, are those mines buried by you? Lu Yeming could have had it before. He could save me, but you laid mines on that road beforehand!"

"Even, are Mu's father and daughter yours? Was the kidnapping planned by you, how much did you do, what kind of person were you, and when did you start making arrangements?"

"You make me feel terrible, you are really terrible Mu Shaozhu!"

This Mu Yanfeng acted without leaks, originally Jun Xiqing had no doubts, but that trip to Dongshan made her doubt.

The seed of doubt had taken root and sprouted in her heart, the more she calculated, the more terrifying she felt.

It seems that a net has been shrouded from the top of her head, everything that happened to her and Lu Yeming seems to be pushed by a big palm behind her, she seems to fall into a trap.

This person is Mu Yanfeng.

When did he start counting?

Jun Xiqing felt that she had never known the person before her, and she had never seen this Mu Yanfeng clearly!

Mu Yanfeng frowned her lips. "Qingqing, I know you are smart. Today I exposed my true body, and you will definitely be able to figure out all the truth, yes, you are right, the Mu family father and daughter are mine People, Zhuoping is also my person. "


She guessed right?

Jun Xiqing was shocked. Head Mu was the veteran of Country C. The power was so huge that he obeyed Mu Yanfeng?

Mu Yanyan and Lu Yeming had a marriage contract six years ago. When did Mu Yanfeng infiltrate the forces around Lu Yeming?

Jun Xiqing looked at Mu Yanfeng in shock, "Mu Yanfeng, why are you doing this?"

"Qing Qing, I really like you." Mu Yanfeng said frankly.

"Oh," Jun Xiqing smiled twice, "Master Mu, don't tell me you are for me, you are rushing to land in the night, I am just one of your chess pieces, if you have Like me, that's why you fell in love with me during your planning process! "

Mu Yanfeng tickled her thin lips slowly and looked unpredictable. He didn't argue because Jun Xiqing was right.

"Master Mu, who are you?"

Jun Xiqing really can't guess who Mu Yanfeng is.

Lu Yeming is the principal of Country A. Mu Yanfeng dared to land on Yeming. What must be his strong background and secrets? Does he ...

Then this is terrible.

"Qing Qing, who I am, you don't need to know, I just need to know that Lu Yeming is dead now, and I really like you, I will take you away now and leave here."

Jun Xiqing flashed alert in her pair of spirit eyes, and she turned to run.

But it's too late, Mu Yanfeng's big palm swiftly came over, seeing that she would catch her.

She will be arrested by Mu Yanfeng!

On the occasion of a stern attack, a "snap" sounded, and Jun Xiqing's ears rang a crisp sound of a leather whip, and saw a barbed leather whip slamming from the air, heading straight for Mu Yanfeng's facade.

Jun Xiqing looked up, a fiery figure broke into her sight, and Ye Ruge came!

Ye Ruge is here!

In order to avoid the whip, Mu Yanfeng had to take a step back.

"Miss Ye, why are you here?"

Jun Xiqing quickly ran behind Ye Ruge.

Ye Ruge's cold eyes fell on Mu Yanfeng's face, humming with flames and red lips, "The Lord had predicted that Mu Yanfeng would show up before entering the dark forest, so the Lord arranged for me here Wait, Miss Jun's safety! "

Lu Yeming ...

Hearing this name, Jun Xiqing's eyes were red again, and he planned well and considered everything.

He sent someone to protect her.

But what about him?

Where is he now?

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