Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1728: Meet father and son

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Lu Yeming watched Jun Xiqing leave, and when her delicate figure disappeared into her sight, Lu Yeming calmly withdrew her arm from Qian Qian's hand. Qian pulled away.

Qianqian looked at Lu Yeming, "Brother Ming, did you plant that rose flower for your elder sister? Is that elder sister the one you love?"

Lu Yeming squeezed her thin lips, and looked at Qian Qian indifferently, "Yes."

Qian Qian was very injured immediately. She went to the beach a year ago and suddenly saw Lu Yeming floating on the sea, so she rescued Lu Yeming.

She fell in love with Lu Yeming at first sight, but Lu Yeming had been cold and warm to her, alienated and indifferent.

She knew that Lu Yeming loved a woman in his heart, and he had been missing that woman this year.

The moment Jun Xiqing arrived, Qian Qian knew that the woman living in his heart had finally arrived.

Qianqian grumbled her red lips, "Brother Ming, why don't you tell your big sister the truth, your health has never been good, and you will get sick every month and a half. Once you get sick, it will become like a demon , You will hurt the people around you, if you go back with the older sister, you will lose your reason and hurt the older sister when you get sick. "

Lu Yeming copied his trouser pockets with his hands, and his eyes were so dark that he couldn't see through any emotions in his heart. "My business, you don't need to worry."

"Brother, I ..."

Qian Qian was about to cry, she looked at Lu Yeming pitifully.

He never thought of marrying her, everything was fake, he just wanted Jun Xiqing to leave as soon as possible.

It will be half a month soon, and Jun Xiqing is very dangerous to stay here.

He is Jun Xiqing's husband. Both of them have even got their marriage certificate, but remarrying is a big marriage. How is it possible?

Then Ping Ping came in, "Who is Miss Qian Qian?"

Qian Qian froze, "I am."

With a wave of Ping Ping's hand, the two men in black quickly stepped forward and directly held down Qian Qian.

Qianqian was shocked. "Who are you, why did you catch me, what did I do?"

Pingping laughed, "Ms. Qianqian, don't worry, our lady please invite you to visit the palace for a few days."

"I don't go, why should I go? You let go of me quickly, and I didn't break the law, you always have a reason to arrest someone."

Ping Ping looked at Qian Qian, this Qian Qian was very beautiful. At first glance, she was a restless character.

"Ms. Qianqian, our lady please invite you, you have to go, you have to go, and take people away!"


The two men in black forcibly took the bottle away.

Ping Ping looked back at Lu Yeming nervously, "Brother Ming, you must save me, you must save me!"

Lu Yeming looked at this scene. There was no emotional ups and downs on his handsome and delicate face, but his eyebrows moved slightly, then he pulled his long legs forward.

At this point, Pingpin stepped forward, blocking his way, "Please stay."

Lu Yeming stopped, and those deep phoenix eyes fell calmly on the bottle's face.

He didn't speak, not even the look on Jun's face, but the man who had been at a politically high position these years was immersed in his blood.

Lu Ye faintly glanced at the bottle, condescending.

Bottle scalp numb, she was not sure that Lu Yeming was back at first, but now she is 100% sure. Lu Yeming is in front of her!

Only Lu Yeming has such a thin and powerful aura and a peerless style that admires fear.

A year ago, Lu Yeming closed his eyes at the western border. He walked on the road of power and coexistence of flowers and thorns all his life. The 18-year-old was a legend.

"Lord ... lord ..."

Ping Ping quickly lowered his head and made way.

Lu Yeming went out.


Outside, the presidential plane printed with the golden letter "A" was luxuriously and magnificently parked there, and both were uniform personnel.

Lu Yeming saw the delicate figure at a glance. Jun Xiqing was sitting in the co-pilot cabin, wearing a handsome lady's jacket, the black jacket zipper was pulled all the way to the top, she put out two small hands to A black hair tied a ponytail low, a pair of sunglasses hung on the face with a large palm, and a bright and dazzling style was added to the small and dusty face.

Lu Yeming's eyes fell on her, and she could no longer be moved away. This year, she was in control of the world, and she was in charge of the curtain.

She was all sorts of coquettish people to him last night.

It is also her who sits high in the co-pilot cabin.

Lu Yeming's heart suddenly made ripples, and when she saw her coming to control the wolf in the Imperial City, he knew she was enough to match him.

For so many years, he put her personally into the supreme position.

Lu Yeming stepped forward.

At this point the plane had taken off slowly, without waiting for him, Pingpin said, "Master, the lady said that she took your fiancee away. If you want Miss Qianqian, she can go to the palace to find the lady.

She wanted him to return to the palace.

Lu Yeming looked at Jun Xiqing in the co-pilot's cabin. At this moment Jun Xiqing glanced over and looked over.

