Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1689: Son, what are you looking at, Daddy is kissing Mummy

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

He washed quickly, only a few minutes.

Jun Xiqing looked up, Lu Yeming came out, wrapped in a refreshing fragrance of bathing.

Today, instead of wearing silk pajamas, he wore a black shirt with all the buttons open, exposing his superb chest, and a black magazine below, barefoot on the soft woolen carpet.

For the first time, Jun Xiqing saw him wearing so casual, lazy and sexy.

Beauty man bathing illustration.

At this moment, Lu Yeming dropped the towel in his hand, and a pair of deep phoenix eyes fell hot on her face.

Jun Xiqing quickly looked away, because with one look, the temperature in this room was soaring dozens of degrees.

Ambiguous, ambiguous, lingering.

In order to cover up her guilty conscience, Jun Xiqing pretended not to see him. She stood up and walked to the counter calmly, pouring herself a glass of boiling water.

Picking up the cup, I just wanted to drink water. At this moment, a big palm with a clear bone stretched out from the back and held the cup in her hand.

He slowly and firmly took the cup from her palm and placed it on the counter.

Lu Yeming hugged her soft waist and twisted her around, then lowered her eyes and kissed her red lips.

"Lu Yeming," Jun Xiqing said quickly, "Do you want to bear it, let your son sleep with us tonight, the son misses you very much."

Lu Yeming stopped kissing and opened his eyes slowly. He asked hoarsely, "Missing a son?"

"Yes, don't you want to?" Jun Xiqing asked back.

Lu Yeming hooked his thin lips, "Oh, you don't want me anymore if you have a son?"


Why did he throw the problem over again?

Also, what question did he ask, did he even eat the vinegar of his son?

"Lu Yeming, that's your seed."

Lu Yeming kissed her tenderly on her delicate face, "I want to give you another seed, let you regenerate another, okay?"


Jun Xiqing's smart pupil shrank and looked at him in horror. She wasn't mentally prepared, so she didn't want to have a second child!

Looking at her frightened, Lu Yeming was funny, "Just joking with you, we have Cheng Cheng, it's enough, go and hug your son."

"Okay, I'm going to hug my son."

Jun Xiqing left the room. Bai Chengxue had been with Xiao Chengyi for the past two days, but Sikong ’s divine medicine had been used. Bai Xue went to see Sikong ’s divine doctor. I picked it up.

Watching Jun Xiqing's delicate figure disappeared into sight, Lu Yeming did not take his eyes back for a long time.

He was joking just now and didn't plan to let her regenerate.

She gave birth to Cheng Cheng, who almost died, and he was reluctant to regenerate her.

The most important reason is how long he can't stay with her, how can she get pregnant again?

It's enough to have a small Cheng Ye.

Lu Yeming drank the glass of boiling water on the counter, and the water was a little cold.


Jun Xiqing took Xiao Chengyi back to the room. Xiao Chengyi saw Lu Yeming and quickly grinned. "Daddy ~ Daddy ~"

Lu Yeming quickly reached out to hug Xiao Chengyu, "Son, hug hug ~"

Xiao Chengxi flung into Daddy's arms.

Lu Yeming hugged him for several laps, and Xiao Chengjun giggled happily. "Daddy, ride ... ride a big horse ~"

"it is good."

Lu Yeming lay on the carpet, Xiao Chengxi rode on his exquisite waist, and stretched out Bai Nen's hand and patted Daddy ’s ass,

Lu Yeming quickly climbed around with Xiao Chengye, and the funny Xiao Chengye almost laughed and fell down.

Jun Xiqing stood aside and watched the interaction between the father and son, and her delicate red lips hooked up.

Lu Yeming is a good daddy.

He will accompany his son to play with him, and he will also be a teacher and friend in the life of his son. Moreover, he has a throne to inherit from his son.

However, watching Xiao Chengxi slap Lu Yeming's ass, Jun Xiqing's face turned red, her eyes dodging.

In the world, the only person who shoots Lu Yeming's **** is Xiao Chengyu.

At this moment, Lu Yeming turned his head, and the deep phoenix eyes fell on her small and bright face, "Qing Qing, come here."

"What's wrong?" Jun Xiqing walked over for unknown reasons.

Lu Yeming gestured with his gaze, "Play together and sit up on your own."


He asked her to ride horses on his slender waist like Xiao Chengxi?

Xiao Chengyu is a small baby, but she is a woman. It is too ambiguous to play like this, she doesn't want to.

Jun Xiqing shook her head and refused, "You play with your son."

She turned to leave.

But Lu Yeming stretched out his big hand to fasten her slender wrist, and with a strong pull, she fell directly on his waist.

"Ah!" Jun Xiqing exclaimed, her small slap flushed.

"Mummy ~ Mummy plays together ~" Xiao Chengxi danced happily.

Now their mother and son are riding on him. He is playing horse riding with them. Jun Xiqing feels sweet in panic and shyness. Her mouth is like honey.

If outsiders see this scene, it is estimated that they will be amazed to die. One day, Lu Yeming, the natural and supreme emperor, would let her and his son ride on him, which is incredible.

She had never dared to think about it before, and dared to think of a day between them.


Tired of playing, the family of three went to bed. Xiao Chengzhen wore a goose yellow jumpsuit with white skin like water tofu, facial features like mommy, and phoenix like daddy. It was surprisingly beautiful.

When I grow up, I don't know if it will be more charming than my dad, and will fascinate thousands of girls.

Now Xiao Chengxi sleeps in the middle, Jun Xiqing sleeps inside, Lu Yeming sleeps outside, Xiao Chengxi has a bottle in his mouth and is eating grandma.

Lu Yeming did not fall asleep, Ying Ting's back lazily leaned against the bedside table, "Is the son weaned?"

He whispered to her.

Jun Xiqing looked up, looking at his exquisite and handsome face. In the dim light, the man in the night had an unspeakable **** charm. She nodded and whispered, "Yeah, breastfeeding for six months, I It's weaned, and you're not there. "

Lu Yeming raised her narrow brows, leaned her long body over, and kissed the hair next to her earlobe. "Weaned so early?"

Why is he holding on to the topic of weaning?

Jun Xiqing's head came up with some pictures that were not suitable for children, so he gave him a small red face and glanced at him, "because ... because my son doesn't want to eat ..."

"Then why don't you ask me, maybe I ..."

"Lu Yeming!" Jun Xiqing stopped him quickly, and he was not allowed to talk nonsense.

Lu Yeming hooked her thin lips and wanted to kiss her red lips.

"No, son!"

Jing Junxi whispered to remind him that Lu Yeming looked down at his handsome eyelids, and Xiao Chengxi, who had been drinking her grandmother's eyes and closed her sleep, suddenly opened her eyes and stared at her dad and her mum.

"Son, what are you looking at, Daddy is kissing Mummy."

Lu Yeming kissed Jun Xiqing directly.


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