Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1732: Have a daughter

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Jun Xiqing took a step back and did not let him touch, she turned and left.


Lu Yeming came to the hall, the birthday party continued, and everyone was still dancing.

Jun Xiqing drank two more glasses of red wine. This time she was completely drunk and she lay on the sofa.

Three thousand green silks were draped and scattered loosely, and a few strands were wrapped around her blurred crimson face. She was lazily drunk on the sofa, and the skirt of the phoenix was opened with a fork. The beautiful legs, drunk Jun Xiqing really want to be charming, the eyes of those dancing powers and the male pets are staring at her, and can never be moved away.

"Wine, I still have to drink ..." Jun Xiqing moaned her red lips and muttered dissatisfied.

Ping Ping stepped forward, "Prince, you can't drink any more."

"Why? Bottle, I'm going to drink!"

If Pingpin was not given, Jun Xiqing stood up, "Then let me dance, I want to ... dance ..."

Jun Xiqing's pace was a bit stingy. Just after taking a step, her delicate body fell straight forward.

"Prince, be careful!"

A male pet caught Jun Xiqing.

Jun Xiqing looked at the man's pet in a blur, his white fingers directly hooked the tie between the man's neck, "What's your name?"

The male pet was flattered, "Go back to my daughter, my name is Xiao k."

"Okay, little k, you'll be sleeping tonight!"

The male pet rejoiced, "Yes, female."

Jun Xiqing is already drunk, her head is full of Lu Yeming's pretend to have amnesia, he doesn't want her anymore, she is just a ridiculous big fool!

The male pet Xiao K in front of him suddenly turned into Lu Yeming's handsome and delicate face, Jun Xiqing trembled Yu Jie, grieved with red lips, "You said, do you still love me, do you love it? Love me? "

Drunk Jun Xiqing couldn't stand, she had a sweet aroma, now lingering with a faint scent of wine, she was like a child craving for sweets, and looked at the male pet Xiaok poorly.

The male pet Xiao K's body was hot, and now Jun Xiqing was very close to her, and her delicate red lips were almost late.

"Prince, I love you, of course I love you."

The male pet Xiao K couldn't wait to kiss Jun Xiqing's red lips.

In the next second, a large palm with a clear joint stretched out, holding Jun Xiqing's slender haw wrist firmly, and Jun Xiqing fell into a warm and exquisite chest.

Here comes Lu Yeming.

Jun Xiqing blinked stupidly, "You let go of me, I don't want you to touch ... go marry that Qianqian, I also have a man's pet, I've ordered it tonight ... little k bed, no, I want to order eight male pets, and the eight husbands come to the door ... I'm furious, huh! "

Jun Xiqing hummed, two small hands reached the land of Ye Ming, trying to push him away.

Lu Yeming's face was somber that he could drip the water. Just now he saw the little pet K almost kissed her!

Lu Yeming directly picked her up and left, leaving this birthday party.


On the second floor, Lu Yeming kicked off the door of the master bedroom and placed the drunk Jun Xiqing on the soft big bed.

Jun Xiqing quarreled inarticulately, "Lu Yeming, you don't want me, I don't want you anymore ... you played with the young beautiful girl outside this year, but I'm here to guard your family and you, Still standing like a jade, why? "

Lu Yeming looked at her. Her delicate body moved like a small water snake in the soft big bed, and the phoenix on Ying Runxiang's shoulder slid down from one side, exposing her vast white and delicate skin, black. And White strongly hit his eyes.

Lu Yeming lifted his long fingers, unbuttoned the two buttons on his shirt, and licked his dry thin lips with a long tongue, which looked evil, wild, and mad.

Kneeling on the bed on one knee, he reached out and took her small body under her, and then slapped her on her small pp.


Jun Xiqing's painful eyes burst into tears.

"Lu Yeming, you hit me, you hit me ... wow ..."

Jun Xiqing lay on the bed, sobbing sadly.

The crystal tears slipped from her crimson little face, and she cried terribly.

Lu Yeming held her two big palms on her side and kissed her little face with her eyebrows closed.

The big palm shuttled into her Ufa, clasped her head in her palm, then turned her little face, and let her red lips kiss him.

Jun Xiqing was lying on the bed, this kissing posture is uncomfortable, he firmly controlled her, she went to cater.

"Well, don't!"

Jun Xiqing clenched her teeth and refused to open her mouth.

"Good, open your mouth." Lu Ye's hoarse voice seduce.

Jun Xiqing shook her head like a drum.

Lu Yeming kissed her little nose, "Wife Qingqing, obediently, open your mouth quickly, I love you, I love you all."

He said he loved her ...

Jun Xiqing's body that had been resisting suddenly weakened, and lost strength to bite the teeth. He took the opportunity to drive straight in, and turned the river in her honey belly.


Jun Xiqing was fainted by the kiss.

