Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1711: Husband, you must come back, please

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

At this moment, everyone looked up.

Today, Jun Xiqing wore a red and black phoenix dress, and a pure black hair curled up on her hair, with a dazzling golden yellow lined with phoenix hair, her delicate and bright face came from the picture. Yaochi fairy.

Jun Xiqing also painted a Nine Secluded Flower on her forehead. The red and delicate flowers made her beautiful.

Lu Yeming led her and Xiao Chengyu step by step to the beacon, that supreme position.

Later, later, Jun Xiqing often took Xiao Chengyu's small hand alone up the seemingly acquainted steps. She remembered that he had held her big hand. She thought maybe Lu Yeming had already thought of herself. The end, this is the last journey he accompanied her.


The presidential luxury car was already waiting, and Vatican opened the rear door respectfully.

Lu Yeming was dressed in a black military uniform, with a black belt buckled on his exquisite waist, and a golden tassel hung on the uniform, shining and powerful.

Lu Yeming held Xiao Chengyi in his strong arms and kissed his face. "Son, Dad is gone."

Xiao Chengjun didn't cry, she said bravely, "Goodbye dad, I will take good care of Mummy ~"

"Good son!"

Lu Yeming handed Xiao Chengxi to Jun Xiqing, and Jun Xiqing held out two small hands and hugged them.

"Qing Qing, I'm gone." Lu Yeming's deep phoenix eyes looked at Jun Xiqing softly, with deep resentment and nostalgia.

Jun Xiqing nodded and smiled at him brightly, saying only one word, "OK."

Lu Yeming closed his eyebrows and kissed her forehead.

Jun Xiqing trembled Yu Jie, her eyes were a little bit red.

The officers and men of the three armed forces were waiting, and Lu Yeming left her forehead, then pulled away.

he's gone.

Jun Xiqing watched his uncle Chang Yingting's figure go a little bit and was about to disappear into her sight. She suddenly stepped forward two steps and said, "Husband."

Lu Yeming had already walked to the president's luxury car and was about to get on the car. He heard the delicate voice coming from behind him, he stopped and turned his eyes.

He saw Jun Xiqing's flowery jade face, her eyes were already red, and a layer of crystal clear water mist accumulated in it.

Jun Xiqing stepped forward two steps, but stopped, she did not walk to him, but looked at him at a distance.

She slowly lifted her red lips, "It's nothing, just want to tell you, go, there will be me behind, everything will be fine."

Lu Yeming stared deeply at her little face, she smiled at him, stubbornly did not let the tears in his eyes fall, in his eyes, it was so pitiful that people wanted to love it.

That's not what she was about to say.

Lu Yeming pulled out his long legs and walked towards her.

He is here again.

Jun Xiqing quickly turned around and ran away.

Lu Yeming's footsteps stagnated, watching her quickly disappear into her sight.

"Master, it's time to set off," Vatican reminded in a low voice.

Lu Yeming's handsome eyebrows were softened, "Qing Qing, I'm really gone."

There was no sound.

She did not answer him.

Lu Yeming turned on the presidential luxury car, and the luxury car galloped away.

Everyone is gone.

Jun Xiqing hid at the corner and heard the whistle coming from a distance. This time he really left.

She hid and didn't let him find it, because she didn't dare.

She was afraid he would come, she didn't want to let him go.

Only this time.

The crystal clear and hot teardrops fell down instantly, and Jun Xiqing wept silently, only this time.

If time comes again, she will definitely not have the courage to send him away for the second time.


Why did she just miss him just after he left?

Jun Xiqing ran away.

"Queen, where are you going?" Bottle said anxiously.


Jun Xiqing ran to Houshan. She stood in the bamboo forest and looked down at the road below.

This is a shortcut. Lu Yeming will pass here.

At this time, several jeep cars came galloping, then the presidential luxury car with the golden letter "A" came, and Lu Yeming's car came.

Through the black expensive car film, Jun Xiqing couldn't see inside, but she already felt his presence.

Here is the air he breathes, and he is there.

"Lu Yeming ..."

Jun Xiqing murmured his name, the president's luxury car galloped away, and she quickly followed the car.

But how could her feet keep up with the presidential luxury car, which slowly drifted away.

"Lu Yeming ... husband ... you must come back ... husband ... wow ..."

When Jun Xiqing stepped on her feet, her delicate body fell to the ground all at once, and her white palms reached the rough ground, and immediately broke a piece of skin.

One drop, two drops ...

The blood dripped.

Jun Xiqing looked at the blood in her palms, her eyes were tingling for a while, and she heard that the blood was an unknown sign.

She had a premonition that he would not return.

Jun Xiqing sat on the ground embarrassingly, covering her face with two little hands, crying in a loss.

"Woohoo, husband ..."

His car is gone.

He really left.

Never come back again.

He left her.

Jun Xiqing was sad, and Ying Xiang's weak shoulder trembled because of crying. At this moment, her sorrow turned into a river.

At this moment a low magnetic voice sounded in his ear, "Qing Qing."


Someone was calling her, a soft, pitiful and distressed voice, listening to such familiarity, familiarity.

Lu Yeming.

She heard Lu Yeming's voice. Didn't he leave, did she miss him because she missed him too much?

Jun Xiqing slowly raised her face, and she saw a handsome face like Guanyu in the blur of tears.

Lu Yeming is back.

He seemed like a **** from the sky, and suddenly appeared in front of her.

Jun Xiqing was shocked, and the slender plume drenched in wet water mist trembled like a butterfly cicada, staring at him blankly.

"You ... why are you back?"

Lu Yeming's black military boots stepped on the bamboo leaves and made a calm and calm voice. He looked at her and slowly raised his thin lips. "I heard someone calling me, husband, I also heard someone crying ..."

Jun Xiqing burst into tears and smiled quickly, and she got up and rushed into his arms.

Lu Yeming stretched out his arms to catch her delicate body, and wished to rub her into her own blood, her thin, thin lips pressed to her hair, and his voice was dumb, "Qing Qing."

His Qingqing.

Jun Xiqing held his handsome face with a small hand, looked at him with tears in his eyes, and choked nonstop, "Husband, you must come back ... Please, please come back ... I am scared, I have always been scared ... I'm afraid you will be left ... "

Lu Yeming touched her soft hair, and she broke his heart into tears.

"Qingqing, I promise you, no matter where I am, I will try to come back, my home is you."

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