Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1735: Take the lesson to bully her two gangsters

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Shirayuki returned one --- I see.

There was no more WeChat from Si Kongyu over there.

Why didn't he return?

Bai Xue remembered the photo just now. She was posing and obviously wanted to attract his attention, but he didn't comment on the photo.

Maybe he is busy.

Shirayuki closed the phone.

At this time, the door of the bar was pushed open, and a group of people came in. At the front were two extraordinarily striking figures. "Brushing" attracted all the attention.

Bai Xue quickly held Jun Xiqing's small hand, "Qing Qing, who are you coming to see?"

Jun Xiqing glanced down and saw two familiar figures.

It is Lu Yeming and Feng Sinan.

The door of the bar was pushed open, there was an air-conditioner wrapped in outside, a group of people came in, and Lu Yeming and Feng Sinan were at the front.

The manager of the bar greeted him personally, with a smile on his face, and greeted the two VIP VIPs, one is the king of A, and the other is the empire. The two are a real family.

Lu Yeming took off the black coat on the outside and handed it to Fanmen behind him. Inside was a fine-textured white shirt and black trousers. The fine fabric was ironed without any wrinkles. Alas, all his hands and feet were full of Lu Yeming, who was unattainable.

Compared to Lu Yeming, Feng Sinan is more business-oriented, taking off his overcoat, he has a white shirt inside and a business vest, and the tassel brooch on the vest is shining. Superimposed by the inexplicable charm of business leaders.

When these two men entered the bar, they immediately attracted everyone's attention, especially the eyes of the beauties.

"Qing Qing," Bai Xue whispered, "Who do you see behind President Lu?"

Jun Xiqing looked at it and it was Qianqian.

This time when she came to the bar, Lu Yeming brought Qian Qian with her. Qian Qian struck a long skirt, standing beautifully behind Lu Yeming, very cute and sweet.

Led by the lobby manager, Lu Yeming and Feng Sinan entered the luxury box and quickly disappeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, Jun Xiqing's ears rang a gossip,

--- You saw it just now, that is President Lu and General Manager Feng, the two major gods of war in the male **** world.

--- Yes, I saw President Lu followed by a beautiful young girl, wouldn't it be President Lu's new love?

--- Impossible, President Lu and his concubine are in deep affection. One year ago, President Lu had even more concubines. He was polygamous. This year President Lu was absent. How could President Lu get married?

--- Men are big pigshoes. I heard that the reason why President Lu did not return this year was for this new love.

--- No, President Lu and his wife have changed their marriage?

Bai Xue listened to these words and looked worriedly at Jun Xiqing. "Qing Qing, what's going on with President Lu, how can he get so close to that Qian Qian?"

Jun Xiqing's slap on her bright little face had no emotions. She blinked at Bai Xue, "Axue, you don't have to worry about my affairs, I know everything."

With this sentence, Bai Xue was really at ease, "Qing Qing, you are now a pregnant woman. Do you have to pay attention to rest?"


At this moment a man came over and looked at Bai Xue, "Hi, beauty, can I buy you a drink?"

This man is one of the two men who just stared at Bai Xue secretly.

This man also looks good and looks like a business elite. On the surface, gentleman Sven is very popular in this bar.

However, the man's vision was also very high. At the first glance when Bai Xue came in, he aimed at Bai Xue.

Now I can't sit still. Come and ask Bai Xue to have a drink.

Bai Xue raised the hooked pupils and glanced at the man, and then slightly red lips, "I'm sorry, my boyfriend will come later."

Bai Xue refused directly, indicating that he had a boyfriend.

The man froze, disappointed, "beauty, then I'm disturbed."

That man is gone.

Bai Xue stood up. "Qing Qing, I'm going to the bathroom."


Shirayuki left.


Bai Xue went to the bathroom, just passing by the two men, and the eyes of the two men were still staring at her.

Under the colorful lights in the bar, the two men's eyes stared at Bai Xue, Bai Xue wearing a black and white polka dot suspender skirt, which is a kind of xing cold wind skirt, two slim arms bare, slim and bumpy Under the wavy curly hair is Bai Xue's clear and bright goose egg face, red lips and white teeth, a lazy high-level feeling that is difficult for other women to reach.

The eyes of the two men were flaming. "Drag what, the woman who comes to the bar to drink is not a one-night stand?"

"I don't think she walks in a good way, can you do it with other men, why can't you do it with us?"