She couldn't see her spirit eyes behind the sunglasses, and the breeze briskly moved her strands of hair, tangling her bright and touching face, and she quickly disappeared into his sight.

she left.

She left.


Lu Yeming left the island of Werner and flew to King A's Palace.

Vatican greeted him, goodbye to the lord, and his eyes were red, "Master, you have finally come home!"

Lu Yeming looked at this familiar palace, exactly like the memory, he came to the city platform, where he could overlook the entire territory of country A, "Where is Jun Xiqing?"

His voice was low and magnetically open.

"Return to the lord, the lady said she ... want to see you for the time being, when she wanted to see you, she would summon you naturally."

Vatican finished these words, then carefully looked at Lu Yeming's face.

Lu Yeming raised a handsome brows. When others came, she ignored him. "What else did she say?"

"The prince also said ... saying that you have lost memory, it is not ours ... the prince, this time you come to the palace, you can't do it ... the prince's gift." Vatican stumbled.


Lu Yeming slowly evoked thin lips, what a Jun Xiqing!

At this moment, a tender milk sound rang in my ear, "Mom, flying so high."

Lu Yeming's eardrums were his son, Xiao Chengyu!

He immediately looked up.

In the blue sea in front, the blue waves and scales, ancient beasts stepped on the sea, and flew upwards. Bai Ling's back was riding a white gauze woman, and in the woman's arms there was a pink carved jade boy.

Today, Jun Xiqing wore an elegant white gauze dress, tied with the willows of Yingying's grip, and a pure black hair was scattered on the shoulders of her shoulders, with a red spot on her delicate forehead. Qiangwei, she galloped in the air with Bai Ling, her skirt was graceful, and the beauty was suffocating.

She is like a fairy from Yaochi who fell from the sky.

Lu Chengyi is two years old, inheriting the fine genes of his parents. Xiao Chengyi has a pair of bright phoenix eyes, his features are more like Jun Xiqing, and the two-year-old boy is handsome.

"Mummy, we're going to heaven."

Xiao Chengxi was very happy and giggled.

Lu Yeming's ears were filled with the laughter of Xiao Chengyi Yin Ling, and his eyes were deeply attracted by Jun Xiqing. This year he was away, she took good care of everything, even better than him .

Lu Yeming came to the lake and wanted to see his son. At this moment, a maid stopped him. "Who are you, please stop here. There are female princes and new princes in front of you. You can't approach half a step." ! "

Lu Yeming's gloomy and sharp eyes glanced at the maid immediately.

The maid's scalp was numb, and she turned to Vatican for help.

Brahman's eyes flickered, and he stiffened his head and said, "Master, this is the order of the concubine. The concubine said that you have lost memory. Presumably, even Cheng Cheng didn't remember, so naturally there is no need to meet."

Lu Yeming's thin lips curled into a cold arc, and it was hurt and itchy by Jun Xiqing in her heart. I can't wait to catch her now and hit him with a little pp.

"Master, are you really going to marry that Qianqian? Lord, the lady has been waiting for you to return home this year, you must not lose the lady!"

"Now we all listen to the concubine. The concubine is the biggest. I think the lord should accompany the concubine, and make the concubine happy again!"

Lu Yeming's unshakable Junyan showed a wave of fluctuations. He glanced at Fan Men, but this has been with his close friends for many years, left and right, so he hasn't seen for a year, Fan Men's heart is biased towards Jun Xiqing Where did it go?

At this moment Bai Ling flew over, Jun Xiqing took Xiao Chengyu's hand down.

Xiao Chengmin's pair of black eyes quickly saw Lu Yeming, and he hugged Jun Xiqing's hand happily. "Mum and Mum, look, who is that?"

Lu Yeming felt satisfied and moved for a while, and sure enough, he was still his son.

His own son.

Xiao Chengyu ran over and looked at Lu Yeming with his small face carved in pink and jade carving, "Lu Shuying, I haven't seen you for a year, are you okay?"

What ... what?

Lu ... Shu?

There was a crack in Lu Yeming's deep Feng's eyes, which was called "Shu Shu" by his son. It felt like ... Wan Jian penetrated his heart.

Xiao Chengmin said slowly, "Lu Shuying, I heard that you are about to marry a new wife. I'm sorry, I threw your new wife into the firewood room. For nothing else, she provoked my mother. Mi is unhappy, so you must be careful about Lu Shuying, you must not make my mom unhappy. "

"By Lu Shuming, my mummy will have a birthday tomorrow. I have ordered someone to customize the most gorgeous dress for my mummy. Tomorrow I will dress my mummy as the most beautiful woman in the world. I also invited many princes. Son, rich and powerful, intend to give my mommy ... a husband! "

"But there are too many men who adore my mummy. I'm afraid I won't be able to make up my mind, so tomorrow's birthday party, Lu Shuying will also participate. His wife's big scumbag, right? "


Three thousand words more, and during the day.

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