Lu Yeming stretched out her hand to pull the phoenix suit on her body, and rolled her thin lips to her white earlobe. "It's been a hard year this year, and your husband is going to hurt you so much tonight."

Jun Xiqing is soft like water. How can he say such a straightforward sweet talk?

"Wait a minute ... don't ... no that ... nothing!"

Jun Xiqing still remembers this.

Lu Yeming stood up straight, with scarlet feelings in his deep eyes, "Are you in danger?"

Jun Xiqing nodded, "Well ... will be pregnant ..."

Lu Yeming relieved his turbulence in his body. With his current physical condition, it really wasn't suitable for her to get pregnant. "Then I will prepare."

Lu Yeming got out of bed and left.


Lu Yeming left, and Jun Xiqing flushed on the soft big bed with a flushed face. At this moment, he clicked and the room door opened.

Someone came in.

It's a male pet.

One, two, three ... seven, eight ...

Here are eight male pets.

This was Jun Xiqing's own request, and the eight husbands came to the door.

Eight men's pets looked at Jun Xiqing, who was charming on the bed, and his eyes burst into flames. The little k stepped forward and said, "Prince ... Prince ..."

Jun Xiqing snorted, her eyes blurred.

"Prince, we are here to serve you."

That little k couldn't wait to take off his shirt.

Lu Yeming came back with a box of things in his hand, put his palm on the doorknob, and pushed the door open.

The next second, his deep pupil reflected the scene in the room. The seven male pets were standing by the bed, and the bold little k took off his shirt, his red eyes stared at Jun Xiqing on the bed, He also yanked the belt around his waist and was preparing to take off his pants.

Lu Yeming's deep phoenix eyes were gloomy immediately, and the small storm rolled up seemed to engulf everyone.

The little k pants hadn't been taken off, only to feel a strong wind blowing around him, and then a fist slammed hard against his handsome face.

Two minutes later, the door of the room opened, and K and the other pets were all thrown out.

The men's pets all had color on their faces, and they were lying on the ground like grotesques, mourning.

They were beaten.

Lu Yeming stabbed them fiercely.


in the room.

Lu Yeming “locked” the door of the room, and Jun Xiqing on the bed had no idea what was happening. She blushed softly and softly.

Even if Lu Yeming was still angry, she saw that she was crisp all over.

It's all her fault!

Lu Yeming threw the box in his hand directly into the trash can, then turned over.

Jun Xiqing felt that someone was pulling her clothes. She reached out her small hand and held the big palm, "Did you get that?"

Lu Yeming leaned down and kissed her red lips, responding casually, "Hold it."


In the study, Vatican opened the door of the study and walked in, respectfully, "Xinjun."

The black leather chair turned quietly, sitting on it was a small milk group carved in pink and jade. Lu Chengyu held a tablet computer in his hand, and his little finger quickly swiped on it. The screen was full of codes, and the people who saw it were dazzled.

Lu Chengye didn't look away from the tablet, and Milk asked, "How are Daddy and Mummy?"

Fanmen happily said, "Xinjun, the prince gave the male pets a meal. Now he is in the room with the female prince, and the door is locked."

There was nothing unexpected about Lu Chengyi, and Nisu said milkily, "Who asked Dad to bully Mommy is a little punishment for him, but it seems that I will soon have a little sister."

Vatican is really convinced by this small milk group. As a genius child of IQ280, Xiao Chengxi has begun to handle government affairs. Under the immature appearance, he is actually a veritable big man, and blue is better than blue.

"Xinjun, what shall we do next?"

Lu Chengyu wrote a set of code, then put down the tablet, jumped from the leather chair, "Let's go."

"Where to go?"


Firewood room.

Qianqian has been held here for two days. No one has seen her or talked to her for the past two days. She feels she is going to be driven crazy.

At this moment, the door of Chaifang opened, the two servants came in, put a chair in front of her, and then a small powder-carved jade ball came in and sat in a swing. On the chair.

Brahmin stood respectfully behind.

"You ... who are you?" Qianqian was afraid.

Sitting on the chair, Lu Chengyi looked at Qianqian with **** eyes, and laughed milkily, "Pretty aunt, don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person, I just came to ask you something."

"What's the matter?" Qianqian asked alertly.

"I want to ask about my dad's physical condition. I ordered it. You saved my dad a year ago, didn't you?"

Speaking of this, Qianqian shrank into the corner with vigilance. The one in front of her was just a two-year-old child. She didn't have to be afraid.

"Pretty aunt, don't you want to say it?"

"Yes, what about it?"

Lu Chengyi's childish face suddenly cooled down, and a pair of phoenix eyes filled with a chilly smile, "Pretty aunt, you seduce my father and make my mummy angry, how do you punish me What about it? Otherwise, I'll make you scratch your face and throw you to the red light district of Africa to sell. What do you think? "


Six thousand more, and one more.

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