The two men drank a lot of alcohol and borrowed it. "Hi, beauties, don't go. What price do you want, obviously, how much does it cost to play with our brothers for one night?"

Two men blocked Shirayuki's way.

Bai Xue stopped and looked directly at the two men in front of him. The two men saw that Sven was rich and also a business elite, but he did not expect to be a Sven scum.

There are too many such men in the society. Under the beautiful light, there are a pair of dirty and gloomy eyes. It is not a serious girl who comes out of the bar, and the one who wears a little exposure is about-artillery.

Bai Xue straightened her exquisite beautiful back, and the little green hand took a glass of red wine on the bar. "My price is high, you must show sincerity first."

This is drama!

The two men stared at each other, overjoyed, can't wait to get Bai Xuexue charming now, "What sincerity, we have!"


Bai Xue drew red lips, a pair of eye-catching pupils, and she stepped forward, slowly pouring the red wine in her hand over the head of one of the men.

The red liquor flowed down the man's face, and was full of embarrassment.

"What do you mean?"

The two men quickly realized that they had been fooled by Bai Xue. They looked overcast and looked at Bai Xue fiercely.

Bai Xue put the empty wine glass in her hand back on the bar. A few dangerously cold Yan Yan overflowed from her pair of pupils. "You are too smelly, and you need to take a good wash."


A man reached out to catch Shirayuki.

Bai Xuemingyan's small face froze suddenly. She looked at the salty pig's hand reaching out and was about to fight back.

But then a large white hand came forward lightningly, and clasped the salty pig's hand.

Bai Xue's fan-like quiver trembled, and she looked at the big hand that came suddenly. It was as slender as white and invincibly beautiful. It was the hand of a natural pianist or the doctor with a scalpel.

The big hand was a lean wrist, wearing a precious steel watch on the wrist, and a small white shirt neat and tidy, and a black suit without ironing on the outside.

Bai Xue's heart jumped, and she quickly raised her eyes. She saw Swen's handsome face, and Si Kong was here.

Si Kongyu is back.

Bai Xue was surprised, wasn't he still on a business trip, why did he come back suddenly?

Si Kongzhen clasped the salty pig's hand, he stood upright, the cold cold black eyes refracted behind the golden silk glasses looked at the two men lightly, "apologies to my girlfriend."

There was a strong sense of power in his low, charming voice.

Girlfriend Bai Xueyu trembled a bit, and a sweetness spread in her heart, Si Kongyu fell from the sky, and a clean and indifferent business elite breath came from her face.

The two sloppy men in front of him can also be regarded as business elites, but the arrival of Si Kongzhen, the blood of the aristocracy flowing in the bone blood and an extraordinary sense of pride and good cultivation have long thrown these two people away. Thousands of miles.

Compared with Si Kongzheng, these two men are like imitations.

"I don't apologize, why should I apologize ..." The shy man was still shouting, screaming next second, "Ah!"

Si Kong pinched his finger and broke the man's wrist directly.

The man's sore face was pale and shouted.

Si Kong frowned, "Apologize or not?"

"I apologize, I apologize!" The shy man immediately persuaded, "Beauty, I'm sorry, we are cheap, we are wrong, please let your adults ignore the villain, let us go, ah, my hand break It's up! "

Bai Xue moved a little closer to Si Kongyu's side, and she looked at him with a bright goose egg face, "Sikron, the doctor, forget it, just teach me!"

Si Kongyu let go of the man's hand.

The two men were immediately ashamed and angry, "It turned out to be a little white face, no wonder I don't look down on us, do you know who I am, have you heard of Daxing Finance, I am a financial prince!"

Si Kongzhen didn't look at the two people anymore, he looked at Bai Xue with his handsome eyelids, "Is it all right?"

Shirayuki shook her head. "I'm fine."

Si Kongzhen copied his big hand into his pants pocket, took out his cell phone, and dialed a phone number.

"Xiao Bailian, are you afraid? I can't keep you from moving my finger! Look, my dad's phone is here, I'll let my dad send someone to teach you!"

Prince Financial answered the phone and said, "Hey, Dad ..."

The curse and wailing of the financial dad's head covering his face sounded at the end, "Little animal, what have you done outside? Just now I was informed that the major banks have already blacklisted us and will not lend to us. The capital chain was broken, and the company couldn't run at once. The companies we cooperated with asked us to pay a high liquidation penalty, and now we lost everything! "

"Small beast, what big man did you offend outside? This big man touched us and killed us!"


There is one more baby.

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